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Writing in a World that Doesn’t Feel Safe

🦋 💜 🌿 I hope you have been doing well.

coming back after the holidays is always a rude transition. Are you feeling it?

Monday we started the Winter Season of the Digital Organization Club and

have Class 2 today– and if you aren’t a member yet,

​you can still join to organize your ideas with us at our live class today by going here.​

(Members of the fall group please don’t forget you have a coupon!)

Things have been crazy lately.

I don’t want to get into a big discussion of it,

but I’ll just say I am so glad I have been working on my optimism muscles for the past 6 months.

Some inspirational things:

Been reading a lot of MLK and watching videos of Bernice King, which I will continue to do so for inspiration and spiritual strength.

I’m also really enjoying reading about internal family systems in books by Richard Schwartz, and

applying some of that knowledge to my life, business and writing goals,

which helps since all my parts seem to be going in all kinds of directions lately.

Yeah…in sum, the world feels kinda unsafe and hard this week.

But you know me, I keep fighting to light that inner fire regardless.

Lastly I want to share a video that has been sitting on my heart for a few months

No one gives you this advice so I made this video.

Keep it Private. Keep it Safe.

If you don’t feel safe having your writing out there in the broader world right now, that is okay and there are a few simple solutions.

Because keeping your thoughts private has seemingly fallen out of vogue as a legitimate life choice, let me remind you of your options and also assure you that,

And if you are not a member yet

yes, contrary to how you might feel or what other people may suggest, it is totally a legit option to seek safety for your words, thoughts, and writing if you need or want it.

You can be a human or a professional and utilize these tools.

Watch this video.

And if you want to marinate in your own private space with a little company,

​come join the Digital Organization Club ​

where you can play with your ideas, notes and documents off-line,

with no one reading over your shoulder

but still have opportunities to share and get help whenever you want.

Things people are saying about the Digital Organization Club:

I’m having so much fun with it.”

“I’m going to continue!”

“I highly recommend this course if you feel overwhelmed with a bunch of ideas.

“saved me hours and hours of searching!”

I used to have trouble finding things, and using my ideas.

Now I know where everything is and it has changed my life.

In the last few years I used this organization system to:

-publish 25+ articles in 6 months.

-sell out multiple writing groups in my business.

-improve my health, financial, and personal joy.

Truly, being organized did so much more than just help me reach my potential professionally, it has been a huge book to my mental health.

Getting organized so I could find my ideas better helped me make faster progress on goals in all areas of life.

Are you having trouble finding your ideas?

Are they getting lost in documents, notebooks and other places? Is your brain a little spicy 🌶️

and nonlinear?

Find peace and calm through organizing your ideas!

Make faster progress on all your goals, life and work, when you are organized.

Join us now for the 3 month class !

It’s not too late!

And if you need any more help to be more optimistic in the New Year, my optimism program is still on sale!

🦋 💜 🌿 Are you feeling

-anxious or hopeless,

-discouraged about the future,

-unmotivated or overwhelmed in the face of your challenges

The Optimism program is designed specifically for you to gain the resilience, hope and drive you need to climb out of difficult situations.

✅ Feel Lighter & Stronger:

Feel more optimism and hope despite facing real challenges with a 1 hour class on somatic tools to sooth and shift your emotions.

✅ Clarity on What to Do Next:

Feel more alive and motivated on a regular basis by writing in the 28 page printable Workbook & discover what to tweak in your life to be more optimistic.

✅ Long Term Optimism Transformation:

Follow the step-by-step process through thick and thin to increase your long-term optimism by following the instructions sent by email over 30 days (that you can turn on or off anytime).

You GET IT ALL in the Optimism Course Bundle!

💥 Get it on sale!

​Click here to read more about Optimism​


Hope for a Happy New Year

Stop giving up, get fired up.

🦋 💜 🌿 I hope you have been doing well.

I am wishing you a Happy New Year.

Today seems like a perfect time to release this hopeful video, below.

But before that here’s a reminder if you want to organize your ideas:

that the sale on the Digital Organization Club ends on Sunday, January 5. 

Next week on Jan 6 + 9, we start our live classes and coworks to organize your ideas and writing in the Club.

So don’t miss out if you can’t find your ideas or forget your goals 2 weeks after the New Year…

Now Back to my important message for the NEW YEAR:

We all are thinking of the future now and I’ll share this in case it helps someone else:

Sometimes it is hard for me to be positive about it. That’s just a fact.

That discouragement is something I’ve really been working through in 2024.

I’ve been through some really tough challenges.

What I’velearned this year is that even though it is correct that bad things happen, it isn’t always mentally healthy to fixate on that.

Optimism has a place.

But how can you be positive when you’ve seen bad things happen or have very real risks of more bad things happening in the future?

Here are my thoughts on it.

When life gets you down it is easy to give up. Don’t.

I’ve been around the block and have some advice to give that will lift you up.

And I want to share the biggest mistake people make in dealing with stressful or difficult situations, and what to do instead.

Watch this video here to get fired up and feel more hopeful about the New Year

And if you need any more help to be more optimistic in the New Year, my optimism program is still on sale!

🦋 💜 🌿 Are you feeling

-anxious or hopeless,

-discouraged about the future,

-unmotivated or overwhelmed in the face of your challenges

The Optimism program is designed specifically for you to gain the resilience, hope and drive you need to climb out of difficult situations.

✅ Feel Lighter & Stronger:

Feel more optimism and hope despite facing real challenges with a 1 hour class on somatic tools to sooth and shift your emotions.

✅ Clarity on What to Do Next:

Feel more alive and motivated on a regular basis by writing in the 28 page printable Workbook & discover what to tweak in your life to be more optimistic.

✅ Long Term Optimism Transformation:

Follow the step-by-step process through thick and thin to increase your long-term optimism by following the instructions sent by email over 30 days (that you can turn on or off anytime).

You GET IT ALL in the Optimism Course Bundle!

💥 Get it on sale!

Click here to read more about Optimism

And don’t forget the Digital Organization Club starts soon as well!

Sale ends on Sunday

I used to have trouble finding things, and using my ideas.

Now I know where everything is and it has changed my life.

In the last few years I used this organization system to:

-publish 25+ articles in 6 months.

-sell out multiple writing groups in my business.

-improve my health, financial, and personal joy.

Truly, being organized did so much more than just help me reach my potential professionally, it has been a huge book to my mental health.

Getting organized so I could find my ideas better helped me make faster progress on goals in all areas of life.

And once I’m on a roll seeing changes in my life happen, it is so much easier to feel positive about the future in general.

How did I do it? I will show you:

Learn how to use the system I created to organize all my ideas, goals and documents,

using free applications in the upcoming 3 month Digital Organization program.

Not just a class, it is also a cowork,

We will work through it and get organized together:

​Click here to get organized for 40% off!​

Offer ends Sunday January 4

Thanks for reading!


How have things been going?

I had a busy last week, and did a lot of cleaning.

It was my husband’s birthday so I wanted to throw him a party. Nothing makes us clean like knowing company is coming over.

Today I wanted to let you know I’ve opened the curtains to show you a peak of my private digital space: my writing archive.

This is where I personally keep all my notes, ideas, and drafts of all my writing from beginning to end.

Why is this system important?

  1. Finding things:

    I have stacks of notebooks from writing over the years. Paper has limits, I cannot find things I wrote after a few months.

    I was really tired of having ideas fall through the cracks so I found a digital system to supplement paper. And now I can find my ideas much better.
  2. Peace of Mind:

    Knowing I can find things again really helps with my anxiety. You have no idea how much I hate that “it’s all sliding into the cracks” feeling of being scattered all over the place.

    And I hate opening a journal only to see great ideas I did nothing with for years. I have a lot less of that now.
  3. Confidence:

    I’ve had a lot of writing published across the web but I was stuck on this hamster wheel of feeling like I wasn’t doing enough. It wasn’t until I brought all my writing into my own private database and started weaving connections between all my documents did I really feel it:

    the click of feeling like I am my most genius self, creating brilliant material.

    I really want this feeling for everyone which is why I am passionate about sharing what is working for me. Everyone deserves to feel like their ideas are valuable and make the most use out of them.
  4. Backups:

    So many times in my life I have published writing on a platform only for it to go out of style or change. I’ve lost a lot of writing this way and been daunted by the process of extracting it all off of that platform.

    Now when I write, I immediately make a copy of the final result and put it in my archive so I am always covered with a backup. It’s a great and sound practice to have.
  5. Developing & or re-using ideas:

    Ideas can always be improved, the key is not to forget them. If you keep them in mind, you can develop them over time. And when you have a good idea, don’t forget about it, keep sharing about it!

    Having everything I have written and all my ideas easy to find means that good ideas get even better over time as I continue to develop them. It also means that the things I am passionate about are easier to reshare and republish in new ways.

    There’s no reason why your best gold should go forgotten after sharing your ideas once. With organization it’s now easier to get the most out of every idea: squeeze every drop out of the orange.

I could go on and on in this vein.

But I’ll just pop in my new video and SHOW you:

I made this behind the scenes tour into my writing archive.

This is just a peak. The whole thing has over 3000 documents. But it’s organized so I can easily navigate around it to find what I need.

In this video I show how I organize my thoughts, ideas, and writing so they are easy to find and use.

I’d love for you to see it and imagine what is possible for you in 2025,

may it be a fruitful year ahead where you can find your ideas and use them to the max!

And just a reminder if you’d like to join us for the Winter Digital Organization Club, we start very soon!

Grab it on sale…

What about you?

Do you have a lot of ideas or journals to organize?

Having trouble finding your:





​Get organized this winter Jan – March. On Sale.​

I used to have trouble finding things,

and using my ideas.

Now I am so much more organized!!

Organization benefits my life and mental health by:

  • Remembering my real priorities: I can finally break old patterns because I remember what I learn. No more forgetting. Clarity is lasting!
  • Sense of peace: Everything is ok. I can relax. All my ideas are written down and I know I’ll find it
  • Better boundaries: I stand my ground more because I know what’s really important to me.
  • More confidence: I value my ideas and I take myself seriously. I feel empowered. I am learning and growing in all the right ways.​ ​

And of course there are major career benefits Finding my ideas more easily benefits my writing and business by:

  • Saving time: No more taking an hour to find a document or file.
  • More energy: Since it’s easy to find everything I need, I can jump into the task at hand with full energy.
  • Writing articles, emails and blogs easily: I am never starting from scratch when I write because all my great ideas are at my finger tips!
  • The satisfaction of synthesizing: I’m building on my ideas, and developing them into something even better. I feel like a genius.
  • Better quality work: I’m feeling prouder of what I create, and share it with more people. I can even reuse or reference my work again over time.


Across my life, writing and work, so much is steadily improving now that I am more organized! It’s really changed my life a lot,

is it your turn?

​Get organized with me this winter.​

Topics & Dates for the Winter Session

-1. Set up Your Free Program Obsidian:

a special intro class for new students.

January 6, Monday at 3 PM EST

-2. Map your Year Ahead:

organize goals and ideas for the year ahead 2025.

January 9, Thursday at 3 PM EST

-3. Set up Your Daily Pages:

organize messy ideas or journals by setting up or updating daily pages.

January 23, Thursday at 3:00 PM EST

-4. Review your season or month:

learn from the past so you make faster progress in the future.

February 3, Monday at 3 PM EST

-5. Organize Your Idea Database:

create, prune and organize your ideas for writing, business or life.

February 20, Thursday at 3 PM EST

-6. Organize Your Project Ideas:

set up or update notes about your projects for faster progress.

March 3, Monday at 3 PM EST

-7. Learn from Books or Courses:

type, review and add to add to notes from books or courses

March 20, Thursday at 3 PM EST

-8. Review Your Season or Month:

learn from the past so you make faster progress in the future.

March 31, Monday at 3 PM EST

(The teaching from all sessions will be recorded)

Plus there’s even more!


Click here to see a tour of your bonuses!


Get instant access to these bonus classes when you sign up:

– 12 bonus videos on Organizing Ideas with Obsidian

– 6 bonus videos on Project Management with Notion

Digital Organization Templates

You can get started organizing your ideas right away!


Ask your questions on audio, video, text messages or email, and

get answers from Sofia between sessions.


USE THIS COUPON FOR 40% off snowfall25
Enter the code above at check out for 40% off.

​Your earlybird discount is waiting for you. Come get organized with the 3-Month Winter Digital Organization Club.​

Thanks for reading!


It’s Here! Early Bird Sale

It is with much excitement I inform you that it’s here!

The Digital Organization Membership is open!

And it’s 40% off.

​Click here to read more–It’s 40% off until the 11:59 PM EST Sunday, January 4, 2024.​

How are you doing?

The holidays will be beginning soon in my house soon!

Do you have a holiday? What will you be doing? My goal is to do a lot of house reorganizing and go through my notes and ideas on my computer, which is a satisfying and cozy activity I enjoy.

I like making connections in my archive, going through old journals and digitizing things. Writing new things to add to my ideas. Put things in order. It feels good. This weekend I was building out a mindmap of relevant documents and ideas to review the past year, 2024.

Mindmaps are a great way to make connects even if your brain is a little tired or jumbled.

I put pictures below!

When I zoom out it’s an outline of all the documents in the mindmap, but then you can zoom in to see the notes in detail.

I walk you through how to make these maps in the Digital Organization Club and you can get the replays as a bonus if you join.

Below I also share the early bird 40% off sale for the Winter Digital Organization Club for the Jan-March months.

If you want to join me in this cozy sort of activity come join the Club to get started right away! Happy holidays 🎄🌲❄️☃️

Here’s a zoomed out version of a map I made to review the year

each square represents one of my notes

If you like this behind the scenes peak…

there’s more coming!

I will share more peaks into my digital archive, where I keep most of my notes and ideas!

You can learn how to make maps like these in the Dig Org Club, below!

What about you?

Do you have a lot of ideas or journals to organize?

Having trouble finding your:





​Get organized this winter Jan – March. On Sale.​

I used to have trouble finding things,

and using my ideas.

Now I am so much more organized!!

Organization benefits my life and mental health by:

  • Remembering my real priorities: I can finally break old patterns because I remember what I learn. No more forgetting. Clarity is lasting!
  • Sense of peace: Everything is ok. I can relax. All my ideas are written down and I know I’ll find it
  • Better boundaries: I stand my ground more because I know what’s really important to me.
  • More confidence: I value my ideas and I take myself seriously. I feel empowered. I am learning and growing in all the right ways.​ ​

And of course there are major career benefits Finding my ideas more easily benefits my writing and business by:

  • Saving time: No more taking an hour to find a document or file.
  • More energy: Since it’s easy to find everything I need, I can jump into the task at hand with full energy.
  • Writing articles, emails and blogs easily: I am never starting from scratch when I write because all my great ideas are at my finger tips!
  • The satisfaction of synthesizing: I’m building on my ideas, and developing them into something even better. I feel like a genius.
  • Better quality work: I’m feeling prouder of what I create, and share it with more people. I can even reuse or reference my work again over time.


Across my life, writing and work, so much is steadily improving now that I am more organized! It’s really changed my life a lot,

is it your turn?

​Get organized with us this winter.​

Our sessions are not only classes but coworking sessions to make progress on your goals!

Topics & Dates for the Winter Session

-1. Set up Your Free Program Obsidian:

a special intro class for new students.

January 6, Monday at 3 PM EST

-2. Map your Year Ahead:

organize goals and ideas for the year ahead 2025.

January 9, Thursday at 3 PM EST

-3. Set up Your Daily Pages:

organize messy ideas or journals by setting up or updating daily pages.

January 23, Thursday at 3:00 PM EST

-4. Review your season or month:

learn from the past so you make faster progress in the future.

February 3, Monday at 3 PM EST

-5. Organize Your Idea Database:

create, prune and organize your ideas for writing, business or life.

February 20, Thursday at 3 PM EST

-6. Organize Your Project Ideas:

set up or update notes about your projects for faster progress.

March 3, Monday at 3 PM EST

-7. Learn from Books or Courses:

type, review and add to add to notes from books or courses

March 20, Thursday at 3 PM EST

-8. Review Your Season or Month:

learn from the past so you make faster progress in the future.

March 31, Monday at 3 PM EST

(The teaching from all sessions will be recorded)

Plus there’s even more!


Click here to see a tour of your bonuses!


Get instant access to these bonus classes when you sign up:
– 12 bonus videos on Organizing Ideas with Obsidian
– 6 bonus videos on Project Management with NotionDigital Organization Templates

You can get started organizing your ideas right away!

Ask your questions on audio, video, text messages or email, and

get answers from Sofia between sessions.


Enter the code above at check out for 40% off.

​Your earlybird discount is waiting for you. Come get organized with the 3-Month Winter Digital Organization Club.​

Thanks for reading!


Inspiration from a Genius in a World of Brain Rot

🦋 💜 🌿

Lately I have been thinking a lot about my purpose and what I am meant to do in the world…

I have a lot of thoughts on it, but today I want to share this quote from an article I read recently.

I’ve long admired Henry David Thoreau, who is the author of Walden.

He’s an incredibly complex thinker and writer, who kept many common place books

​(Common place books are a writing and thinking tool I am crazy about. Here is a post I wrote about this). ​

He is having a bit of a moment because

the Oxford University Press’s word or phrase of 2024 is brain rot.

And Thoreau is being credited with creating the term a very long time ago.

We know how scrolling, TV, and so on has destroyed people’s attention spans.

Recently I heard a study of how people just can’t read the way they used to and many professors are reducing the reading they assign in universities to one book a class.

(I definitely was not in that generation, I read a lot in every college class. Yes, it felt like too much. But I did it.)

Anyway – how do we deal with living in this brain rot society?

Well, Walden had some thoughts.

“Shortly after Thoreau raises the specter of “brain rot” in Walden, he warns readers against being distracted by questions about the deterioration of society’s collective intellect.

He also returns to a central theme: people should aim for their own personal achievements.

“His point here is that whether or not things are worse now than they were (and in general he’s skeptical of that kind of nostalgia),

our task at all times is the same: to try our hardest to commit ourselves to the things that matter most in our brief and miraculous lives,” Ellis says.

“Devote your attention to what you know, in your heart of heart, really matters: meaning, beauty, love, wonder, and gratitude for this earth.”

​This quote comes from this article​

I hope that this helps you the way that it helps me. To clarify and stay the course on the things that matter to you.

Some things that matter to me:

  • taking care of myself
  • attending to my foundation
  • being my own best friend
  • taking my time and not speeding around
  • producing high quality work
  • not being a perfectionist
  • writing
  • making beautiful or helpful things

If you haven’t thought about what matters to you lately, have a wonder…

And here’s a video about common place books

Remember when I said I am obsessed with these?

They are so great.

Whether it is a paper of digital common place,

Let’s keep this tradition alive.

Historic Tool for Thinking Deeply + Writing Better:

I have something to help if you want to try this.

If you’d like to keep your thoughts organized and explore digital forms of common placing

you can organize ideas with us in the Spring Digitial Organization Club

Coming soon! Keep a look out for more next week.

When it is available, you’ll find the Digital Organization club here.

And don’t forget this is still on sale:

🦋 💜 🌿 Are you feeling

-anxious or hopeless,

-discouraged about the future,

-unmotivated or overwhelmed in the face of your challenges

The Optimism program is designed specifically for you to gain the resilience, hope and drive you need to climb out of difficult situations.

✅ Feel Lighter & Stronger:

Feel more optimism and hope despite facing real challenges with a 1 hour class on somatic tools to sooth and shift your emotions.

✅ Clarity on What to Do Next:

Feel more alive and motivated on a regular basis by writing in the 28 page printable Workbook & discover what to tweak in your life to be more optimistic.

✅ Long Term Optimism Transformation:

Follow the step-by-step process through thick and thin to increase your long-term optimism by following the instructions sent by email over 30 days (that you can turn on or off anytime).

You GET IT ALL in the Optimism Course Bundle!

💥 Get it on sale!

​Click here to read more about Optimism


Hugs, New Sale + Faster Progress

🦋 💜 🌿 I hope you have a lovely week ahead.

whether you spend it alone or in company,

in celebration or in grief,

in peace or in chaos…

Every day is an opportunity to remember you are breathing and living while other people aren’t.

No one is perfect but let’s do our best to appreciate what we have and

have the courage to seek out what we desire more of instead of only picking at our flaws.

Best to you!

Xo Sofia

Is it time for you to take a big breath &

evaluate what you can get done before the end of the year?

I’ve learned some simple lessons about productivity that I want to share with you.

It will help you make sure you are moving the needle on what really matter sto you

and not waste time spinning your wheels.

Here’s what I made for you

This is a Youtube video to help you move the needle this year!

Because your time is valuable, and

wouldn’t you like to look back on these last few weeks in the year with a smile, seeing all that you accomplished.

There’s still time to do a few things!

​Watch the video here for tips on how to make faster progress without burnout this year (or next).​


Everything below is on sale right now if you need support xo

Are you ready to email your people more?

Relying on social media to write, communicate your message, or market your business is not enough!

Social media can be taken away at any time:

you don’t own it & not everyone who follows you will see what you post.

People get hacked, locked out, frozen, or shut down all the time.

Take your control back and

protect your ability to connect to the people who want to hear from you

by using more EMAILS in 2024!

And this week my favorite email provider is having their biggest sale of the year.

I have used convertkit (now called Kit) for years and have been totally satisfied!

It has every feature I need,

helpful customer service,

training videos and more.

This week is the best week to give it a try as your new email provider, 30% off.

Here’s what that means in real savings on your first year:

  • Up to 300 subscribers: $75.60 (normally $108)
  • Up to 1,000 subscribers: $203 (normally $290)
  • Up to 5,000 subscribers: $553 (normally $790)

Claim your 30% off → Click here

2 Month Rapid Progress Program, featuring Sofia Wren with pumpkins

Want to make faster progress writing for your book or business?

Get 1-1 support from me at a huge discount until Dec 1.

Imagine waking up each day totally clear on what to do next to make faster progress on your writing projects or business marketing.

Whether you’re working on a book or business content, this is an affordable, high-impact way to move the needle in a big way by the end of the year. You can accomplish a lot, without burning out or having a life that sucks!

The Rapid Progress 2-Month Program Includes:

✅ Clarity & Prioritization: Sort through ideas with me so you always know what to focus on next ✅ Weekly Feedback: Check-in with Sofia via voicenote or email—no live calls required! ✅ Editing Support: Submit up to 6 pages of your writing per week for feedback

Sale ends Dec 1st!

Ready to make faster progress without the burnout?

​Click here for more information about the 2 Month Rapid Progress Program​

🦋 💜 🌿 Are you feeling

-anxious or hopeless,

-discouraged about the future,

-unmotivated or overwhelmed in the face of your challenges

The Optimism program is designed specifically for you to gain the resilience, hope and drive you need to climb out of difficult situations.

✅ Feel Lighter & Stronger:

Feel more optimism and hope despite facing real challenges with a 1 hour class on somatic tools to sooth and shift your emotions.

✅ Clarity on What to Do Next:

Feel more alive and motivated on a regular basis by writing in the 28 page printable Workbook & discover what to tweak in your life to be more optimistic.

✅ Long Term Optimism Transformation:

Follow the step-by-step process through thick and thin to increase your long-term optimism by following the instructions sent by email over 30 days (that you can turn on or off anytime).

You GET IT ALL in the Optimism Course Bundle!

💥 Get it on sale!

​Click here to read more about Optimism


From Depressed Funk to Motivated Baddie

This is a Youtube video I put out last week to help you be more optimistic. 

Because I refuse to be depressed anymore.

I’ve been punching that feeling down since the personal tragedy of losing my dad, my last parent, at 34.

Yes to feeling your feelings. No to sinking down in the spiral forever.

In this video I share some simple things I’ve been doing to be more optimistic no matter what. 

🦋 💜 🌿 Are you feeling

-anxious or hopeless,

-discouraged about the future,

-unmotivated or overwhelmed in the face of your challenges

The Optimism program is designed specifically for you to gain the resilience, hope and drive you need to climb out of difficult situations.

✅ Feel Lighter & Stronger:

Feel more optimism and hope despite facing real challenges with a 1 hour class on somatic tools to sooth and shift your emotions.

✅ Clarity on What to Do Next:

Feel more alive and motivated on a regular basis by writing in the 28 page printable Workbook & discover what to tweak in your life to be more optimistic.

✅ Long Term Optimism Transformation:

Follow the step-by-step process through thick and thin to increase your long-term optimism by following the instructions sent by email over 30 days (that you can turn on or off anytime).

You GET IT ALL in the Optimism Course Bundle!

💥 Get it on sale!

​Click here to read more about Optimism


One Thing I Learned about Hitting Rock Bottom

🦋 💜 🌿 How have you been? Are you doing okay?

I am okay,

I am concerned about other people not doing okay which is why I put out a PSA about how we can support our LGBTQ+ friends.

I have decided to try to shine my light a little bit brighter and be a little bit louder.

Of course, this was after a few days in hiding. You gotta do what you gotta do.

​But if there’s anything that life has taught me with the many times it has pushed me in the mud like the last few years grieving my dad (as I mentioned last time).​

It’s that, sure I can hit rock bottom, but I just can’t let anything keep me down for long.

The world has never needed your light more than now.

Of course you need to take care of yourself

AND that doesn’t have to take away from your ability to help others; in fact, done right it can increase your capacity for generosity.

Today I want to share an interview I have done about an article that I wrote for On Purpose Woman Magazine.

This is about a personal health journey that started in 2021 with injuries in my hip and wrist that prevented me from doing basic things like sitting and writing without pain.

It took a lot of persistence to make it through to where I am today with a lot less problems, still some but a lot less.

I’d like to share what helped me to continue to keep going on this health journey,

in case you’ve gotten stuck in your health and need a boost of encouragement and optimism to keep going.

(I know I’m not an expert on health but I think I know something about persistence and optimism.)

​See the interview on Youtube here​

You can also read my written article on the topic in the free On Purpose Woman Magazine here.​

Pg 60: How I Made My Health Dreams a Reality and Got Results Over 2 Years

And good luck on whatever goals you need persistence and optimism to tackle!!

health, mental health, work,

go for it, yeee haaa

Everything below is on sale right now if you need support xo

Want to make faster progress writing for your book or business?

Get 1-1 support from me at a huge discount until Dec 1.

Imagine waking up each day totally clear on what to do next to make faster progress on your writing projects or business marketing.

Whether you’re working on a book or business content, this is an affordable, high-impact way to move the needle in a big way by the end of the year. You can accomplish a lot, without burning out or having a life that sucks!

The Rapid Progress 2-Month Program Includes:

✅ Clarity & Prioritization: Sort through ideas with me so you always know what to focus on next

✅ Weekly Feedback: Check-in with Sofia via voicenote or email—no live calls required!

✅ Editing Support: Submit up to 6 pages of your writing per week for feedback

​Click here for more information about the 2 Month Rapid Progress Program​

🦋 💜 🌿 Are you feeling

-anxious or hopeless,

-discouraged about the future,

-unmotivated or overwhelmed in the face of your challenges

The Optimism program is designed specifically for you to gain the resilience, hope and drive you need to climb out of difficult situations.

✅ Feel Lighter & Stronger:

Feel more optimism and hope despite facing real challenges with a 1 hour class on somatic tools to sooth and shift your emotions.

✅ Clarity on What to Do Next:

Feel more alive and motivated on a regular basis by writing in the 28 page printable Workbook & discover what to tweak in your life to be more optimistic.

✅ Long Term Optimism Transformation:

Follow the step-by-step process through thick and thin to increase your long-term optimism by following the instructions sent by email over 30 days (that you can turn on or off anytime).

You GET IT ALL in the Optimism Course Bundle!

💥 Get it on sale!

Click here to read more about Optimism​

Warmly, Sofia Wren


You Too Can Help Your LGBTQ+ Friends

Tips to make people feel seen and heard. Say:

That must be hard to feel that way. I am sorry to hear that. I am here for you: I love you. I know you deserve to feel safe. I respect what you are feeling right now even though I want you to feel better I won’t tell you that you are feeling something wrong or unreasonable. It is ok to feel that way. I am sorry I don’t have the answers but let me know how I can help.

These are the things that I like to hear in my dark days. I do not appreciate people having a pat answer like just be positive, or dismissing my feelings because they don’t feel the same way.

You may not share someone’s feeling but you can shut up about that. Just help them. This is not about you. Helping is about the other person.

Just be there for them if you want them to be on the planet


A Light in the Darkness

🦋 💜 🌿 A light in the darkness

I have cried through a million tissues, been angry, felt like exploding, and other a lot of nasty stuff.

Losing my father, the only parent I’ve had my whole life, in 2021 and officially being an orphan at the young age of 34,

was absolutely horrible.

But I am a fighter. I found the power, the ferocity to say:

👉👉🏽👉🏼 I am here to live. I will make use of the life I have. I will survive and I will thrive.

Full stop.

🔥 I will make art. I will find beauty.


Damn if I will not live!

I began to pound on the glass of my cage, shouting damn if I will not live!

Out of my grief, out of ptsd, out of the worst possible feelings that wanted to suck me dry and take me down so I never wanted to wake up in the morning, I chose this.

I chose this.

🔥 To live. Again and again and again I chose it over and over because it took so long for anything to really feel any easier.

My wedding wasn’t easy. The quote happiest day of my life was tinged with sadness that I lost my dad.

So many moments have been hard instead of happy. Days and years I can’t get back, like water I just had to tread.

If you think I’m someone who has always had an easy life then you don’t know the truth about me at all.

🔥 And if you’re struggling with loss right now, I’m speaking to you: you can do this.

Just keep fighting you guys

To reach from the edge of the cliff to the security of grounded land.

🌿 If you are feeling bad

Please remember:

You are needed here.

Stay with us, keep shining.

Even if no one else sees and your light is just for you.

💜 Feel free to retreat into yourself if you need to,

Goodness knows I did.

Many of the words above are ones I wrote over the last few years that I keep coming back to.

I kept them private for a long time. I just was not ready to hear anyone’s thought on it yet, although I am happy to receive thoughts on it now.

​I wrote them, and saved them in my digital writing archive in Obsidian (It’s a free writing app I teach in my Digital Organization Club.) ​

Retreating into my words means no one can see me in my vulnerable, tender times. It helps me cope.

Private space is gorgeous and safe.

​Today I did a live on facebook about the beauty of PRIVATE notebooks and password protected documents on your computer. ​

Remember that those are available to you.

Do whatever you need to take care of yourself.

If you need to feel or grieve or rest, please prioritize that.

🦋 But no matter how long being in a dark place goes on,

(I have been there when the night was so so long)

one day I hope something changes.

What I mean is your mood shifts

It can happen any day or time.

And the light shines out of the clouds for you, if only for a moment.

Bask in that moment, and stay curious.

When will it come again?

And what can I do to create more moments like these?

🌿 What I have learned from facing my own internal darkness in my life is

We have to meet the gap.

We have to cling on to light and life and our fire.


Grab this discount while it is available on Optimism:

The program I created to escape the internal funk exquishing my motivation and joy.

I have decided to extend the sale on it indefinitely.

I’m not sure when the discount will end but I want you to have access to it if you need it.

From one tender soul to the next


🦋 💜 🌿 Are you feeling

-anxious or hopeless,

-discouraged about the future,

-unmotivated or overwhelmed in the face of your challenges

I hear you.

Here’s the good news:

we can cultivate optimism even in challenging times.

Don’t ignore things happening around you, but figure out a way to thrive in spite of it.

Imagine having a lighter feeling when you wake up,

a greater resilience to challenges that you face.

You could even feel a sense of joy and inner fire, &

be motivated to take action and make positive changes.

The Optimism program is designed specifically for you to gain the resilience, hope and drive you need to climb out of difficult situations.

✅ Feel Lighter & Stronger:

Feel more optimism and hope despite facing real challenges with a 1 hour class on somatic tools to sooth and shift your emotions.

✅ Clarity on What to Do Next:

Feel more alive and motivated on a regular basis by writing in the 28 page printable Workbook & discover what to tweak in your life to be more optimistic.

✅ Long Term Optimism Transformation:

Follow the step-by-step process through thick and thin to increase your long-term optimism by following the instructions sent by email over 30 days (that you can turn on or off anytime).

You GET IT ALL in the Optimism Course Bundle!

💥 Get it on sale!

Here’s a peak inside the printable workbook included:

P.S. If you missed the story of how I created this course during my personal tragedies, click here to read​

P.P.S. Looking for more personal support as you dive into your writing for private, personal transformation, a book, or to market your business?

I have a special on mentorship going until December 1st. ​Click here for 1-1 support from me to help you write even better