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“I’m not as afraid as I used to be”

I just want you to know that today, as with every blog, I’m on a mission to help you write for your book or business.

Getting those words on paper or out online means serving more people… in a FUN way where you feel lit up and rewarded.

(Imagine me dancing and snapping, just for fun)

And when we do 1:1 coaching, we can make this all happen!

I know because I’ve seen it.

Below are 3 success stories from clients who have signed on to do 1:1 work with me since April.

I’ve been collecting these for a little while and it’s time to share the good news, my friend.

Meet Kristina.

She said, “I definitely am so so happy that I reached out to you because I feel like you have helped me motivate myself and helped me to boost my confidence and self-esteem when it comes to my business ideas. You helped me with the process. Since we’ve talked, I’ve literally built an Instagram network, built a Tiktok network. I’ve been more comfortable with posting my things on LinkedIn, and Facebook. Oh and my website, you’ve helped with that. Just from April, when we started talking, I’ve literally built an entire website and I have over 1000 followers on social media, which I like never thought that would happen.”

She said I helped with “the confidence, motivation, but also, the tech side. You really helped me with the process and met me where I am.”

So exciting to see her shine and have fun with her business. What platforms you are use is a personal choice, but I definitely hope where ever you are online, you have fun with it, like Kristina. Her site is up here 

Meet Joey.

Joey was feeling anxious about a speaking opportunity around his therapeutic creation Culinary ACT. He recommends my work to anyone else with “new ideas that feel scary and vulnerable.” We worked to prepare him with what to say.

He completed his talk and said that, “I was maybe looking into the doorway of culinary ACT before working with you, but now I feel like, I’m locked into the threshold and, Okay, I might not know what’s happening next, but I have other people who I can continue to bounce ideas off of to figure it out. So I think the end result is feeling affirmed. And I feel like I earned that.”

Now, he told me today, “I’m not as scared as I was before.”

So happy good things are happening for him–and now that the idea is out of the bag, it’s just going to keep rolling. I didn’t help specifically with his website but you can find it here

Meet Xena.

Xena is a personal trainer who used to feel off about her website and email freebie. She was not excited to share it with potential clients. She wanted to change it so more people would sign up for programs through her site but she couldn’t find the time to sit down by herself and do a revision. So she got my help. We put it on the calendar, edited the whole site together with a freebie email sequence and made some new additions.

She “loves, loves, loves” her site now–here’s my favorite new sales-page we worked on because it sounds so much like her. I get such a joy when someone’s unique personality gets to shine!

Kristina, Joey and Xena all received 1:1 coaching with packages like I am offering below. Some also chose to renew because the service was helpful.

I’m just so freaking proud of the progress they made. I’m actually really surprised…so little time went by and the results are outstanding.

If you’d like to get serious about writing out your ideas for your book, or business, I’d love for you to shoot me a message about this Summer Special below.

Not sure?

Joey said this about me:

I’m not “someone that’s going to cover your shit in red ink.” He said, I’m “warm and encouraging” even in my feedback.

And “You’re affordable. Sometimes there’s like an intimidation around hiring a consultant. You don’t operate that way. That just makes it a little more easygoing for people. And so I would tell these people [ who may be on the fence] that maybe they’re limiting their idea of how you can be useful for them.”

Yes, I’m offering really affordable rates right now! It’s what feels good at the moment but it can change at any time. Life is short, baby!

Here are the details

Want help writing for your book or business?

Get writing done for your website, blogs, email funnels or books.

Help the people you are meant to serve and build an audience.

Summer Special:

1:1 Coaching to get writing done together on zoom or phone

Includes any writing coaching, copywriting, collaboration or basic website/email technology walk-throughs you need for your project

Three (3)- 30 minute phone or zoom sessions.

Only $180 total

A 333 value

54% off


*Only 2 spots left

*Only available for purchase in July 2022

*Must use by September 31st


*Use all your time and you can keep your rate.

*You will qualify for price matching through the fall of 2022.

*Otherwise prices may increase in August and for the fall.

This is crazy because this special is 54% off what I have charged in the past.

But it’s what I feel called to offer…

so this is for the mermaid ready for real magic.

who wants to see that website, or book move forward…

and who believes it’s possible to write, make a difference, pursue your dreams and still have a fun and relaxed summer!


Let’s invigorate your writing, your website, your book so you can tell the world whatever you have to say!!

Here you come, world.

To grab your spot or talk more about it, contact me.