How are you feeling today?
I’m feeling optimistic about the future.
I’ve had a lot of anxiety and overwhelm so far this year, juggling a number of things.
This week I set some boundaries, like I want to avoid using my phone in the first hour of the day.
So far, so good, it’s been a generative week and I have much to share with you.
In fact, there’s so much in this post, I’ll need to hold some back for later:
including my recently renewed passion for uploading music and goodies to Patreon.
You can take a peak now but I’ll talk more about that in the future!
For this FunLetter:
- A new video
- A new article
- A reminder
- An invitation
New Video: Best Places to Write Online in 2024

What are the best places to write and publish online today?
From 10 years in business, and 20+ years publishing writing online, I have learned that the only constant is change.
Plus, there are hugely personal factors that go into evaluating the best place to write and publish.
So there is no one-size-fits-all.
Still, I always find it helpful to hear other people’s experiences:
- Where are they writing or marketing themselves?
- How is it going?
- How hard is it to be seen versus the effort they put in?
- How are they enjoying it?
I’ve learned so much from people sharing this kind of stuff, so I’ll share, as well.
I’m writing in 10 places, right now.
Now, you probably don’t need to do the same, but you might be wondering…
Which one is my favorite?
I’ll tell you.
As for the other 9 places, I’ll go through them in order of preference.
You’ll hear key points about each platform I write on in this video on youtube.

New Article: Stop Scrolling if you are in agony writing about the past.
I see you! You are thinking about and writing about past events, wringing them, squeezing out the meaning or value.
You want to write it so you can share it with the world,
or debate if you should because it might help you to be more authentic, promote your career, or teach people what you know…
but what if you share and people won’t understand? What if it backfires?
Maybe you have been thinking about writing this for years. Perhaps you have something you want to figure out:
Why did things happen that way? What did it mean?
Who was the asshole? You? Them?
How do you put it all into words the right way?
And a part of you wonders if you can ever really share your full story, full dreams, full emotions, full thoughts…
could you really?
A. Read the rest of the article for my thoughts on this and what to do next.

A Quick Reminder:
Your experiences do not have meaning.
Your experiences are meaningless.
If you’re looking to your story for some kind of meaning, remember that you’re the one who chooses what meaning it has.
You make the meaning.
You are the only one with that power because this is your life. You are powerful.
Reminder: You are Powerful

An Invitation:
Here’s how I KNOW we are an aligned fit to work together for a 6-Month Writing Mentorship:
You want more authenticity in how you BE, how you write your book or content, how you share, or how you promote your business.
If it’s feeling hard or stifled, and limited—I can help!
You want to WRITE
You want to heal your stories and be more yourself. Less fear. More flow.
You want writing to feel more fun and authentic. You want to feel good, you want to feel proud of what you have written.
You want someone to have your back as you try to write and share. Someone nonjudgmental but knowledgable.
You feel overwhelmed or discouraged.
You feel like at the end of the day, your mental health and stress level is really key, so you want the kind of help that will help you relax, not stress you more.
You want to feel held and understood in the writing process.
You need a loving space to let yourself unfurl so you can finally get authentic, good writing out into the world to the people who need to hear it.
You know that more self-acceptance, more wholeness, more self-celebration, and confidence can only be a good thing.
Connecting with yourself on a deeper level builds up your resilience, and you know that you can’t have too much of that.
And if you want to do that while writing to market your business, I can do that, too!
Elevate Your Writing Skills &
Unleash Your Authentic Voice:
Read more about the Personal Writing Mentorship Program,
I am receiving applications for partial scholarships…