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This is an Experiment

I’m trying an experiment where I model what I teach to my clients about experimenting so you can make faster progress on creative projects. And I’m doing it in my social media, blog, and email newsletter!

I have new program and line-up of services to help you or someone like you to write and create more of the most important stuff you can make. And, you know, I’ve been working through my own stuff.

The year 2020 has been incredibly intense for me. I’m sure it has for many, many people, but for me, I have had so many emotional wounds triggered. So many traumas triggered, so much worry and stress and like intensity, but at the same time I’ve been making awesome progress: I published Freedom Year. I’m sending my new book Dark Legacies, Book 1 of the Blood Witch Series to the editor this week, and planning to write Winter Bound: Book 2 in November. That’s 3 books in one year.

We can all make awesome progress in 2020 even if it’s a crazy time. And now it’s almost #NaNoWriMo or #NationalNovelWritingMonth which is a 30 day social movement to write a novel by the end of the November. I’m seeing this as a great opportunity for me to help more people by being more out there and just connecting, being myself and being free to use social media as an experiment.

I believe that in order to break patterns sometimes we need to do something WEIRD. Break the pattern! I personally have just been processing a lot of stuff, and it can lead to perfectionism. 

Luckily with writing this year I set myself up with tons of support and deadlines, so I don’t let perfectionism stop me, but I haven’t always updated my social media, my site, and online properly. I feel I am not showing up with all of what I can offer the world, honestly, and I want to announce more of the goodness I have to teach.

So I vow to let go of perfectionism and trust myself. I will let myself get things out, even if they’re a little bit messy. So forgive me in the future. If you see a video with talking in the background or bad lighting, or a sales page looks wonky—I’m just trying to let go of it needed to be perfect. I’m just going to let it out.

Let’s do this together. We can all win. We can all play, write, or create something. Now. Even if the world is crazy. 

What is something you are playing around with?