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Create to Give Love not to Get It

I have an important message for all the writers, creators and entrepreneurs out there. This means you if you have a dream of being seen for all your hard work, your efforts, your mastery, your creativity, your artistic appeal. You have a voice and you want to get it out into the world in a special way. Wouldn’t it be nice if you were finally really seen?

Yes it would be nice. But please tell me this isn’t the real reason you create or write or play music or offer business services to your tribe—please tell me it isn’t about how they see you.

Because that would be really natural. We all worry about how people will see us, at least I do. My clients do. Writers, creators, entrepreneurs around the world do. In fact success often seems like it hinges on what everyone else thinks. It’s true that it feels really good to be received and recognized, but there’s an inner place from which you create that I call your Creative Power that really determines it all. You need to make something YOU are proud of before anyone else even enters the picture. To do that, you need to focus within on your motivation, on creating to give love rather than to receive love.

This is something I coach myself through. This is something I coach other people through. You can do this, I tell them, you can switch gears and find a new source of inspiration and motivation. Something different than getting love, it’s giving love. It’s real, it’s beautiful, it’s grand. It’s you. 

Create because you love. Look around the world, see the things that make you cry, that make you sweat with anger, that leave you on the floor laughing because what else can you do when something seems so broken? Thank god you feel this about the world. Thank god*dess you see the pain in another human’s face, or get upset about climate change, or have a heart for the billions of people who share the planet with you and where this world is coming to. Thank god for you! You are amazing, and you have a gift to share.

This isn’t about ego. I think that sometimes we boost ourselves up in whatever way we can, but when you are really connected to your CREATIVE POWER, I have found it is a wordless gentle place inside of you with a lot of ferocity, but a lot more freedom. Using tactics like telling yourself you are the best or better than xyz, or x doesn’t know what they are talking about if they think negatively about your work (just to get obtrusive thoughts about their judgements out of your head), may work temporarily but it is denying you creative power because then you are still swirling in a vortex predicated by what other people think.

The key is SILENCE. Meet those thoughts about what other people will think with silence. Connect to love. Connect to peace. Silent places and let it pass. Connect to your core. The Creative Power lives there.

One problem you may run into is that all these concerns for the reception of your creative projects really relates to some internal work that you need to do. We are all growing and learning. The problem is that under that noise and in between those mental chatter thoughts you rely on for your ability to keep going and to try to win people over, convincing yourself that you do not need them, underneath all that chatter is information coming to you about the emotional crap you need to address. You need to address it on a level that you never have addressed. The creative process is always an invitation to do some really powerful inner work. That’s the kind of work I’ve done in my emotional recovery from trauma, abuse, grief and more, and how I’ve reached new heights creatively, as a writer personally, a writer professionally, and recently as a musician.

One thing I do that is different is I use bodywork tools with my clients designed to help them to release trauma and emotions that get in the way of the creative process. You may not realize your body is holding onto tension and issues from many years ago or related to other areas of your life now. If that material is stuck in your body, like old trauma, abuse, pain, sorrow, grief, rejection, abandonment, etc. then it will come up during your creative process. Your body can even hold things that you don’t remember like even things you inherited from your mother’s stress during pregnancy or your birth trauma or related to what your grandparents experienced in the depression—who knows what it is because it’ll be specific to you and honestly, you don’t necessarily need to know what it is to release it from your body. That’s the amazing thing about body work and almost no one realizes they can do physical release work to improve their creative and professional productivity. Your body is an amazing tool in your creative process because it’s where your creative fire lives. But too often we are mentally plowing through projects so that we can meet deadlines or make people happy and the truth is what you need is a more enlightened approach.

I hope you’ve found this post thought provoking, Contact me if you’d like to talk about what is going on in your creative process! I can make a recommendation to help you like one of my programs if it is a fit to work with me, or books, blogs, etc. out there for free.

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