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Urban Fantasy: The Succubus Gift by BR Kingsolver– 4.5 Stars


Brenna’s life isn’t the same after she discovers her unusual and mysterious heritage. In addition to being a telepath and having other paranormal Gifts, Brenna learns she has the Succubus Gift. She’s always been a good girl and isn’t comfortable seducing men, except one she really loves.

That’s just the beginning of her problems. Someone is stalking her. Then there’s the tall, dangerous woman who shadows her and hints a Goddess has linked them. And what is she going to do with a handsome, charismatic, womanizing man she knows she should avoid?

Some days a girl just wants to pull the covers over her head and stay in bed — with a willing young man of course.


This truly unique book has several things to offer:

1. A smart, attractive and kick-a** protagonist with a lot to figure out.

Brenna has battled her way from foster homes to the top of her class. Her dissertation on psychic activity is gaining attention, and she is teaching this year at John Hopkins.

When people start telling her they are long lost family and that she has some kind of gift she doesn’t want to believe them. But she has to, and once she does, she hits the ground running and takin’ names.

2. Refreshing attitudes towards gender roles and sexuality.

In a way this book is a little thought experiment–what if a woman didn’t commit to one man and instead played the field? And instead of thought of as a ‘slut’ maybe she could actually be accepted into society?

As Brenna learns more about her heritage, she comes to terms with the urges she was born with. Succubus earn respect by her community rather than being cast down.

Hey, I love some healthy escapism, and why the hell not? Guys get away with having multiple partners, so it’s about time an author went there and said, “Ladies can, too.” Sure makes a great story…

3. A complex and organized magical system.

Basically anything you can think of as “magic” or “psychic ability” has been classified into a Talent. There are 25 Talents telepaths can have. All of this are in a handy-dandy index, and are explained through the story.

Using a gift usually requires some training or things can get dangerous. I thought this was very well done, and before going into battle, Brenna gets plenty of preparation.

4. A hella-fast second half full of action.

While the first half of the book deals mostly with Brenna’s inner conflicts, things move quickly into action.

Because there are so many things to understand about the world of telepaths, I appreciated the change to orient myself in the first half.

Once it starts rolling though, it doesn’t stop.

5. Did I mention sexy?

If you prefer things to ‘fade to black’ then this is not the book for you. There is a lot of sex, and not all of it is with an emotional connection.
There are some really wild scenes. It’s not the sex per se it’s more the situation…
You’ll have to check this out to know more!
*Copy received for free in exchange for a review*

Read the Guest Post by B. R. Kingsolver on her inspiration for the Succubus Gift!

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  • JeriWB August 31, 2012, 6:04 pm

    I’m definitely not a fade to black type of reader! I think I’ll add this one to my wishlist.