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Why & How I Serve Women with Intuitive Readings – Tarot & Oracle Cards

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When I tell people that I provide Intuitive Readings, Consultations and Spiritual Coaching to sensitive and caring women from all over the world, I’m often asked a few common questions.

How did you start reading Tarot?

How did you become a Professional Intuitive?

What kind of clients do you work with?

Why does someone get a Tarot reading?  

It’s an area of mystery and intrigue to many. I mean, tell me about it! It’s part of why I’m hooked.

Many people who know me have wondered how I have found my way here– from a Bachelor’s in Political Science and Italian at Bryn Mawr College, to Americorps, managing small businesses to my work as a Licensed Massage Therapist and now here.

I’ve come a long way in my almost 27 years (my birthday is approaching! Yes, I am a leo.) I began reading cards when I was back in middle school about 11 or 12. I tell you my story face to face in the video below, but if you prefer to read, I’ll sum it up as well.



When I began back in middle school I had a lot of fears, uncertainties, and doubt about myself. That was 15 years ago, but I’d always wondered about the big questions on my own– my mother passed when I was three and I had a lot of time on my hands to ponder the whys. Why everything, and how does this place, this world work exactly?

The Tarot holds a lot of information about the mysteries of the universe within the colorful images that carry the meaning and tradition that began in the Renaissance. Actually many of the cards draw on imagery from the Classical period (Roman and Greek myths) which I studied as a kid in Latin. (I took all the languages Latin, French, German, but not too much Spanish in case my Italian got messed up). I later studied these in detail in my High Priestess Training with Sacred Mists Online College.

Queens and Kings, goddesses and gods grace the cards with their strengths and their challenges that so mirror our own. I was drawn to the New Age section at a young age, drawn by my love of fantasy, magic, and my passion for strong women– those queens and goddesses could be role models to teach me to be a powerful woman one day.


I was drawn to the cards for many reasons. One because I was totally confused about where my life would go— my father had remarried to someone slowly turning into an evil step mother. Second because middle school insecurities and dramas suck, and my old friends had joined with my new friends to spread rumors about me being a witch (I’m not scary, I swear!!). Tarot was all I had left after I gave my books away and hid my heart’s call. Guidance = Needed.

Third my Italian Grandma gave me a book on it in Italian which drove me crazy because I doubly wanted to understand both her language and the language of the Tarot. It was international and a way we could communicate across countries, and time.

SofiaWrenbybeachAnd mostly because I needed something to believe in. Something that meant something today, to me, in my life. I didn’t want dogma or stories about just men, or women who lived like nuns or martyrs. I wanted to be a real life strong independent woman, and do something to change the world.

So for years I would pull a card on my deck when a problem came up in life– a boy I wanted to like me, a job I might get, a scholarship I waited for and so on. It was my private introspective activity that made me curious and hopeful about the future instead of scared. I always gained some insight from it and the books I studied and marked up.

By the end of college I realized I was not a politician– I couldn’t be a diplomat and fly away from everyone I loved even if I had a love for languages and helping others. And so I did a year of Americorps to give back, to help a kid find herself, and found myself in the process. I learned I was a healer not a fighter, I learned I loved to teach and to write and to sing. I learned I needed spirituality to breath easy and love life again.

I studied massage, became a Licensed Massage Therapist and over the next five years learned how to provide a healing space for others, to tune into their needs while listening to them and my intuition so as to allow them space to heal. I learned more techniques to heal from my past, and trained to serve people even more deeply as an intuitive. In 2013 I became a Certified Ethical Intuitive Consultant, tested and trained as an accurate intuitive consultant.

You can read more about my approach as an intuitive and how I work here on the FAQ page.

There are answers to many other questions as well.

youngSofiaWrenNitchieBut who do I help? Women from all over– India, Canada, Switzerland, California, New York, and more. My messages cross borders thanks to the technology of today and my passion for being of greater service. It’s something me and my clients share. We share a passion for helping others, and we want to do so while creating beauty in the world, leaving our unique mark, opening our heart wider, and achieveing our hearts desire. We want to be more US. To share the gifts we were meant to share, that we were born to share.

My clients often have fears, and uncertainty about how they are supposed to serve and help people in the world, how they are supposed to live balancing the needs of others and their heart’s song. I help them to find their unique voice and to connect to their intuition. I teach tools to enhance wellness, creativity and find fulfillment spiritually, in business, in writing books, the whole gambit. My clients are real people, and they do a lot, and my readings reflect that and inspire them to keep going, take that next step with the most positive attitude. They find their own definition of empowerment and strength as gentle, caring wonderful sensitive goddesses.

And when they help people– that makes my heart sing with joy. To touch one life with my readings is such an honor, it’s an even greater honor to know that I’m helping someone help others. That’s making the world a more beautiful place, together.


Ready for your first intuitive reading?  Click here.

I can’t wait to meet you!

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