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April Message: Facing Your Fears

What an exciting month, not for the faint of heart. This month you will be facing your (potentially biggest!) fears. I hope you are ready because it is coming and if you lean in, it can really be a good thing.

It involves some element of surrender to face your fears. Other people may not know you all the way to the core, so perhaps you have to expose or put yourself out there.

The most difficult thing is when you judge yourself for your fears, or tell yourself that you shouldn’t have them, that they should go away. Gee that sure works, when you squelch and squelch your fears, that definitely helps you live a happy life–not! Actually it prevents you from getting beyond a certain level in your experience here on the planet when you refuse to face who you actually are and just accept that what makes you afraid makes you afraid.

It doesn’t mean you are stuck with it-to admit to yourself that something scares you. It doesn’t mean you have to be ok with that and never do the thing that’s scary, for instance let’s say singing in public. I used to have that fear and it is something I worked through once I realized it was important to me to sing, and that’s why it was so scary. Better to recognize you have a fear, and ask yourself- does this fear tell me anything important? Like does it tell me I have a secret dream, desire or passion that is so precious? Is that why I am so very afraid?

This is an opportunity for you to move forward and be more EMPOWERED than ever before. Remind yourself of the creative power that you learned to access just one month ago– we had that Queen of Wands card, if you remember (it’s still on my blog if you forgot). You are powerful. Are you ready to really take that to the next level and see actual changes in your life? Then you need to take a look at what you are afraid of.


Below is the message for April to help you make faster progress and always know what to do next to finish your projects and get your real beautiful self out into the world in a bigger way!

This spiritual message of this month is based on the Tarot card Nine of Swords. Take a moment to be open to any positive shifts that may occur as you read this sacred writing and remember to breathe.

 An ominous looking card, this reading reminds us to be aware and present to our worries and limited thinking but not to let it dominate our life

We all have our shadow sides and sometimes they come up just as we are making truly grand progress. Perhaps you feel fear or sadness, guilt or old memories. You may find yourself ready to throw in the towel right before the finish line.

Don’t. Breath. Get support. Remember what works. Celebrate your accomplishments. Fill your well–but do not procrastinate or delay what you know you must do because it will cause other problems.

Sometimes you just have to do it anyway.

I will be learning right along with you–this card is very mysterious and tricky at times but know that ILLUSIONS may be rampant so make sure to remind yourself and celebrate your LIGHT, power, gifts and value as much as possible at this time.

“Treating yourself like gold will make you strong,” Julia Cameron

Subscribe for more insight every month to help you make faster progress and always know what to do next to get your soul work out there in a bigger way. xo

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