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Stop the Ego To Make Faster, More Consistent Progress

I have some radical things to say.

If you want to write a book or do other creative work, you need to know that it’s not about you.

Completing your project and living your purpose isn’t about you. Writing a book, creating music, selling your latest coaching program or creative offering, the spiritual work you put out–it’s not about you. It never was.

It means you can’t fail.

In fact “you” is a concept that is based in the ego. We all have an ego, that’s not a “bad” thing. In fact it is the ego that latches on to this idea of being “good” or “bad” in itself. The key is to go beyond these dualities and see the big picture.

If you want to be successful, stop thinking about what you are doing (or not doing) as a writer or creator and what it says about your character or talent. A lot of people think a lot about what people will think about them, or how good or not good their work is. What is more beneficial to focus on your habits, the result of the behaviors and actions you take, and the energy you are expressing.

When you act on the direction of your soul, your purpose, or your “higher self” (note: watch out because calling anything higher or better can get wrapped up in ego) you actually have to release taking personal credit for these things. You still get to take credit for taking the actions, because to do so you often have to really work and practice to stay optimally productive and not succumb to the resistance or other habits we all can fall into. But you aren’t, yourself, totally the creator of the impulse for these effective behaviors.

You don’t get to totally take credit for being the genius that made it all up. Because the true inspiration is an energy, a drive, an impulse that is so beyond you and me: it is spirit, it is All that Is. That is beyond “you,” beyond “me,” and to try to take full responsibility for that is hubris.

So get over yourself. If you feel bad about yourself for not being where you want to be, let it go. If you think it will make you look silly or wrong to change the way you do things, let it go. If you think it will help you to prove yourself in the eyes of others, let it go. If you think it will change somebody’s mind, let it go. If you think reaching your goal will impress someone, let it go. If you are scared of disappointing someone, let it go.

I also believe that you can make faster progress on your book or creative work by releasing expectations.

If you think the work will institute massive world change so that you are a global leader, let it go. Yeah, that’s a hard pill to swallow, I know, but lately I have realized it can be an ego trap that creates stops, starts, and bad behavior. Just be happy that writing will change one person’s life, even if it is just yours.
You will change because you are finally surrendering to your purpose and doing the REAL work you know you need to do. When you are in that place, it’s pretty crazy how authentic you end up being, and how driven you are. Then you end up helping a lot more people without even trying so hard. I know you are skeptical, “Letting go of my goals helps me??!” Yes, it does. If your goals are ego driven, they actually suck energy.
I promise you this makes it easier. Fueling your process on your ego will start up your engine but then leave you stranded in the middle of the desert with no one to call on. Fueling your process with your purpose will keep you going even when you can’t see two inches in front of your face. I promise. It’s not even about you.

Just do the work. Just do the work. Just ride the best feeling energy and get inspired, and see what the inspiration wants you to do. Just do it. Just do it. Stop thinking with ego.

LIFE IS A PARADOX. It can be about you, but really not.

Just BE you. Just BE the truth of you–the paradox is that when you are you, you are really not you. When you are really BEING you: you are all, and you are a tiny little piece. Do your piece to be ALL of who you are. Just do it!!! BE you and do you. Now. Don’t stop. Just keep doing the you that’s not really you and see what you become when you let it all go and just ACT on your inspiration like it doesn’t even reflect anything about you.

Yes, you may be seen for more of who you are by listening to your calling. You may end up on stage in front of hundreds, millions of people. Your videos or songs may be streamed. Your books may be sold. You may make millions. You may change lives.

But remember this isn’t really about you.

Are you ready to:

  • Stop overthinking your writing or creating, and putting extra pressure on yourself so that you’re just blocked?
  • Find a pace that works for you, so you can enjoy the process of writing or creating, and meet your deadline?
  • Start focusing on how many people you can help instead of stop worrying about what other people think?
  • End the stop-start cycle so you can write or create consistently everyday, and get it out there into the world?

Organize your whole life to support this process of writing, creating, and making a huge impact being you. You’ll get other goals done, too!

To help you to achieve your goal of writing a book or doing other creative work, I’m including my new Get It Done Guide. I’m giving it to you for free below!

So if you are ready to stop stopping and starting, keep writing and creating consistently & never make excuses again….

Then Check this out!





Hopefully this all helps you to do the thing that you are meant to do! This is your work to do. Remember it’s not just about you, it’s for everyone 🙂

If you need more support to make faster progress on your writing or creating, go here to apply for a free 1-1 conversation with me, Sofia Wren.


Sofia Wren

PS Don’t forget to enjoy your free gifts to get it done! You’ll build discipline to write or create more consistently! But they only work if you use them!

PPS Enjoy!