Here’s this month’s Tarot interpretation, from my upcoming book on the Tarot.
This message covers where we are at this month as we move into August, and possibly also the next few months! My readings tend to build on each other so you may also want to refer to the message from last month 2 of Wands.
First, take a moment to pause and breathe. Are you open to insight? Set your intention to feel how you want to feel in your life overall (you can be specific) and then decide (if you like) to be open to any positive shifts that may occur as you read the writing below.
Ask what you WANT to create, not what CAN you create.
Trust that you hold the power inside. You feel a shift. Although there may be challenges, you are aware more than ever before of how powerful you truly are. Follow your PASSION and what you WANT. Feel it and pursue it.
Understanding your self talk and what you express in the world around you will help you to see how you use that power to shape your world. Work on experiencing high self-worth, forgiveness, hope and self love to manifest things more quickly.
Maintain faith, hope and positivity. Create personal rituals to express your intentions and to achieve mastery over your goals. All will be well. You have the ability to create your heart’s desire.
Know the truth of who you are is someone extremely powerful.
Every thought, every feeling within you is manifesting your reality.
It is not just about thinking positively. It is also about getting support to learn how to move through difficult periods, to work with what is presented to you.
Be in a state of cooperation and teamwork with others to get what you need to support you in your creation, this is a good time to ask for help and support.
Always know what to do next in your writing or creating and make faster progress towards the goals that matter with a free Tarot reading every month. Click here to sign up.