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What are you Releasing from 2020?

What are you releasing? Change happens when you make room for it.

I see lots of lessons of 2020 posts going up right now and it is cool to see.

My lessons were all about letting go.

I am releasing:

-old relationships that did not work out. I will not feel guilty that I am happy and it is easy with my fiance.

-releasing always hustling and rushing. Over it.

-seeking validation for my decisions. That always takes me off track. I know what I want.

-confusion and saying that I don’t know what to do. Yes I do. That is just resistance talking. Just do something.

I do feel like all my lessons of 2020 have all been about letting go, being raw, getting messy and just going for things…

Working out for me so far.

Fiance currently rubbing my shoulders.


Planner is from Michelle Rohr’s membership

What are you letting go of?