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My fav book of 2023

Hope you are having a nice week, how has it been for you?

I have been hanging out with my husband at home, which has been really nice.

I still feel pangs of that common seasonal loneliness and grief for my parents, but it’s pretty good over all.

Been loving that I can make my husband watch some movies with me, he usually doesn’t have the time.

Today we are talking about my favorite book of 2023:

” Everyone has perfectionistic tendencies about something. When those tendencies (the desire to bridge the gulf between an ideal and reality) present more often than not and are accompanied by the impulse to actively strive towards bridging that gulf, you can consider yourself a perfectionist. “

Katherine Morgan Schafler’s book The Perfectionist’s Guide to Losing Control is a must read.

Shout out to Jacqui Acree for the recommendation.

I’ve been chewing on it for months. It’s made the kind of long lasting impression on me that my 2022 book did.

(In 2022 my book of the year was Tiago Forte’s Building a Second Brain, which got me deep into digital organization principles.)

If you read one book in 2024, this is a good one!

And here are a few more quotes from it:

Thinking of yourself as a perfectionist is an enduring identity marker. We don’t talk about perfectionism episodically because we don’t experience it episodically. For example, a person may say something like, “I went through a depression after college,” but we don’t “go through” perfectionism.

Perfectionism invites a deep, unending exploration of who you are and what you most desire from this life. After you figure out what it is that you want, the attendant pressure of your perfectionism will be there to motivate you towards your goal. Unlike an idealist, you won’t be satisfied daydreaming; you’ll have to do something about it.

You begin to appreciate the drive inside you. You see that your drive isn’t there to hurt you, it’s there to usher you towards your potential. You shift from avoiding your drive to honoring it, which requires you to stop misdirecting your energy. Then you get to grow beyond your wildest dreams.

Perfection is a paradox—you can never become perfect, and you already are perfect. A perfectionist in an adaptive mindset believes both those statements are true. A perfectionist in a maladaptive mindset believes both those statements are false.

[G]ive yourself permission to embrace the energy of your perfectionism, and learn to work with it, not against it. The work is not about fixing anything, getting rid of anything, or correcting anything; it’s about connection.


The 21 Day Heartfelt Writing Challenge has started!​

​And it’s not too late to join:

-Create a daily writing habit ​
-Unlock inspiration to write for your personal stories, book or business ​
-Feel the LOVE of the friends, followers or clients you attract​

Sign up for all the free 21 day writing challenge announcements + resources here.

There’s a free digital tracker to help you build a daily habit + a free facebook community,

with prompts and inspiration from me to help you know what to write to connect to your heart.


Gifts money can’t buy

How you doin’?

I’ll try to keep this week’s update short because my wrist is aching today.

I have been working with a PT this year from a wrist injury I got around February where I fell while iceskating.

It has gotten a lot better except I started playing this watermelon game I like a lot on my phone and my wrist is mad at me now.

  • Last week, I was interviewed on how to cultivate a daily writing practice.

Andrea Hylen, the writing mentor, and I did a second interview on writing. (I mention the first, here.)

This time, we dug into how to write more often and I share some of the tricks that have allowed my clients to write while juggling family, and a full time job. 

Watch here. Listen here (podbean) or here (spotify) or here (iTunes)

Today I also want to share about the gifts that money can’t buy:

  • Self love
  • Peace
  • Groundedness
  • Clarity
  • An inner sense of your purpose
  • Connection to greater meaning
  • Knowing your life’s work is unfolding

That isn’t to say you can’t get your friend a wonderful present, but it’s important to have realistic expectations.

You can’t buy just ANYTHING by slinging it into your shopping cart.

There are some things that money can’t buy.

And that is just a fact.

But the amazing thing about writing is that I do think that you can achieve or obtain more of the things that I listed above and so much more.

I know writing has provided these priceless things to me which is why I am so obsessed with getting other people to write more as well.

Especially amazing because a cheap notebook and pen cost only a few dollars…or just use your phone or computer, whatever you have.

Bit by bit there is so much you can find in the pages of your own words, writing them, rereading them, and enjoying the process.

If you have the bandwidth, come join us in the free 21-day Heartfelt Writing Challenge.

Give yourself a present that money can’t buy every day that you write.

Too busy to join my free writing challenge right now?

Good news: it will be continuing into the first week January, so you can also join us later, in a week, if that is better for you.

Or share this post with a friend 🙂


​The 21 Day Heartfelt Writing Challenge has started!​

​And it’s not too late to join:

-Create a daily writing habit ​
-Unlock inspiration to write for your personal stories, book or business ​
-Feel the LOVE of the friends, followers or clients you attract​

Sign up for all the free 21 day writing challenge announcements + resources here.

There’s a free digital tracker to help you build a daily habit + a free facebook community,

with prompts and inspiration from me to help you know what to write to connect to your heart.

Have a cool day


Anyone else feeling overwhelmed?

How you doin’? I’ve been doing some things…

  • As of today, I have quit instagram.

Insta has been really stressing me out. I’m glad you are here so I can keep in touch via my blog. I also love to keep in touch via email (which is basically the same content as my blog right now.)

I’m sad to lose the connections of IG, but relieved for my own sanity. I have enough acts in my circus.

  • Last week, I was interviewed by one of my FAVORITE people, Andrea Hylen.

We talked about how I started writing, the process of deciding what to share vs keep private,

getting feedback on stories + why private spaces to write first are so freaking essential!!!

Watch here. Listen here (podbean) or here (spotify).

  • And hey, has anyone else been feeling overwhelmed?

That’s a trick question, because OBVIOUSLY YES, you are.

Oh my god, the world we live in is so insane, distracting and complex.

I made a video for ya about being overwhelmed & being multi-passionate and wanting to write.

And even got a little silly with it,

but for real, being overwhelmed is a killer.

More often than not, being overwhelmed means you won’t write at all.

Overwhelm means something gets cut,

usually something you really want to do.

Ugh, I am so sorry.

No, really it sucks.

AND almost any time I hear people talk about overwhelm, they blame you,

YOU, the person feeling overwhelmed,

as the source of the problem.

You aren’t to blame if you are overwhelmed.

Things are overwhelming.

You only control a segment of the things.

But still I want to help!!

My class on Thursday is going to dig into the overwhelm you probably feel around juggling all the projects you have

— not just writing, not just your writing, but different parts of your life, also.

And we are going to get into everything on your plate,

where it sits, what’s going on, what’s important and how to juggle it.

We are going to figure it out.

Enough so that when you think about the million things going on in your world,

you go from this:

TO THIS!!!!!

Ah that’s better!

And everyone knows that when you feel like a magical kitty-lion,

grounded, self-possessed of your amazing LION-ness,

present in meeting yourself where you are

— with no distraction other than your tiny bird friend

because everything is organized and on paper so you focus…

you get a lot more writing done.

Pretty much all kinds of stuff gets done,

and us kitty lions have more fun, don’t you know.

No, but really….

I explain more about overwhelm,

trying to fit writing in, and

what’s going on in my upcoming class in this video. 

So watch it if you feel overwhelmed.

For once I didn’t ramble and kept it to a few minutes.

It’s only 7 minutes long!!

I even put a blooper at the end.

It made me laugh.

Hope you like xo

This month I’m doing 3 things:

  1. On Thurs, December 14: 
    Writing Class 1: Foundations for the 6 Month Winter Writing Group, Paths of Service. Know your next step even if you have many projects spinning right now.
  2. On Mon, December 18:
    The next FREE 21 Day Heartfelt Writing Challenge starts! The theme is reinvention.
  3. Ongoing:
    One spot open in the Deep Coaching 1-1 package. Write about your personal story or life experience, and decide how to share and write about it.

​21 Day Heartfelt Writing Challenge starts December 18​

​-Create a daily writing habit ​
-Unlock inspiration to write for your personal stories, book or business ​
-Feel the LOVE of the friends, followers or clients you attract​

Sign up for all the free 21 day writing challenge announcements + resources here.

There’s a free digital tracker to help you build a daily habit + a free facebook community,

with prompts and inspiration from me to help you know what to write to connect to your heart.

Have a cool day


Why Write Anything in December?

How have you been?

Me: grieving my dad as these holidays approach, prepping his car for winter. My husband and I got our hands dirty and yanked the roof rack off on Saturday so it fits into the garage. Just in time for snow!

Taught a great class on Sunday about digital organization class about making project hubs. It was very exciting and gave me a free, clear feeling, helping people know their next steps to make progress.

And I have some big news about something going on this month….

This month I’m doing 3 things:

  1. On Mon, December 18: The next ​FREE 21 Day Heartfelt Writing Challenge​ starts! The theme is reinvention.
  2. On Thurs, December 14: Writing Class 1: Foundations for the ​6 Month Winter Writing Group,​ Paths of Service. Know your next step even if you have many projects spinning right now.
  3. Ongoing: One spot open in the ​Deep Coaching 1-1 package​. Write about your personal story or life experience, and decide how to share and write about it.

For fun, I will be writing and hanging out with my husband this month! Working on a new Medium article about our Japan adventures.

I know you may be busy so that’s the basic rundown for what I’m doing this month.

Let’s talk about being busy + juggling things that get in the way of writing.

Do you have a million things going on in your life right now?

I can understand that…

When I started getting serious about writing, I worked 60 hours a week.

I worked Monday to Saturday as an Americorps volunteer in Philadelphia schools,

7 am – 6 pm helping inner-city children.

I was 22. I woke up to a blaring alarm at 5:40 am every day,

“Grahhhh I hate mornings,” I thought. “I wish I could snooze this a little longer.”

I’m a chronic snoozer, but I had to be strong and get up.

My roommates said to “Be in and out of the shower by 6:00 am so I can take mine.”

Work said, “Be late to work 3 times and there are serious consequences.”

For context, I’d have normally woken up at 1 pm.

Life was tough in general: I was stressed, I was poor, I was single and looking to mingle but very full of self-doubt.

It was 2009 (post-crash) and thinking of my future plans after this job made my stomach tie up in knots.

To add insult to injury, my 12 year olds students thought my uniform was ugly and uncool:

Pleated khakis that made my butt look huge.

I felt gross.

When I came home, I only had three hours max to eat and rest before I had to sleep and do it all over again.

It wore on me. A lot.

  • But when I wrote during my 30 minute lunch break I felt more like a human, and less like an ugly lump.
  • When I woke up at 5:20 in the am to write for 20 minutes before work, I felt more sane. I even had time for a little eyeliner so I felt pretty.

Writing helped me, so I squeezed it in by waking up even earlier at 5:20 am (GAH!!).

It was worth it:

I started to feel more grounded at work.

The rude kids couldn’t push me around as much.

I gave my energy mostly to students who thanked me for my help and clearly wanted, rather than ones who wasted it.

The hard work I put into my job finally seemed worth it since I was making a difference.

Plus my personal life was better.

I felt creative, like an artist, a writer, and not a cog in a machine.

I did more in my 3 hours off than watch Netflix until bedtime.

I read poetry at open mics, worked on short stories, and recorded original music.

And I realized what my next steps were for my career:

to start a business so I could help people.

I know the holidays are coming and it can be a busy time for people,

but I decided to host my free Heartfelt Writing challenge this month anyway.

I have JUST decided that the 21 day writing challenge starts on December 18th

​You can sign up here.​

Will you have time to join us?

Only you know if you can fit writing into your busy schedule this month.

***Note: Sometimes you really can’t fit writing in and I get that.

You are only human!

And life is freaking complicated!

But if you CAN fit it in, you’ll probably feel better.

Even if it’s not daily: any little bit counts.

Maybe you can try to fit a little writing in this month for your own sanity.

Seriously: it makes everything better.

***What if writing this December isn’t an obligation or work but instead a nourishing gift to yourself?

Just another way to think about it, in case it helps.

21 Day Heartfelt Writing Challenge starts December 18

-Create a daily writing habit ​

-Unlock inspiration to write for your personal stories, book or business ​

-Feel the LOVE of the friends, followers or clients you attract ​with heartfelt writing

Sign up for all the free 21 day writing challenge announcements + resources here.

There’s a free digital tracker to help you build a daily habit + a free facebook community,

with prompts and inspiration from me to help you know what to write to connect to your heart.

Have a cool day

P.S. Here’s a video about all the good things that started happening when I wrote daily!

New Article. My boss stole from me so I started writing daily. Then this happened.


Fix Stopping and Starting on Your Writing

What’s up? Hangin in there?

I just had my 1 year wedding anniversary and it snowed so we went outside together. ❄️

Today I have the burning urge to share my fix for STOPPING and STARTING.

This is totally different from what I expected today.

I had all these plans, I already drafted a beautiful email…

But I’ll talk about it later, we are going to stop and pause on that.

I had an idea for writing, I started, and then I stopped.

Sound familiar?

If you are experiencing this stop-start pattern with writing for your book or business and you have not yet finished,

you are not alone.

I’ve helped many clients with this.

But for years I’ve been making a really big mistake.

I’ve been telling people that I can help them with their pattern of starting and stopping, as if I can eliminate it altogether.

I never directly said it but I fear I have implied it.

Stop-start pattern begone! Consistency forever!

Sometimes. But I think what I’m really capable of doing is something so much better than that.

What’s better than getting something done easily and fast?

Well, experience has taught me the value of patience.

I’ve seen enduring, deep work come out of days, months, and years on a project.

Cool things come out when you’re really committed through the twists and turns.

To get something done over the long haul, however long it takes, can give you priceless insight.

Long-term projects can be dope.

Big things are possible when you realize stopping and starting is NOT the main problem.

And when you embrace stops as inevitable on a long-term journey.

Meeting that REALITY is when you can get more done.

If you think starting and stopping is like failing: meaning you never finish…

That’s not true. It’s a temporary pause in the process.

I’ve written and published online lots over 20+ years,

a lot of writing, producing, sharing, and selling in public.

From outside, you may see me writing and sharing in a pretty constant stream.

But behind the scenes, I must admit it doesn’t look so linear.

I’m a creative octopus. I juggle a lot of projects at once.

I start and stop one, and another pops up in its place. And so on. Several things in a day.

I’ve started, and stopped on a lot of writing!

–but the thing is I also finish a lot, too.

I have no desire to fully end my starting and stopping ways. I like it.

If I need to get something done ASAP then I’ll stop everything to finish that, but that’s not my preference.

My preference is many things at once, or what I call braiding projects, with tiny stops and starts in a short time.

From the outside, you don’t see my process:

you see finished results.

My brain isn’t linear.

That doesn’t stop me from publishing and finishing things.

I like me, my brain and my productivity level.

In sum: to be on track you don’t necessarily need to fix stopping and starting on your writing.

Your ideas or projects are threads.

You can weave them and braid them together like a friendship bracelet.


Read on to understand…

The real PROBLEM is not stop-starting,

you just need to do two things.

A. Stop getting down on yourself for uncontrollable things that interrupt your projects

Getting sick,

having to work,

being triggered,

another deadline to handle, or

your project just isn’t RIPE yet.

Creativity is mysterious, and divine timing is real.

Sometimes you have to stop writing something.

Getting down on yourself about things you can’t control is extremely disempowering and anti-productive.

So get rid of that.

And tackle the next problem:

B. Get organized so you stop wasting a lot of time

You stopped writing a while back. Now you want to start.

Don’t reinvent the wheel–find your notes.

But where is that piece of paper?

That document with the thing?

Which document? (if there are a lot of documents)

When you find it, you think, “Where was I?”

“What was I thinking the last time I worked on this?”

“What did I intend for this?”

You can’t remember. You are overwhelmed.

You don’t know where to start next.

You either can’t find your notes or cannot make sense of them &

Now you have to reconstruct some things just to be where you ended off last time.

This is annoying, exhausting, and not very gratifying which can cause you to lose motivation and stop.

That is a waste of time and energy.

You need a better system so you can start right where you finished: remember what you were doing and plug right in.

I have a system for this.

I have a million projects but it is okay.

When I want to write my next email, I already have my ideas.

When I want to work on my next Vlog (video blog), I know where everything is for that.

Notes on every project are in one single place for each, which I call a hub.

I can find notes on anything easily so I finish things more quickly.

The key is that I have my notes.


This is a big deal for me and something that took me forever to figure out.

But now it’s a whole new world.

Namely, because I know how to jog my memory to finish things

–I just go to my hub and look at my notes. They make sense so I get to work.

If “plugging right back in” is something you struggle to do,

then it’s time to work on having a better system for your writing and work projects.

Stop reinventing the wheel every time you start or sit down to write.

Organization makes everything easier:

you’ll start feeling less confused or overwhelmed, and

more focused, clear, and excited.

Because maybe you don’t need

-a ton of pressure to finish it all in the next 30 days.

-another self help book

-to have an expert tell you what to do.

Maybe you already have what you need,


Assume you’ll always have to start and stop, and learn how to better prepare for it.

Treat pauses as inevitable, like taking a sick day, and optimize for that scenario.

Don’t leave yourself hanging when you come back after a pause with no idea what you were doing…

If you want a new way to solve the problem of stopping-and-starting in your writing:

Plug back into your projects more easily with my new digital organization membership.

This way you can never lose your place again.

Don’t waste as much time, energy and momentum each time you try to make progress.

When you are organized, your breaks will be more satisfying.

You will be re-inspired afterwards, rather than feeling behind.

When you are well organized, you can hop back in after a long period of time and immediately get writing done,

it’s fulfilling and you’ll feel a deep sense of accomplishment.

Do you want to experience that sense of accomplishment?

Develop a system to organize your writing so there’s only one place to go to find things.

A new Digital Organization Membership open now:

❄️ Everyone in the ​6 Month Winter Writing Group 2023​ is getting early access!

And there is still time for you to join and receive a new program to take action to:

-Clean up wherever you keep your business, project or writing files and notes so you can focus on what is important now and going forward.

-Develop and Gain Clarity on your priorities, intentions and vision for your project so you can birth it in the real world.

-Organize your next steps so you know what to do next and captured that in an easy to find place

How does it work?

First, you pick ONE PLACE to put the most essential notes, learnings, documents, and keys to your writing and business projects.


Second, you update this at least once a month to stay organized.

We will set this hub up and check in monthly together:

In monthly live zoom calls, you’ll make and maintain a digital hub to organize your projects.

Use free or cheap software like Notion, Google Docs, Word, Obsidian, Evernote, Microsoft Word, etc.

The group meets monthly on weekends for 1 hour:

First, a quick 20 minute lesson.

You’ll learn a new organization skill, do a written reflection, or check-in on your projects.

Then you’ll implement what you have learned live with me.

That co-working time is so you implement and organize right there on the spot and it gets done.

I’ll help you know what to do and how to stay organized. You can ask me questions. We can chat.

And over the next 6 months, we will have at least 2 special sessions just to sit down and organize your CONTENT.

Content includes any documents, emails, blogposts, book chapters, scripts, articles, transcripts, pages, paragraphs, ideas, drafts, or completed written works you want to share with others.

Together, over 6 months we will organize your writing in the live monthly zooms,

And you’ll get Q&A, self-study organization classes, templates, and more.

By the end of 6 months you’ll be better organized and have a better system to finish your writing

(even if you stop and start).

Why does this work?

I’ve been using a system of having ONE PLACE to check my projects and making regular check-ins for about six years.

The way I’ve refined the system has been a GAME CHANGER for me.

From having a million ideas hidden on a shelf, with who knows how many gems…

To now, finding my ideas quickly across any computer or my phone, building on them seamlessly over time, and publishing more of the work I like.

Finally, I finish things I’m proud of and show up more, so people see me at a higher level and I’m feeling the love.

Less is dropping into the cracks.

I’m not so overwhelmed or confused.

Every valuable idea gets the attention that it deserves.

Your ideas are valuable, too, and getting them out matters!

Let’s make sure you can act on them and finish your projects by being more organized.

Make faster progress and finish writing projects more easily with organization:

The bonus Digital Organization Membership is included as a free bonus if you join the ❄️ 6-Month Writing Group this Winter.

We start organizing on Sunday, December 2nd!

❄️ ​Check out the details here.​ ❄️

Have a cool day.


No More 3D Chess When You Write

Are you feeling any of this?

I’m so sick of the WORLD massively critiquing everyone else’s words all the time and treating them like crap.

If you try to think of what to say, it’s like 3D Chess.

3D Chess vibes come from trying to please everyone, speak to everyone, tackle every argument before you have it.

If you fail to do it right, you face punishment: being misunderstood, getting mean comments, or being treated like scum.

That is not safe.

You need safety to think with your whole brain! And be creative! That helps you write.


So I am really into creating it for myself and for others when we talk or try to write.

I work hard to make my 6 month writing group a safe space. It is for nonfiction writers working on a book or business content.

But do me a favor, you can bring your HEART that is aching from whatever into my zone (that is fine)

but I need to keep that super divisive political arguing OUT. Keep that out of my groups.

Not just for other people to feel safe, but also for me…

I’m done playing 3D CHESS!

The beautiful thing I am not alone.

I’ve been writing and sharing how I feel with others over the past few weeks, and I’m finding like-minds.

There are many (maybe quiet people) who are done playing 3D Chess too.

People who are looking for a little respite from the storm outside.

Who just want to dig into the writing they feel called to do for their book or business,

so they can help people and connect with their whole heart.

That’s all they want to do, and guess what….that is ALLOWED.

You are allowed to say that you don’t feel like playing 3D chess.

If that’s you, I’m calling you in.

There’s another way to write that speaks to your soul, no 3D chess included.

I’ve got a group.

It’s small. It’s cute. It’s secluded.

You are welcome in my Winter Writing Group (open now) to seek safety from 3D Chess games and just write.

Not interested? Then come join us in the Free 21 Day Heartfelt Writing Challenge happening in a few weeks.

Just FYI:

Everyone in my Winter Writing group signs an agreement to treat each other with mutual respect and not dive in with endless criticism that people never asked for.

And to avoid super divisive topics.

Join us in the Winter Writing Group

and be 3D Chess free

Cheers and Happy Thanksgiving if you celebrate it

(yes, I know it has a terrible history but I like food).


Sofia Wren

🧜🏼‍♀️💃🏼🎉 The Winter Writing Group

🧜🏼‍♀️💃🏼🎉 Weee! 🧜🏼‍♀️💃🏼🎉

6 Months program to make progress & write for your book, business, emails, posts, blogs, videos, website copy

  • Know what to write next because you have clear vision and inspiration at every step.
  • Make important decisions so you do the right thing for you and your projects. ​
  • Share your book or business so the right people get drawn to your work.

The 6 Month Winter Writing Group open now

15 Spots 9 Spots still available!

Go Here to Read More about the Winter Writing Group

“I have accomplished so much this summer, and I’ve been writing a lot of different things and having a lot of breakthroughs in the area of ease and flow. I’ve been putting a lot less pressure on myself around what I need to get done. It doesn’t need to be difficult. Thank you for this beautiful space.”

-Kate Burkett, Inner Beauty and Founder of Kate in Paradise

“Sofia Wren is awesome! She had an amazing writing course that I got to take and it was OUTSTANDING. I learned a lot, and (I’ve been writing since I was 12) and she gave so many helpful tips. I really enjoyed so much of my time with her, she is an incredible person, it was a no judgement zone, and I write novels on the more… interesting side. So to see this kind of thing, it was amazing. I don’t have enough words to describe this incredible human being!”

-Lisa van der Wilt, Author, VA, and Multi-passionate Biz Owner

“I could not figure out what was missing in my business. I knew I had all the information. I knew I had the skills. I really pressured myself forward. And that put me into full stop mode and nothing worked anymore. There was procrastination. I wasn’t fired up. There’s so much to do and it’s just frustrating. You have to do it, you should do it, but you just can’t seem to get yourself to do it.

Since joining the mermaid group, I’ve started to realize that you cannot force it, it’s not one straight line. It all comes together, it all flows together. I’m in the flow. It’s working.”

-Uli Dieter, Health & Wellness Coach


The Winter Writing Group 2023 is Open

🧜🏼‍♀️💃🏼🎉 The Winter Writing Group is Officially OPEN!

6 Months program to make progress & write for your book, business, emails, posts, blogs, videos, website copy (with help as low as $55/mo)

  • Know what to write next because you have clear vision and inspiration at every step.
  • Make important decisions so you do the right thing for you and your projects. ​
  • Share your book or business so the right people get drawn to your work.

The 6 Month Winter Writing Group open now

15 Spots 9 Spots still available!

NOTE: The $55/mo plan expires Midnight Tuesday night, November 22nd

And here are the FAQS!

Question 1: Who is it for? ​

Answer: This 6 month group coaching program is for people who want to write.

It’s for the sensitive types, the free spirits, the mermaids-at heart who don’t fit in a box.

You want to write for nonfiction books, website, emails, posts, articles, blogs, video scripts or other content.

Your ultimate goal is to write, help people while being yourself and FEEL the love coming back.

Question 2: What is it?

Answer: A comprehensive 6 month group coaching program for up to 15 people.

It includes 6 levels of support:


Sessions include lessons and writing exercises to write for your book or business and be of greater service.

7 Classes: 1 hour teaching and exercises + 15-30 minutes of Q&A

5 Co-working sessions: 1 hour connecting & writing together

$1200 value


Improve your product or service descriptions, blog posts, emails, and more.

Submit up to one 1-2 page document per month to Sofia Wren for editing or feedback.

$300 value


Ask questions about writing or business with texts and voice notes to Sofia and the group.

Shared in a private group in the free Voxer app for 6 months.

$1500 value


Instant access to the online Video Vault so you can enhance your writing at your own pace.

Worksheets & 40+ videos on writing, creativity & productivity

$777 value


Organize your ideas, and projects in a simple way so you can get more done. Everything is customizable!

Classes cover free technology you can use to organize your writing and goals like Notion and Obsidian.

Includes Digital Template Sets + Video Training

$122 value


NEW! A monthly implementation meeting for digital organization and planning.

-Clean up your business, project or writing files so you can Focus on what is important to do next.

-Develop and Gain Clarity on what to do next to Finish your Project and make notes so you don’t ever forget.

-Organize your next steps so you know what to do next and capture that insight in an Easy to Find place.

Includes 6 Zoom Calls, scheduled monthly on weekends

$1332 value

Total Value of This 6 Month Program… $5231

Question 3: What are the payment plans? ​

Answer: Currently there are 3 options, but only for this week!

– 1 payment of $470

– 6 payments of $79/month

– 9 payments of $55/month

(The $55/mo plan expires midnight EST of November 22nd, Tuesday night.)

Question 4: When is it?

Answer: Below are all the live meetings but if you can’t attend, you can still get virtual coaching.

Digital Organization Bonus
Bonus zooms will be monthly on Saturday or Sunday & times will alternate.

Dec 3rd, 2023 at 11 AM EST (Sunday)- First Meeting for the early birds!

Jan 6, 2024 at 2 PM EST (Saturday)- Yearly Planning Meeting

More classes TBA

Writing Classes & Coworks
Main class zooms will be Thursdays 2 PM EST / 1 PM CST / 11 AM PST / 8 PM Sweden

Dec 14, 2023 – Class 1
Holiday Break
Jan 11, 2024 – Class 2
Jan 21 – Cowork
Feb 1 – Class 3
Feb 15 – Class 4
Feb 29 – Cowork
March 14- Class 5
March 28 – Class 6
April 11 – Cowork
April 25 – Cowork
May 9 – Cowork

Replays and transcripts will be available + if you can’t make it live you can still receive virtual coaching.

Question 5: How do I read more?

Answer: You can read all about it on my website

Go Here to Read More about the Winter Writing Group

“I have accomplished so much this summer, and I’ve been writing a lot of different things and having a lot of breakthroughs in the area of ease and flow. I’ve been putting a lot less pressure on myself around what I need to get done. It doesn’t need to be difficult. Thank you for this beautiful space.” -Kate Burkett, Inner Beauty and Founder of Kate in Paradise

“Sofia Wren is awesome! She had an amazing writing course that I got to take and it was OUTSTANDING. I learned a lot, and (I’ve been writing since I was 12) and she gave so many helpful tips. I really enjoyed so much of my time with her, she is an incredible person, it was a no judgement zone, and I write novels on the more… interesting side. So to see this kind of thing, it was amazing. I don’t have enough words to describe this incredible human being!” -Lisa van der Wilt, Author, VA, and Multi-passionate Biz Owner

I could not figure out what was missing in my business. I knew I had all the information. I knew I had the skills. I really pressured myself forward. And that put me into full stop mode and nothing worked anymore. There was procrastination. I wasn’t fired up. There’s so much to do and it’s just frustrating. You have to do it, you should do it, but you just can’t seem to get yourself to do it.

Since joining the mermaid group, I’ve started to realize that you cannot force it, it’s not one straight line. It all comes together, it all flows together. I’m in the flow. It’s working. -Uli Dieter, Health & Wellness Coach

Go Here to Read More about the Winter Writing Group


Scared + Unmotivated to Show up

How are you doing out there?

I am scared and I know that I am not alone.

There are many of us afraid right now but I hope this email brings you comfort and grace.

So many reasons to be scared,

🌊 an ocean of negative voices and conflicts from every side, fighting, and trying to pull us in.

Who is benefiting from these constant squabbles, actually?

Is our energy going towards actual change or perpetuating endless conflicts?

I see so many writers struggling, and who are they really fighting?

FEAR itself. The biggest enemy of art is fear.

We have to interrupt a dangerous cycle of attaching to and spreading fear.

Not everyone online is a real person or someone with good intentions. They whisper some untrue, toxic words in a few ears and it spreads like wildfire.

As a result of that, many people are scared of doing and saying the wrong thing and being unjustly attacked.

It’s the vibe now.

I blame ​Russian trolls​ who provoke people to “take a stand or be gone”, excited to take them down when they do. And people copy that.

Possible unjustified character assassination: Reason not to show up?


For me, I decided long ago I can’t let fear decide my life or it’s like the bad guys win.

I hate what is going on right now in the world. I don’t like it.

Part of me wants to retreat and I am 100% not alone in feeling this way.

But I can’t let it sap all of my power.

I have seen fear sap the inner power of writers, artists, and business owners. Sensitives and healer types.

What people don’t realize is: your individual fear can be tied to collective fear.

Scary environments can make you more critical of yourself.

Emboldened, the inner critic starts side-swiping your confidence until you stop trying to do anything.

  • trying to write your book or for your business…
  • trying to make a difference…
  • trying to showing up…

I am all about self-care and taking needed pause but whittling yourself out of a full life existence is not the way.

I’ve grappled with fear from a child, but I learned to show to be of service, anyway.

My anxiety was super bad after my dad died but now I’m helping a nonprofit in Sierra Leone, Africa, helping my writing clients, and now I’m trying to help you.

How I survive being scared: embracing my duty to others, not as a weight but as a form of inspiration.

What does the world have to lose if you totally give up right now?

Maybe you think, “not much,” but I disagree.

Fear doesn’t care if you have an eyebrow hair out of place or you are a total dictator

—if your inner critic is alert, it will rip you to pieces regardless.

So focus on something else.

Remember: it is not about you, it’s about your duty to be of service.

And ​service doesn’t have to be painful or boring​,

it’s can be a WIN-WIN freeing you from fear.

Figure out your path(s) of service, because

CLARITY is power:

You are on track. You are doing a good thing.

Get clear on your real priorities and focus on your service…

& You’ll stop over-assessing your flaws to the point of freezing 🥶

and show up in the world to serve others.

Questions to Ask:

So what are you on this earth to do? What was the reason you were born?

How many people would want to be in your shoes? Why?

A hundred years from now how will you be remembered? Even if people don’t know your name?

What gift will you leave the people who live behind you? Or ahead? To the thousands of people in the years to come?

Wondering the answer?

Watch this 15 minute class to find clarity.

Focusing on my path, my service, inspires me and gives me strength, and I hope the same for you.

YOUR TIME AND ENERGY IS PRECIOUS, don’t lose it all to fear.

​Watch this clip​ to get clear on the change you are here to make.

P.S. Did you hear about the Black Friday sale?

It’s in 3 days + it’s for people who are on the waitlist!

The 6-month writing group + private writing coaching sale starts Nov 16

⭐ But you have to join the WAITLIST

Join ​here​ by November 16th.

P.P.S. You can watch this blog as a video!


Writing nonfiction? Special Events for you

If you want to write nonfiction, check out these events:

1. Black Friday Sale on Nov 16
​2. Free 21 Day Writing Challenge in Dec

​1. Black Friday Sale on November 16th

​Do you want to write for your book or business? Do you struggle to get organized + stop and start on projects?

The 6 Month Winter Writing Group is going on sale.

​It’s for PEOPLE ON A MISSION to serve others with nonfiction writing for your business, website, salespage, content, or a book.

  • Know what to write next because you have clear vision and inspiration at every step
  • Make important decisions so you do the right thing for you and your project
  • Share your book or business so the right people get drawn to your work

A live online group to tap into your genius, and have FUN writing and reaching the people you’re here to serve.

15 people max!

+ It includes a NEW Digital Organization Membership to get you organized and on track even if you tend to stop and start.​

The program goes on sale for Black Friday + you can get private coaching on sale, too.

 Note: This sale is ONLY FOR THE WAITLIST

You must Join the Winter Writing Group waitlist by November 16th.

“This class is making such a difference. I have never done anything like this at this level before.”

Monisha Mittal, Embodied Play Architect & Somatic Coach

2. ​FREE in December: 21 Day Heartfelt Writing Challenge

Coming next month:

  • Create a daily writing habit
  • Unlock inspiration to write for your book or business
  • Feel the LOVE of the friends, followers or clients you attract

Get daily nonfiction writing prompts and access to a community of other writers.

Plus even more free resources to build a daily writing habit.

Sign up here for the upcoming free challenge

“Sofia Wren’s gentle and wise encouragement kept me writing. She makes accountability fun & brought me back to my love of writing.”

-Tanya Levy


I’m taking a stand! 🌼 💜 📣

How is your day going?

I hope you are doing well.

ME: my head is still a little fuzzy from being sick and

There are a million things I want to do, write and share…

Like my post today.

If you read all of my last “greatest hits” series of emails,

You’ll have seen hints of this theme woven through

​(If you missed any, you can find them all on my blog)​

🌼💜📣 I’m taking a stand for self love.

I know this whole idea is seriously overplayed,

to the point that ‘self-love’ feels like a meaningless concept.

Also we act like self love is this thing that you can just turn on instantly when you remember it,

like, “Did you know your house is wired for electricity?

Yeah, it’s all paid, just flip the light on!”

The truth is navigating life is a lot more complicated than switching on a light switch…

or at least it has been for me.

As someone

-highly sensitive




-creative (although I didn’t use to think I was)

-a survivor of traumas and losses galore…

My first survival responses were to shut ALL THAT DOWN.

The feelings, the traumas, the ick.

And the softness, the creativity, the good stuff, too.

It had to go.


I needed to protect myself at a young age.

That was self love then, protect, supress, hide, get through it.

But it had a price. I lost myself.

I didn’t even know who I was.

I was ‘cool with everything.’

I rarely said what I really thought.

To survive,

I distanced myself from feeling hurt and afraid, and

I stopped listening to my thoughts of how to escape an inescapable situation.

Good news: it worked.

I slipped through the cracks just like I planned.

My methods of self protection got me out of harms way, to where I am today.

That was self love at the time.

But it sucked to keep living like that when I was out of acute danger.

Without fear I didn’t notice dangerous people.

Without hurt I let bad things go on to long.

And I missed so much of the joys of life.

My life’s work has been in the undoing and unlearning.

Especially now.

The last few years have changed everything,

My dad’s death tanked me in so many ways,

and I’m doing self love 2.0.

I’ve been trying to energize new patterns to meet this moment.

Note: this is NOT an instant light switch moment.

These are new patterns I’ve spent years expanding and exploring.

New patterns of self love.

Now I spend more time de-armoring.

I still watch my purse in a crowd,

but when I’m by myself I want to be soft.


I want to be warm.

I want to be held

I want to be gentle.

I want to be loved.


I don’t want to always have to be strong anymore.

I don’t want to wait until XYZ happens to rest.

I don’t care if my goal is almost there.

We’ve played these games before, my demons and I.

I’m skeptical of these promises of just push a little bit longer.

There’s nothing on the other side.

I want my shoulders to stop being up at my ears.

I want to feel less anxiety.

My inner child is tired of waiting.

My heartbreak is tired of being suppressed.

It’s over.

And I didn’t really decide this.

Since my father died, my last parent,

my tears don’t stay in my eyes anymore.

The time to buck up is over for me.

My father was taken.

Everything I had learned, and experienced reached a tipping point.

I did the writing and healing work for years but

my dad’s death was the final straw.


Things changed and

I was changed.

🌼💜📣 But I decided to go with that change.

I decided to ride the wave.

What did I decide to do this year?

I took a lot of time to write and get really, really clear on my focus for 2023:

🌼💜📣 To focus on my relationship with myself.

This has been the foundation of my year.

And I’ve been digging into the foundations of a lot of things,

tax things, health things, legal things, car things, tech things.

Rearranging things increased my business profit.

I published over 25 articles before summer started.

I was a writing expert at a conference.

I did new stuff, big stuff


🌼💜📣 In 2023 my goals didn’t come first,

unlike every single year as far back as I could remember,

I put me first.

My relationship with myself is the FOUNDATION.

All year I have taken a stand against the voices that say:

-You should be focusing on your work.

-This is going to hurt someone.

-This is so short sided.

-You didn’t earn this, you don’t deserve this.

-It’s not safe to.

I took the time to discern if they were lying.

Are they on my side or are they not?

Because I know ordinary people can be wrong, very wrong.

I check my work twice.

I have my integrity.

Navigating the questions is not an instant light switch moment every time.

I write to figure it out.

I take time.

There are so many words I write that you never, ever see.

I figure things out day by day,

what’s true and what’s a lie.

I do a lot of different things but always writing.

What is the question you are asking yourself about?

For the person of two minds,

grappling with the many voices.

Let me take a minute to assure you.

It’s okay to take your time to figure it out….


🌼💜📣 When you know, you know.

Those moments of clarity.

You know you’ve reached a wall or a limit,

and all the voices, all the logic,

everything in the world can tell you you are wrong,

but you know, yes, in this case


You can be free of the container,

you need to be free of it.

You’re ready for something new.

It’s time to leave something behind.

🌼💜📣 Yes you can. You can be free.

You can pursue the desire, the plan, the vision.

And I know other people have said they were the exception

and been wrong,

but just because they were wrong doesn’t mean you are.

When you know, you know.

You know what’s right for you and

you have to find the courage to do it.

Stop looking to the narcissists and the murderers and the thieves for your examples.

You are not like them.


Take the role of standing in your own defense.

Explore it, write it out, and stop ruminating in your head.


Right now.

Set a timer for 5 minutes and write about it.

I’ve spent a lot of time as a writer exploring what is important,

important to ME and

I’ve found my answers.


Myself, as the person who has ALWAYS had my back.

🌼💜📣 Being my own best friend.

It’s worth taking the time to stop and listen or rest.

It’s worth prioritizing the things I say I need.

It’s worth taking a stand for self love.

I’m worth writing about.

I’m worth taking a stand for.

Self love is worth taking a stand for.

If this resonates with you,

Scroll below for some ways I can support you on this journey.

I’m looking forward to talking more about this theme over the next month.

I’m looking forward to talking more about this theme over the next month.

Join the next Heartfelt Writing Challenge, a free event happening in December.

🌼💜📣 21 Day Heartfelt Writing Challenge:

Use writing to tap into a better relationship with yourself,

which is a worthy goal in itself,

and get clarity on what to do next in your book, business or life goals.

Free writing prompts and community.

Sign ups are coming soon.

Stay tuned!

Join the next Winter Writing Group during the Black Friday Sale!

🌼💜📣 6 Month Winter Writing Group

My inner circle of writers who receive classes, personal feedback and help from me to write over 6 months.

The theme for the season is Paths of Service,

which for me means honoring my self first and using writing to stay on track with that.

For you it might be working on a book or business.

All are welcome, because self love is a service.

The group goes on sale for Black Friday.

Spots are limited.

We’ve sold out a couple times.

And one or two writers or entrepreneurs can get the new Deep Coaching 1-1 upgrade on sale, too.

🌼💜📣 Get the sale (ONLY FOR THE WAITLIST)

& write with us at the best possible price:

Hear more about the Black Friday Special by signing up here: Winter Writing Group waitlist