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Event: Keep writing and creating consistently & never make excuses again

Do you want to write a book? Create music? Or do you have another project to finish for your work or business?

Watch this free training series if:

–You are not moving forward consistently, you are stopping and starting on your projects and goals. You have writer’s block every few days.
–You feel pressured and overwhelmed or you’re unmotivated to work now
–You’re sensitive to feedback from people in your family, friends, work, other coaches, readers, clients, or other critical people you seem to attract like lovers, etc.
–You’ve had problems growing up, critical family members, or had toxic relationships.
–You still haven’t reached where you want to go
–It feels like a strain to get there

Learn how to accelerate your progress and get it done!

–End the stop-start cycle so you can write and create consistently everyday and get it out there in the world, fast. ?
–Make a bigger impact and reach the hearts and minds of more people around the globe.
–Let go of what other people think, and focus on all the people you can help so you can light up the world with everything you have to share!

I’ve just completed this free series with my best stuff, i.e. the tools I have used to coach other writers and creators to make faster progress over the last seven years!

Watch the free series so you can get it done. No More Excuses!

–Video 1: What You Haven’t Embraced Yet: Claim Your Birthright

Click here

–Video 2: (starts at minute 2) What you need to heal so you stop making excuses about your writing, Part 1, also known as “Other People’s Shit!”

Click here

–Video 3: What you need to heal so you can stop making excuses about your writing, part 2, the Inner Critic.

Click here

–Video 4: Keep writing and creating consistently & never make excuses again

Click here


Tired of stopping and starting?

Ready to Keep writing and creating consistently & never make excuses again?

Get the free gift here!

The Free Guide and Good Habit Tracker to keep you writing and creating consistently & so you never make excuses again.

Now what?

If you are ready to have some discipline and accountability for your writing and have a massive break through in all areas of your life because you’re embracing your purpose, getting the writing and creating done consistently, and feeling ALIVE– like you’re able to be yourself and help people from THAT place… Then go to this form. We’re going to get you ready to make a bigger impact than ever before.

You’ve tried it all. You done writer’s groups, courses in writing or art, you’ve tried to have a friend or business bestie holds you accountable, you’ve tried to do it on your own and you keep having writers block every few days– or you are not doing it at all.

So here’s what I’ve created for you. I’m offering personal support on this journey.

Your results would be accelerating your progress towards all of your goals especially your writing, your creating or business creation goals, so you can make a huge impact, being YOU. And because you can here your intuition and trust it, you always know what to do next. That’s a skill you can use for the rest of your life to make decisions and guide your creative process!

When you work deeper with me, we really cultivate this so you:


  • Stop overthinking your writing and putting extra pressure on yourself so that you’re just blocked.
  • Find a pace that works for you, so you can enjoy the process of writing and meet your deadline. Get other goals done too so you can organize your whole life to support this process of writing, creating, and making a huge impact being you.
  • Start focusing on how many people you can help instead of stop worrying about what other people think.
  • End the stop-start cycle so you can write consistently everyday and get it out there in the world.


It’s time to stop making excuses. Go here to talk!

Now, I know some of you are all set with today’s training but some of you want or need more. I’m moving to Japan and I’m only taking 3 or 4 new clients. There is an investment but we will work together and get you on a writing plan that works for you and keeps you going when the writer’s block rears it’s ugly head. I can’t even describe to you what you would get out of working with me because everyone is so individual and finds their own way to rock their purpose and take their writing and creative work forward into the world.

For example, a client recently worked with me to jumpstart her book. She had dropped it for 6 years and hadn’t worked on it at all. By the end of three months, she figured out a way to work on her book as a part of her day job as a teacher, so she is basically developing the book every week for her classes. Now she cannot fail! What seems obvious now after three months was a solution that eluded her for 6 years. Now she is moving forward and can no longer have any excuse to get that book done!

So do any of these descriptions sound like you?

–You are not moving forward consistently, you are stopping and starting on your projects and goals. You have writer’s block every few days.

–You feel pressured and overwhelmed or you’re unmotivated to work now

–You’re sensitive to feedback from people in your family, friends, work, other coaches, readers, clients, or other critical people you seem to attract like lovers, etc.

–You’ve had problems growing up, critical family members, or had toxic relationships.

–You still haven’t reached where you want to go

–It feels like a strain to get there


This is your time!

Go to the link and sign up.


Once you do that we will be in touch and we will talk in the next couple of days.


I’m not taking everyone, this is definitely an interview process to see if this is a fit and that you can get the most from working with me. But I’ll make sure everyone who talks to me gets tips, recommendations for other resources or just general clarity about where they are going and what they need to get there–even if we aren’t a fit to work together. But if it sounds like you need me and I could work deeply with you, I’ll let you know on the call.

So if you are ready to REALLY step on the gas and make faster progress, Talk to me now!

Click here.

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