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When I Realized My Problem

Hope you are doing well today.

​Like I shared last time, I’m working on something new ​

​around the theme of increasing optimism. ​

This is personal to me and I’ll explain why today.

Several months ago, I realized I had a problem.

We were walking in the park and my husband said,

“I feel really happy. Like everything in my life is going in a good direction.”

And I said, “Yeah, I’m not. I really don’t feel that way. It’s great you do, though.”

It was just a fact. And I hadn’t realized it until he showed up as the opposite.

My position was nothing new, I’d been feeling deflated for a few years by that point.

But his star was rising all of a sudden.

And I knew after that conversation, that I needed to get up to where he was somehow.

This conversation was the wake up call.

I thought, “Gurl, get it together. You better not drag his star down, time to get happier. Get to it, chop chop.”

This is easier said than done and it is not like I haven’t been trying and succeeding to some degree.

But he’s set a new, higher bar.

And I’m going to catch up because the last thing I am going to do is drag him down or mess up our vibe. Don’t get me wrong–my husband hasn’t said a word about it, this is all me.

Like hell I’m gonna fall behind.

So after that convo around the end of spring, I wanted to step up my joy level. Somehow.

This summer I realized the missing link, the thing that was making my husband so happy, that I didn’t have, was the feeling that

Things are good and getting better…

A feeling I haven’t had since 2021, when my dad died.

I lost my trust in good things happening, just too many bad things had gone on.

So like why even bother. I did my best not to feel totally blah and unmotivated every day but still…

Feeling optimistic? Haha why would I?

But I have been really working on it because

I’m not just going to stay stuck here for the rest of my life,

especially not while my husband is flying around the moon high on life.

I want what he’s having.

And I definitely don’t want to be the one dragging things down.

Nope. I’m going to get there, too.

And the fact that I can even say that with confidence and hope and trust, or faith that this is even a possibility for me

(or better yet a certainty)

is a huge deal for me.

Being optimistic isn’t something that I can take a pill for.

I work on it DAY BY DAY.

And I am starting to see some progress which is really fun.

Recently I had the idea to focus on it every day for 30 days and invite people on the ride

Why? because it would make me happy and more motivated to follow through with company,

Could you be more optimistic?

Do you want to be?

Starting Sunday August 4th,

I’ll be sending 7 free daily emails about optimism;

one email a day with tools and thoughts to help you feel more optimistic.

And if you read them, and shoot me a reply back about your thoughts on optimism in response to my email

I’ll give you a $15 off coupon.

You can apply that coupon to my upcoming Optimism Event

A zoom call happening August 27th at 5 PM EST (yes there will be a replay) to increase your optimism with me.

Plus if you sign up for the Optimism Event, you’ll get 14 additional daily emails to increase optimism!

So you can see if you like the free emails coming up, as a taste.

Just don’t forget to shoot me an email back next week with your thoughts on optimism to get a coupon.

Without a coupon the Optimism Event is $45, so with a $15 off coupon, the event and 14 bonus emails will be only $30 total.

I could cite all the studies showing that optimism has benefits health wise, relationship wise and work wise – you will have less stress, and more energy and motivation. Plus everyone likes to hang out with happy people.

But sometimes you just have to feel that click of yes–I want this.

Before that moment, if someone tried to tell me about optimism. I would have rolled my eyes…

If you’re NOT feeling it, you don’t have to participate.

And if you are Interested in being more optimistic?

Make sure to sign up for my newsletter this week

Then you’ll get some free emails to inspire optimism.

Just look out for emails from me starting Sunday August 4.

So yeah…hope to see your replies in my inbox once the 7 day free optimism series starts!

Thanks for reading!