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Yes, emails can be a fun way to attract clients

If you’ve been thinking about EMAIL

-starting an email list (a super good idea) or

-emailing your subscribers more often

in a way that is more FUN…


It used to be HARD to share my writing. I was living a hidden life.

🦋 I’ve been on this journey for many, many years…to come out of the shadows.

Now not only do I show up in other people’s lives with my writing, really inviting people to come see via weekly emails,

💜 but I actually ENJOY the process???!!!!

Yes! I really do.

Even the process of sending these weekly emails is something that I enjoy 🙂

🌿 This is my little care package of love.

I’m sharing about my email philosophy AND about my transformation (from being afraid of anyone reading my writing to enjoying it)

 Check out this panel where I share, I’d love for you to see it.

If you like it, maybe I’ll see you next week for  my full presentation on how to have fun writing emails.

Keep an eye out for the free FUN email hub that I am working on!

Sign up for my newsletter to get these free resources for emailing in a fun way.

You’ll be emailed when it’s ready!