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The Win-Lose Fallacy of Service

NEW Article on writing = leadership.The WIN LOSE Fallacy of Service.Being of service doesn’t have to be a WIN LOSE situation or make you a martyr.

Just a reminder that service doesn’t have to be win-lose or make you a martyr.

We need more people modeling service as win-win.

That’s why I wrote this new free article “The Win Lose Service Fallacy” on Linkedin, as part of a series on Writing Transformational Leadership.

When you are feeling good, confident, loved and able to step up as a leader,

You inspire more people to do the same.

Win-lose service is unsustainable and models self-sacrifice to everyone else.

It teaches people that feeling loved, confident, and filled up, is bad.

In this system that is a sign, you have more to give and therefore are bad, selfish or lazy. The best people give all they have to others.

There are the givers and the takers; truly no one can be comfortable for long.

In win-win service, we can model that many people can feel good at once.

You are allowed to strive to feel good and, yes, it is possible to help other people simultaneously.

Creativity and curiosity allow us all to fix our sights on finding more win-win solutions which in the end will help more people.

Read my short article on the subject so you can start exploring win-win solutions, not just win-lose.