Mermaid Oracle Sessions

Notes from Happy Clients:


Tarot, Oracle Card and Intuitive Readings with Sofia Wren 


Current Pricing for One Time Private Readings 


$222/ hour for all consultations for new clients


Interested in Sofia Wren’s intuitive readings?  Here’s some more information! Shoot me an email if there’s a question you don’t see here at or click to my contact page to request a time for a reading.


What is an Intuitive Reading?

An intuitive reading is a session where a client receives guidance and inspirational messages from an intuitive to help them to find clarity, to solve problems, and to seek out positive actions they can take to thrive.

The benefit of going to an intuitive is that these messages are tailored to the unique situation of the individual, including their life purpose and unexpressed potential, as well as their unique challenges— all without having to spend time explaining or going into the details.

A reading is a spiritual experience that reconnects clients to why they are really here, and brings them past limited thinking into the opportunities in the present moment.

“Guidance” is a word to describe readings because the messages aren’t coming as personal advice from the reader, they are based on other information that is either through the outside world, or that comes unbidden through the imagination.

What different kinds of readings do you do?

Right now my readings are open ended–if you have particular needs or questions, I address those in the session as asked. This includes help with your life, business or creative projects.

My readings are Card readings drawn from my many Tarot, or Oracle Card decks, as I feel guided. I also can perform Energetic Assessments, read from the Akashic Records, or rely messages from your Spirit Guides.

I also offer packages which include Tarot readings and more. Please email to book live sessions or discuss a package of services.

I do not offer readings that determine is someone is your soul mate or “the one” — however, I can show you the multiple sides of a relationship issue. I don’t do readings to solve problems related to abusive relationships or trauma occurring in the present–please address these concerns with a trained counseling professional. I also don’t diagnose medical conditions.

Many of my clients are sensitive and caring women,  coaches, healers, teachers struggling to share their gifts, receive more good things in life or to expand their service in the world.

What’s the difference– psychic, intuitive, medium?

I will respond personally because these words mean different things to different people. Intuitive is a word that I prefer because everyone can become more intuitive. The intuition is rooted in the body, senses and imagination. Listening to your intuition is a skill you can learn.

Psychic to me has a number of associations that I don’t always identify with, like that someone can predict the future with 100% certainty. I do believe that some things are up to the choices of an individual so the future can change. However, there are some things that are very likely given the circumstances.

Many of my predictions about the future have been right, but I also like to empower my clients as powerful creators of their own destinies.

My intuitive readings have been tested accurate by a third party, the teacher Flora Peterson.

Mediums can receive messages from spirits such as passed loved ones and ancestors. I have been trained and tested as a medium as part of the Sacred Mists.

I don’t specifically perform mediumship services that will fill an entire hour session; however, if a loved one of yours has a clear message for you, I can relay that as one small aspect of your reading.

Do you read the future?

Speaking personally, I say no– I read the present situation and likely outcomes from there. I don’t know everyone’s fate or what they are going to do in their life, but I believe a lot is going on in the present. I think there are many paths we can walk in life, and the choice is personal.

When using Tarot or Oracle cards, there is an element of “fate” or factors that I don’t control. That’s the cards. I pull all cards without seeing what they are. That’s the Universe helping with the reading– so if I am asked about the future, I generally pull cards because I trust in the guidance I have received time and time again from this tool, and each card has a message.

Often I present the situation that is likely to happen if you continue down one path–the one you are on now–but I love to recommend ways to make your life even better by trying a few new things.

Do you give bad news?

All my readings are optimistic and positive– seeing the opportunities hidden in the present.

Sometimes I may say something that you don’t want to hear, like if you do not want to be empowered to be in charge of your destiny and want me to tell you your future like it is a fixed thing completely outside of your control.

I am not a medical intuitive– so I cannot speak on sickness or health issues.

I’m also not amazing on questions about pets.

I rarely speak about decisions being wrong or dire as I usually emphasize the pros and cons of each options, and speak about if one option feels better to me than another.

How is someone able to give readings?

Just like the ability to calculate numbers or distinguish bird calls, intuition is part talent and part learned skill.

The short answer is that intuitive reading builds on science– although everything in the universe looks solid, I learned in college chemistry that everything is made up of smaller vibrating particles.

Everything in the universe is vibrating in a certain way and so are people– often anyone with emotional intelligence can pick this up from others who feel strongly like embarrassment, anger or sadness.

Intuitives pick up on the subtleties of these vibrations–I see my gift as being a translator to put these feelings into words. The universe also matches these vibrations with the specific Tarot cards that are drawn–this is the Law of Attraction at work.

I also believe that the “Right Brain” or creative mind enjoys playing with symbols, stories, scenes, archetypes, characters and feeling associations as primary ways to communicate through the imagination. Spirit guides are characters the mind uses to communicate messages (like muses), and the akashic records is a scene like a library that people can go to for information. Some people prefer to think of these as real entities or places outside of us, but I’m flexible either way.

All kinds of readings involve translating from this different state of mind or kind of thinking. It’s a different kind of intelligence than most of us have been taught in school to rely on but we still honor the great artists of the Rennaissance with this brand of genius.

What happens in a reading? How do you read the cards?

I start the session with a prayer to get in a good state of mind and to anchor the kind of messages I want to give. Then I generally start to pull the cards without looking by listening to my body and going with what feels right. Each card has a message or series of messages.

After I get the general lay of the land with cold reading (reading without information from the client), then I invite clients to ask questions if we have a longer session. Clients can also remain silent and ask the Universe to answer their question through the card reading . For short video readings I allow a general theme or one question through email such as how to be more happy or how to succeed in business. Live sessions are audio recorded and sent by email. All readings include pictures of the cards sent by email.

I rely on the tradition of Tarot interpretation which I have studied for 15 years–each card has a number of traditional meaning. I also am inspired by pictures on the card and the combination of many cards together, and I share these creative associations to access the Right Brain intelligence of intuitive reading. I also pick up feelings from the cards and my client which influence my interpretation as well.

Personally I read or talk very fast to translate what I am feeling and I trust whatever comes to me in the session– many people have described my messages as “spot on.”

What is the difference between Oracle, Tarot and Playing Cards?

Tarot Cards have a structure that originates in similar decks that date back to the Rennaissance. There are cards like a playing card deck–numbers from 1-10 and court cards–but I love Tarot Cards because the art is often very intricate, beautiful and meaningful. I enjoy connecting to this artistic cultural legacy.  I do not read with Playing Cards because I find them boring!

Oracle cards are special decks that modern artists have created– often with some sort of theme. The cards are intended for intuitive reading, and have different words and pictures on them than a Tarot deck. Oracle decks I love using include the Druid Plant Oracle and The Enchanted Map Oracle Deck.

Is there a difference in the decks in regards to the results of the reading? Do different decks have different meanings? Can I choose?

Absolutely, which is why I have many decks! Different art and style on Tarot cards adds it’s own flair. I like to pull from many different Tarot and Oracle decks in one reading because it creates so many more possibilities. A regular Tarot deck has 78 cards, and Oracle card decks often have 40 or more cards each.

Some clients desire just Tarot because they want to learn or request just Oracle because they read their own Tarot cards. You may choose between either or if you don’t say I will pull as I feel guided.

How did you start reading Tarot? How did you become a professional reader? Who do you work with? Why does anyone get a Tarot reading?

See my personal answers on video below!

Are you ready to have clarity on what to do next?

Sign up for your own personal reading.

You’ll be able to ask questions about your life, your business, or the projects you are working on.

If you have been experiencing a block to the things you desire to receive in your life, you will also be able to release that with energy work during the session.

All in all, you will make faster progress as a result of the session!

Sofia, I got so excited when I saw the email you sent me with my recording.

When you were speaking I started getting goosebumps. I wanted to relisten to the audio right away! It was the highlight of my week.

Before I heard the recording I was feeling pretty good, but afterwards I felt so happy! I’ve had readings from you before and at the time I told you it was the best Tarot reading I had ever gotten–some of the things you’ve said in the past really came true this year– but I think this recording was even better.

I’ve listened to it again and again many times and it makes me so happy to hear it. After four times I still had goosebumps when I heard your voice. Your words really touched a part of my spirit. There’s something different now about the recording, sometimes you paused and I don’t know how to describe it, it was like waves were carrying me away. Something about it really touched me, I loved it and I want one of these every month!

-Tu Vu, Philadelphia, PA

Reading by audio recording.

Contact Sofia Wren to set up your live appointment