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Writing is not just writing

Behind the scenes, I work privately with writers one-on-one,

talking weekly,

reading their writing and

giving feedback.

But it’s not just about writing and getting that done…

πŸ’œπŸ’œ It is about holding space πŸ’œπŸ’œ

so that you can

🌼 feel SAFE

🌼 explore how to express WHO you are

🌼 be more YOURSELF in everything you say or do

I help you get clear on how to serve others through writing, your book or your business–starting with having the courage to be yourself in a bigger way.

That’s when you realize that just being yourself is a way to be of service.

Helping people write in a more authentic way is what my coaching is about, and it starts with helping you to be more YOU.

I love helping people write stories about:

πŸ’œ the change between the past and now,

πŸ’œ moving from hiding your light to seeing how valuable you are,

πŸ’œ moving from questioning or doubting to KNOWING.

πŸ’œ knowing how what you’ve learned can help others.

Seeing my clients write it down, share it for their book or business,

🌼 And feeling the love that comes into your life as a result,

I love to see it.

Whether it is for a book, a blog, a business website,

Sharing this is what you are here to do on this planet!


Is this year, 2023, your time to do it?

If you:

πŸ’œ want your writing to feel more fun and authentic

πŸ’œ want to make more progress writing for your book or business

πŸ’œ want more fans, friends, or followers… The kind that GET you

🌼🌼 This is all available for you in the Deep Coaching package! 🌼🌼

There is only one spot left for this special on one on one writing support.

It is 34% off.

Ready to be more yourself?

write for your book or business?

And FEEL the LOVE of people who get you?

Get 1-1 support with the Deep Coaching special

testimonial from a client of Sofia Wren