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“Who am I?” My Start

🧜🏼‍♀️I forgot I was a mermaid, ya’ll.

This is #1 in a new series called, “Who Am I?” 

Today I talk about the start

Me: born on a small island in Massachusetts, spending every childhood summer at the beach.

I loved the beach AND I longed for more. Being an only child and often playing alone, I dealt with my extreme boredom by:

-using my imagination to dream and be creative,

-reading fantasy and fairy tales,

-devouring the New Age section.

In my dreams, I was always a mermaid or a witch…definitely somebody magic.

By middle school, I had a blog to share my thoughts and enthusiasm for life, but that’s when I lost something.

I started getting bullied in school and at home.

It started intensely because of my fascination with magic and how it confused people. Over years of not feeling accepted, I adjusted to try to be perfect to avoid the danger of being ridiculed or emotionally attacked.

I put my blog on private. I stopped singing, stopped writing, except for tiny little things that let the steam out on my angst. I expressed in black & white colors, not rainbow.

Thank god*dess I started a business. Next time I’ll share why I decided to do that, but taking myself more seriously and learning how to market myself, how to do copywriting, all led me on a huge healing journey.

I started showing up, being me. Creating content and copy slowly became FUN.

It pulled me out of my shell as I shared my writing and business. I began selling my magical services, everything from coaching to Tarot to massage to healing sessions.

I wrote about my business and personal transformation on my blog and social, meeting people all over the world.

Now after almost 10 years, my specialty is helping other people write for soul-aligned businesses and transformational books.

Why this?

When you:

-put information about yourself on your website for your business

-share words that are coming from your soul in a book or blog to help someone transform

-write a sales page or marketing copy about your course, or program

It is the path to heal your wounds and show up fully as yourself. 

When I did that, everything else in my life opened up. I am living something better than my fantasies because it’s real.