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The thing that makes it worth it

I have this weird habit. I keep making myself do things that are really uncomfortable.

Like putting myself out there.

Showing up even when I don’t know for sure if people will get me.

Trying to sell something.

EEEK. It is terrifying.

Am I a masochist? I’ve wondered at times…

Facing my fears is not always easy!

And sometimes it is PAINful.

But I’ve decided that I want to have the freedom and the satisfaction that comes from a life and career of sharing my ideas and my creative work.

>>>So that’s the deal: The pain and the gain<<<

There have been many hard moments!

Putting myself out there and sharing what I do, what I think and what I’ve created–

Sometimes it has left me hiding under the covers afraid to check my phone, my email, my facebook, etc. for someone’s response.

Putting myself out there doesn’t always result in something good.

BUT if I keep coming back to try again eventually something good does usually happen.

That’s why I’ve decided to create 2 new videos on the topics of fear–

1. overcoming fear to share your stuff  (above)

2. overcoming fear to sell your stuff (different post)

Because I want you to know it’s normal to have trouble sharing your work or selling your stuff.

People act like it’s not….but for a lot of people it actually is so hard that they get stopped up a lot in the process.

Maybe they even stop altogether.

Writers, creators, coaches, healers, teachers, entrepreneurs…

you know, multi-passionate sensitive cool peeps.

They can have hard moments.

Don’t give up on something that matters for you to share. You are not alone.

We are all out here trying to do difficult stuff and it might look easy on the outside.

But it isn’t always easy. It is ok if it is hard to show up or if you need to take a break.

Do what you need to do and come back to it when you can.

And sometimes you do have good stuff happen!

For example I have been making youtube videos for a long time.

I do not always get a lot of views but I still like creating and sharing on my YouTube channel.

One video I made in 2014 “the breakdown before the breakthrough” suddenly started blowing up.

For several months, tons of people are watching it and I keep getting new subscribers.

I’m reaching new people with my message and maybe some of those people will stick around so I can serve them in a bigger way.

That’s powerful!

Morale is: You never know when something will work out in a positive way.

So keep going!

YUP I’m still pursuing my dreams and trying to connect with people despite being sensitive to rejection.

I just keep trying!!

Get back up on that horse.

P.S. I’ll soon be opening up spots for Your Mermaid Treasure VIP to help entrepreneurs, writers and creators who want to stand out and do something unique or one of a kind.

It will help them do what they are really passionate about and get paid well enough to live the good life.

Contact me if that’s you and be first on the list to know more. And if that’s not you, but you want to make better progress on your book, business or project, contact me anyway. I offer other things to fit different budgets.