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Create to Give Love not to Get It

I have an important message for all the writers, creators and entrepreneurs out there. This means you if you have a dream of being seen for all your hard work, your efforts, your mastery, your creativity, your artistic appeal. You have a voice and you want to get it out into the world in a special way. Wouldn’t it be nice if you were finally really seen?

Yes it would be nice. But please tell me this isn’t the real reason you create or write or play music or offer business services to your tribe—please tell me it isn’t about how they see you.

Because that would be really natural. We all worry about how people will see us, at least I do. My clients do. Writers, creators, entrepreneurs around the world do. In fact success often seems like it hinges on what everyone else thinks. It’s true that it feels really good to be received and recognized, but there’s an inner place from which you create that I call your Creative Power that really determines it all. You need to make something YOU are proud of before anyone else even enters the picture. To do that, you need to focus within on your motivation, on creating to give love rather than to receive love.

This is something I coach myself through. This is something I coach other people through. You can do this, I tell them, you can switch gears and find a new source of inspiration and motivation. Something different than getting love, it’s giving love. It’s real, it’s beautiful, it’s grand. It’s you. 

Create because you love. Look around the world, see the things that make you cry, that make you sweat with anger, that leave you on the floor laughing because what else can you do when something seems so broken? Thank god you feel this about the world. Thank god*dess you see the pain in another human’s face, or get upset about climate change, or have a heart for the billions of people who share the planet with you and where this world is coming to. Thank god for you! You are amazing, and you have a gift to share.

This isn’t about ego. I think that sometimes we boost ourselves up in whatever way we can, but when you are really connected to your CREATIVE POWER, I have found it is a wordless gentle place inside of you with a lot of ferocity, but a lot more freedom. Using tactics like telling yourself you are the best or better than xyz, or x doesn’t know what they are talking about if they think negatively about your work (just to get obtrusive thoughts about their judgements out of your head), may work temporarily but it is denying you creative power because then you are still swirling in a vortex predicated by what other people think.

The key is SILENCE. Meet those thoughts about what other people will think with silence. Connect to love. Connect to peace. Silent places and let it pass. Connect to your core. The Creative Power lives there.

One problem you may run into is that all these concerns for the reception of your creative projects really relates to some internal work that you need to do. We are all growing and learning. The problem is that under that noise and in between those mental chatter thoughts you rely on for your ability to keep going and to try to win people over, convincing yourself that you do not need them, underneath all that chatter is information coming to you about the emotional crap you need to address. You need to address it on a level that you never have addressed. The creative process is always an invitation to do some really powerful inner work. That’s the kind of work I’ve done in my emotional recovery from trauma, abuse, grief and more, and how I’ve reached new heights creatively, as a writer personally, a writer professionally, and recently as a musician.

One thing I do that is different is I use bodywork tools with my clients designed to help them to release trauma and emotions that get in the way of the creative process. You may not realize your body is holding onto tension and issues from many years ago or related to other areas of your life now. If that material is stuck in your body, like old trauma, abuse, pain, sorrow, grief, rejection, abandonment, etc. then it will come up during your creative process. Your body can even hold things that you don’t remember like even things you inherited from your mother’s stress during pregnancy or your birth trauma or related to what your grandparents experienced in the depression—who knows what it is because it’ll be specific to you and honestly, you don’t necessarily need to know what it is to release it from your body. That’s the amazing thing about body work and almost no one realizes they can do physical release work to improve their creative and professional productivity. Your body is an amazing tool in your creative process because it’s where your creative fire lives. But too often we are mentally plowing through projects so that we can meet deadlines or make people happy and the truth is what you need is a more enlightened approach.

I hope you’ve found this post thought provoking, Contact me if you’d like to talk about what is going on in your creative process! I can make a recommendation to help you like one of my programs if it is a fit to work with me, or books, blogs, etc. out there for free.

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April Message: Facing Your Fears

What an exciting month, not for the faint of heart. This month you will be facing your (potentially biggest!) fears. I hope you are ready because it is coming and if you lean in, it can really be a good thing.

It involves some element of surrender to face your fears. Other people may not know you all the way to the core, so perhaps you have to expose or put yourself out there.

The most difficult thing is when you judge yourself for your fears, or tell yourself that you shouldn’t have them, that they should go away. Gee that sure works, when you squelch and squelch your fears, that definitely helps you live a happy life–not! Actually it prevents you from getting beyond a certain level in your experience here on the planet when you refuse to face who you actually are and just accept that what makes you afraid makes you afraid.

It doesn’t mean you are stuck with it-to admit to yourself that something scares you. It doesn’t mean you have to be ok with that and never do the thing that’s scary, for instance let’s say singing in public. I used to have that fear and it is something I worked through once I realized it was important to me to sing, and that’s why it was so scary. Better to recognize you have a fear, and ask yourself- does this fear tell me anything important? Like does it tell me I have a secret dream, desire or passion that is so precious? Is that why I am so very afraid?

This is an opportunity for you to move forward and be more EMPOWERED than ever before. Remind yourself of the creative power that you learned to access just one month ago– we had that Queen of Wands card, if you remember (it’s still on my blog if you forgot). You are powerful. Are you ready to really take that to the next level and see actual changes in your life? Then you need to take a look at what you are afraid of.


Below is the message for April to help you make faster progress and always know what to do next to finish your projects and get your real beautiful self out into the world in a bigger way!

This spiritual message of this month is based on the Tarot card Nine of Swords. Take a moment to be open to any positive shifts that may occur as you read this sacred writing and remember to breathe.

 An ominous looking card, this reading reminds us to be aware and present to our worries and limited thinking but not to let it dominate our life

We all have our shadow sides and sometimes they come up just as we are making truly grand progress. Perhaps you feel fear or sadness, guilt or old memories. You may find yourself ready to throw in the towel right before the finish line.

Don’t. Breath. Get support. Remember what works. Celebrate your accomplishments. Fill your well–but do not procrastinate or delay what you know you must do because it will cause other problems.

Sometimes you just have to do it anyway.

I will be learning right along with you–this card is very mysterious and tricky at times but know that ILLUSIONS may be rampant so make sure to remind yourself and celebrate your LIGHT, power, gifts and value as much as possible at this time.

“Treating yourself like gold will make you strong,” Julia Cameron

Subscribe for more insight every month to help you make faster progress and always know what to do next to get your soul work out there in a bigger way. xo

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March Message: Love Letter From the Universe

Below is the message for March to help you make faster progress and always know what to do next to finish your projects and get your real beautiful self out into the world in a bigger way!

This spiritual message of this month is based on the Tarot card Queen of Wands. Take a moment to be open to any positive shifts that may occur as you read this sacred writing and remember to breathe.


You are Powerful. You are Complete. You are a Work of Art. There is no one exactly like you. This is the month where you shine your creative abilities, where you indulge your gifts, talents and most of all your imagination.

Have you really been letting yourself Dream? What is limiting you? It’s time to burn those limits to the ground. Yes you need to be smart and wise and safe, but how often do you really hold yourself back because you’re afraid of change or because you don’t trust that you can achieve those dreams so you don’t even try. Forget that. It’s change time.

This is the month that sets you on fire, if you will let it, you can access a huge amount of energy right NOW. If you aren’t focusing on a particular project or you feel overwhelmed STOP IT. Set a timer, pick a thing and do it. Move the energy or you will feel terrible. You’ll feel like you got hit by a bus because this energy and fire needs to be channeled into something or it will eat you up inside. Go be you. Go be grand, or insignificant, or imperfect, just shine your light and move that energy PRONTO. What are you waiting for? Help is there if you need it, just reach out. Follow what lights you up and go move mountains, they don’t exist, only you, your power and the biggest thing you can dream is truly real. Let the illusions and limit be fodder for your true fire. Burn Baby BURN

Subscribe for more insight every month to help you make faster progress and always know what to do next to get your soul work out there in a bigger way. xo


Process: Compare, Compare, Compare

You know how when you start writing, creating or putting your work out there, you start comparing yourself to people? Suddenly you are not sure if what you have is good enough to share. Maybe no one is going to like it.

What does that do for you? You probably start questioning your very worth as a writer, as a creator, or as an entrepreneur. That causes you to shrink and you’re likely going to stop to putting your work out there for awhile. This wastes time of course, but more importantly it seriously damages your confidence and trust in yourself.

One thing I have learned to do is take charge of my OWN creative power by ignoring what others are doing so I do not compare myself to others during the creative process.

But because the instinct to compare ourselves to others is so strong, that is easier said than done.

To help you access your creative power, I’ve started incorporating 5-10 minutes of clearing work at the beginning of my Creative Power Sessions, so you can tap into what’s holding you back from being in your creative power.

After we clear out anything in your way stopping you from having the most open and forthright conversation, we’ll explore what you really want to create, what your goals are, what is getting in your way, and whether it is an external block or an internal block.

I will make a recommendations along the way as well suggest ways for you to step into your creative power, and may suggest you look into a book, a blogpost, a video resource, a referral, or even one of my programs if that seems helpful for you.

I have 5 slots available and they’re valued at $250 each. Contact me if you’d like to grab one of these spots!

Maybe you are comparing yourself to others or maybe what is going on in your creative process is something entirely different. … We’ll see when we talk what comes out and you’ll get lots of clarity so you can make the progress you’ve been waiting for.

Do it your way, not anyone else’s way.


Sofia Wren

PS Contact me if you’d like to grab one of those spots for yourself.

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Creative Process: “Sweet Girl” a song and a story

Sweet Girl is a song I started writing around Thanksgiving 2017. The inspiration was a situation I couldn’t fully get out of my head from August.

As I write this I am looking at a picture of my mom. She died at 29. I am now 30. I am now just settling into an age, that she will never reach. She looks an awful lot like me.

August is when I became thirty, which is one year older than my mother ever lived to be. I really felt awful surviving her and mourning her, and then the next week my dad had a heart attack. Everything put my relationship of 7 years into serious question.

My relationship had been on the rocks for some time. Years. We’d been strained by many things, and I felt like I always had two feet on crumbling land, just trying to hold it together. And I made the most of it, I got therapy, I worked on myself and my communication. I did all the things. I wanted to be partners as much as possible so the stuff that bothered me wasn’t a secret, we discussed it, at length and tried to work on it. I basically tried to be the best girlfriend ever, and I’m not perfect, but when my dad had a heart attack in August I just had this very intuitive feeling that it was over. It was really scary, because I still loved him, and we lived together and I didn’t know what to do with that download of information, it was like a direct revelation experience.

Because I was really a mess in August I reached out to some people for help. It just so happened that in discussing all that was happening with my friend, feelings for him woke inside of me. That friend lived far away, and I didn’t even know him that well. I was surprised he even offered to talk to me. But he did and I’m not in the habit of refusing help when I need it. Surprisingly talking to my friend was really helpful, and I started going down memory road, remembering when we met. Back then I lived in Philadelphia at 22 and I was young, free and single. We had gone on a few dates then. Before I knew it I was feeling things for him more strongly than ever and wanted to be closer, in a big way.

But because I was such a mess, I did it all wrong. I said the wrong things, I was needy, and I was still figuring out my relationship status. He lived far away anyway, what was I doing? I imposed on his time needing him without giving to him to such an extent that we basically stopped talking.

It still eats at me a little bit. On one hand I know it was a slim chance in hell anything would have come of it, and now I have this very cool song. On the other hand, I hate to lose a friend I respect and think is special. Oh well, I accept there is nothing to be done about it.

So I focus on taking care of myself. That road trip through memory lane reminds me of that sweet girl in Philadelphia at 22, free, single, and honestly not a very big fan of herself. Looking to other people to find me valuable. I’m over that. Sometimes I still feel that way when I get scared I am doing something wrong. Like I have to be perfect, and do everything right. Get everything done, hold that melting cliff face together against all odds. Or I will lose everything through failing to be enough. It’s a slippery slope I am tired of trying to climb. I deserve love now, we all do.

I wrote “Sweet Girl” for myself, the words I needed to hear over and over again to remind myself that I am really a good person. I need to remember how much I deserve love, of how beautiful my soul is, of how much I just want to help people, and it’s ok. It’s ok to think negatively about myself sometimes, but what matters is scooping myself up off the floor even when no one else is there and showering myself with love. And just loving who I am, even when I feel broken or fragile. Scooping myself off the floor even when I feel needy and shitty and like I should be another way.

Over the period of writing Sweet Girl I decided to move out from my apartment with my boyfriend, where we lived for four years. I’m still cleaning things up but most stuff is moved now, including me. Breaking up with someone I love and wish I were more connected to isn’t easy. I feel so separate from so many things I knew for so many years, my best friend, my family, my life. I was scared of this and it is hard. I’m glad I did it, I think it is for the best but it’s still hard.

This song is for that girl that I used to be, and that a part of me will always be, because sometimes being an adult and doing the right thing is really hard. And we all need love.

I want you to hear Sweet Girl so I put it online for you! Please check it out and let me know what you think. I hope you find it uplifting xo

Hear it on Soundcloud

Hear it on Dropbox



Love yourself!


Sofia Wren


It’s amazing how much my mind loves to think about what other people think. I know I’m not alone because my clients talk about it sometimes. It definitely crosses my mind, “What will they think of this?” It can be a nail biter sometimes even though I definitely don’t let it rule my life.

I wonder what you will think of this. I’ve decided to change a really big priority.

For the last several years I have promoted my forthcoming book Freedom Year. It’s gone through several name changes. I’ve been working on it for over 5 years. I’ve had many people help me with reading and giving feedback. I’ve shared the first 4 chapters and gotten people excited about it.

I love it. It has been an incredibly fulfilling and challenging project. To write it and edit it I literally had to edit the contents of how I feel about some of my most difficult years. I had to face my own self judgement, and forgive myself and others.

It’s to the point now where I feel like maybe I don’t even need to publish it. To be honest, I’m in a deep life transition so I’m not in a place to make a permanent decision on that book’s future right now. So my current answer is- I do not know exactly what is going on with Freedom Year or its timeline.

What is clear to me is that I should spend my daily “Creative Passion Time” focused deliberately on something else. (Even when I am hella busy, I create every day. It is what keeps me sane.)

The truth is that I’m not working on my book Freedom Year right now. I’m writing songs.

Song writing! It’s been a very exciting journey going on in a parallel fashion over many years, but since August I have been incredible focused and dedicated to learning guitar so I can write music to play as I sing my original songs.

Since August I have recorded over 250 versions of songs, and now have 4 original songs polished and ready to perform, as well as 2 covers. That is 6 total songs I can perform, and I’m aiming to hit 10 songs and then 20 songs very soon. With ten or twenty songs I will have plenty to choose from to perform shows live! That’s my goal.

It was hard for me to post this because I have felt judged before talking about the pace of my project Freedom Year. Because I am a coach for writers and creatives who want to make faster progress, there’s a little voice inside of me that says that if I don’t complete every goal I set in a timely fashion then everyone will think that I am a fraud.

But the truth is that I want to tell you that actually changing your goals is totally ok. As long as you really feel into it and believe it is right for you–especially when the point is to have FUN or express yourself or something like that and it’s not obligatory–then you know best deep down what to do. Don’t let fear of judgement keep your nose to the grindstone on a project when inspiration is whispering to do something else. The point is to be free, not to be trapped.

It’s a balance, and it’s tricky, because if you switch projects too too much then you’ll never get anything done. But I don’t think it’s right to stick to every goal you set when things change and they don’t feel like a priority anymore.

Do you have any thoughts? To change priorities or not is a complicated topic and I’d love to hear what you think. Do you have challenges with this? Comment and let me know


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February: Time to Enjoy

Below is the message for November to help you know what to do next and make faster progress on your projects and in expressing more of who you really are to the world.


This spiritual message of this month is based on the Tarot card 9 of Pentacles. Take a moment to be open to any positive shifts that may occur as you read this sacred writing and remember to breathe.

This card bodes well financially and spiritually as it means we have found a balance, and the time and space to truly receive the benefits of a happy, abundant life. Perhaps before something was cloudy or hazy that stood in the way of you making best use of your resources. One of your most important resources is time–time to put towards sinking into the things that you enjoy doing or being. Perhaps that is time with friends and family or loved ones. Perhaps it is work that you really enjoy. Perhaps it is helping someone. Perhaps it is something more than you have been able to experience or achieve in a long time.

There is a sense of having a break or a pause in turbulence that you may have been experiencing. You may be able to look back and enjoy the fruits of your efforts or the lessons you have received. The skies seemed to have cleared and you may have processed something emotionally or karmically in a way that you haven’t realized before now. This is an excellent time to spend in reflective writing–no you aren’t done even though it is February, this is still an excellent time to review the past year and plan what you would enjoy ahead. Although goal making often is future oriented, I encourage you to look at where your feet are now. What could you enjoy? And what could you enjoy that will deeply fulfill you and add to your life? Perhaps it is a nap or a salad.


Want even more? Subscribe to my emails and get extra free insight to help you make faster progress and feel better doing it each month. Click here


2018 Here We Come: Advice

Wow what a year so far. I wanted to let you know that I’ve created two new videos with spiritual messages to guide you to a rockin’ 2018. Each is 5 minutes or less.

The first is on the general important feelings I have gotten about this year and messages that are really important. They have to do with self love and the difference between self love and narcissism.

See that below

During the second movie I pulled a card or two to guide us in 2018 generally as advice for us to make the most. The messages I got were about knowing your limits, boundaries, needs, use your voice and mind your focus. Go after what you want with determination this year! Don’t allow your thoughts to wander far from where you are trying to go.

See that here:

Coming up I will be sharing some thoughts from this particular moon cycle, January going into February. There’s a power of yin, rest, earth, and rounding. I’m really feeling it this month.

As I mentioned last time, I’ve been moving and creating a new space and environment for myself. I’ve also started a new, very physical part time job as a massage therapist. It’s all a lot of activity! And as old ways disappear, I’m creating a new sense of safety and structure. It’s a lot of work but I’m excited for what is to come. I’ve also been moving a ton of energy and writing a ton of music, and I’ll be sharing more about that soon, too!

We can do this!


Sofia Wren

PS I hope you enjoy the message of the year, please know that if you want to always know what to do next to make faster progress on your goals and creative projects (especially), contact me and we can talk about what might help you to overcome your challenges and create faster results. And if you want to shoot me a line, it’s always nice to hear your thoughts on my messages as well. Peace!

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December: Coming into Form


{The image of this card is from the Mythic Tarot}

This spiritual message of this month is based on the Tarot card King of Pentacles. Take a moment to be open to any positive shifts that may occur as you read this sacred writing and remember to breathe.

December is the last month of the year, but this time there is a special burst of energy all around us, helping us to make physical things that may have been up in the air for some time. The only thing is that the current energy is really requiring us to take a deep look inside to make sure we are really committed to ourselves. Right now be careful of accepting anything that doesn’t feel like a good fit. Trust yourself and your gut. You may need extra time to let things settle so don’t be afraid to say, “No not now,” or “I’m not sure.” Take the time you need to figure things out before jumping into things. If it is not a hell yes then maybe it’s a no. Imagine yourself positioning an arrow towards your future path, take extra time to aim yourself and make sure it feels aligned with your heart. You may still have time to make a change to previously agreed upon plans.

This month the energy of Saturn is very present in our life. Saturn is about building from a strong foundation and about work. Saturn has been traveling close to Mercury in retrograde and the Sun, and it’s about to make a switch from the sign of Sagittarius to Capricorn. This sign change only happens every two and a half years or so, and we’ll also be feeling this energy flow into January. This is a lot of Saturn energy, which can cause us to be more serious and down to business.

Make sure to sign up for my email list for Extra insights only for email subscribers:

PS I’m thinking that I will be making a number of Facebook Live videos over the next few weeks to help you make faster progress on the things that are important to you on a soul level. Make sure to like and follow me here!

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Make a Plan

Lately I’ve been on this “prepare for New Years” kick. I want to help you do it in the best possible way that will really be aligned with your spiritual potential, too.

In my last few posts the first thing we did was distinguish what you what from what others want for you. Then I helped you go into silence and clarify what you want. Then you took what you want and turned it into a mini goal so you could get momentum and traction right away.

Now you are ready to go big. Today I want to show you how to take the mini goals and expand them into a broader plan that you can then go implement.

Ok, so now you have some energy flowing. Maybe you are even getting a little bit excited. Good! Yay. Let’s really get into it now. The next thing that you do to really move forward and expand on those goals is to sit down with a piece of paper or a journal and brainstorm about all those things you need to accomplish to get what you want.

Write all of your thoughts down–thoughts, feelings, things to do, things you need, people to contact, random pictures or images, feelings, colors. This is brainstorming so it should be messy and untamed. Time to get out of the box during this step. Don’t edit, stay with the creative mind that just wants to pour everything out without stopped. It does not need to be organized. You are preparing for the future organization to happen by dumping out the contents of your brain. Write until you have no more to write.

It’s going to feel SO good.

Keep going, this may happen over a few days time, that is okay. Sometimes what we want is complex. A complex desire may require a complex plan. More importantly, it probably has been taking up a lot of space inside of you and you need to get all those thoughts, feelings and details out. Get this out now, and let the energy start to move so that after the brainstorm you can start to put the pieces together into your New Years plan. Follow the energy, just watch, it’s going to happen with minimal effort now that you’ve got it all out.

Now if you are one of those people who wants multiple things and has multiple projects and you get really overwhelmed and you want help with that so you can make progress next year, then I invite you to contact me and ask to have a goal setting session with me. We will review all of the different goals you have and identify what’s holding you back from accomplishing them and create a plan to move past that.

The New Year is approaching, which is why I’m offering these sessions for free before the 15th of January. I know there a lot of people who read my emails or my blog who have a lot of potential. Over the years I may have talked to you, one way or the other, or maybe we haven’t gotten a chance to meet. But I know you are there and I’m here to help. This is about you starting the year with goals and achievable ones! So you can actually make progress.

Contact me if you’d like to make an appointment to make a goal setting session!

You know I want everything to feel right for you, so listen to your intuition about the things that you want. You do deserve it and I hope 2018 is everything you hope it will be.

To your bright future & Have a great holiday.


Sofia Wren

PS Big kisses and thanks for reading my posts

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