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Success Working with Sofia Wren

Writing Coaching, Collaboration and Mentorship

“Sofia Wren makes writing FUN!

If you want to write a book but feel overwhelmed by the magnitude of the project, talk with Sofia Wren Nitchie.

She helped me turn my book project from an impossible mountain into a fun step by step journey.


Turn up the flame feeding your magic”

~Sandra Lee, Intuitive Sound & Energy Healer

Deep Coaching with Sofia Wren

“I started coaching with Sofia because I joined her writing group but it wasn’t quite enough and I still felt stuck. I wanted to write for my business but I wasn’t sure what my writing process was, how to start, or how to share. I was terrified of sharing!

I was skeptical at first about the coaching process–how much would a few minutes of feedback a week on voxer really do?

Let me tell you: A LOT

The deep coaching process ended up being a healing experience I had no idea that I needed. It really came out of left field and was truly transformative.

Here’s what we did besides writing:
-I grieved my major ungrieved losses over the past five years, coming to a new understanding that I couldn’t be fully in my power and what I am here to offer if I am living a shadow life, unwilling to face the depth of my loss.
-I did major reflection on who I am, and what my strengths are
-I learned skills for structuring my writing process so I can let myself be in the flow
-I realized that trusting myself is the most important part.

Did I grow my business to $100k a year? No. 

Did I get unstuck? Yes!
Do I have a clear direction for my business now? Yes!
Do I understand myself better and know how to work with, instead of against myself in a creative process? Yes!

Do I have the technical tools I need to stay organized? Yes!  

Sofia somehow manages to be always super kind and supportive, yet direct and incisive at the same time. I don’t know how she does it, but I like it!

Exchanging voxer messages with me was FUN, and receiving her feedback was one of the highlights of my week.

In short, if you are stuck with writing for your business, I 10/10 recommend Sofia.” 

~Märta Spires, Couples Therapist

“I definitely am so so happy that I reached out to you.

Since we’ve talked [and done private coaching], I’ve literally built an Instagram network, built a Tiktok network. I’ve been more comfortable with posting my things on LinkedIn, and Facebook.

Oh and my website, you’ve helped with that.

Just from April, when we started talking [three months ago], I’ve literally built an entire website and I have over 1000 followers on social media, which I like never thought that would happen.”

~Kristina AKA Bean of SEL Corner, Entrepreneur

Writing Classes and Groups

“The first hour of the class reminded me of how powerful and magical AF I used to feel when I was doing intuitive readings.

That sparkle faded away when I started diving into ‘business building’.

It was also so beautiful to witness Sofia’s energy when the women were sharing – I could feel the devotion, the appreciation, the love, the heartfelt connection

So grateful for all that I’ve learned!”

~Gaia, Rose Heart Alchemist + Relationship Guide

“I could not figure out what was missing in my business. I knew I had all the information. I knew I had the skills.

I really pressured myself forward. And that put me into full stop mode and nothing worked anymore.

There was procrastination. I wasn’t fired up. There’s so much to do and it’s just frustrating. You have to do it, you should do it, but you just can’t seem to get yourself to do it.

Since joining the mermaid group, I’ve started to realize that you cannot force it, it’s not one straight line. It all comes together, it all flows together. I’m in the flow. It’s working.

~Uli Dieter, Health & Wellness Coach

“This class is making such a difference. I have never done anything like this at this level before.”

“Holy cannoli. Thank you, Sophia. I’m making the edits you suggested on my class description. Thank you for working it all out.

I so appreciate it, from the logistics to the hook. I can’t wait to use it and also adapt it for social media. Thank you.”

~Monisha Mittal, Embodied Play Architect & Somatic Coach

“I have accomplished so much this summer, and I’ve been writing a lot of different things and having a lot of breakthroughs in the area of ease and flow.

I’ve been putting a lot less pressure on myself around what I need to get done. It doesn’t need to be difficult. Thank you for this beautiful space.”

~Kate Burkett, Inner Beauty Coach and Founder of Kate in Paradise

“I was feeling feels and suddenly got the urge to blog again. I have seen a resurgence in my self-awareness and confidence on the days I commit to writing for myself.

But I do still get a great amount of joy in writing for and with others, and that has been lacking. I have to give a shoutout to Sofia helping me reclaim my writing.

~Asia Hoe

“Sofias techniques are awesome. For me she has cleared blocks that have been there for years. Ideas are flowing like crazy now.

No matter your artistic genre Sofia techniques are gonna get you producing.”

~Paulette Robles, Author


testimonial from a client of Sofia Wren


Writing Coaching, Collaboration and Mentorship




“Before working with Sofia, I wasn’t feeling confident about my worthiness to charge people for Reiki sessions with me, and was also concerned that my art work wasn’t good enough to sell, and that in order to sell it, I would need to price it really low.

I have come up with a name for my business and now have a website.  I feel much more confident in my ability to sell my healing art services and paintings, and to charge a reasonable price for both rather than sell myself short. I’m very excited about my new venture and have a new, much more positive outlook on it.

I have also realized, thanks to you, Sofia, that my story is very important and needs to be a part of what I do, and that this will help people to appreciate my work more fully. You are very good at helping someone determine their strengths and talents, and you creatively hone in on practical ways to utilize these abilities.

I would stress that you are very easy going and have really positive energy, and that you truly enjoy helping others in this way.” ~ Kim Lavinder, Artist and Energy Healer, Bluewavecottage.com Annapolis, MD


“Big, huge stuff is happening! It’s funny, when I spoke to Sofia Wren, she reminded me that I don’t have to focus on being “professional”  in some daunting way.  That I can just take steps. I feel like a clarity of purpose is part of what I am experiencing.

Sofia, in her gentle and wise way, helped me to find clarity of purpose with my music while reminding me to keep rooted in that purpose as I take intentional steps forward rather than being overwhelmed with how to put it all together perfectly. Once I released the worrying part, the path became more clear and the steps were more solid, like stepping stones. One baby step in particular has formed into amazing opportunity that is giving clear form to the path ahead.  Now, rather than having a pile of stones and pebbles rubbled before me that I must clear, the useful pieces of the pile are shifting forward to form the steps of clear path while the useless falls away. Thank you, Sofia!”

~Kathryn, Musician


“Sofia Wren is the next big name in the world of life coaching, intuitive reading and magical writing for the Divine Goddess within us all. Her vibrant perspective on any subject matter and the depth of her wisdom to understand the bigger vision of our natural and spiritual worlds is what makes Sofia a gifted guide and inspirational teacher to anyone at any age.

I’m grateful to have received coaching from this beautiful and authentic spirit, who is here to help guide anyone into finding the bliss of creative productivity.  Whether the topic is writing my book, starting my own business or refocusing my intentions, she has lead by example.

And in moments of doubt or feeling stuck, Sofia motivated me back into moving into the direction of my own inner compass and life passion.

So far after being coached through law of attraction, I have my ideal body, my business is booming, my finances are more secure than ever because of my passion and connection to self and others. I have learned to live with joy and passion.

I will be hosting my first Yoga retreat this summer and I finally have found the courage to speak my truth. On my birthday, I will be giving my first public Law of Attraction talk on Becoming a Heart Centered Teaching and Learning Community at Kankakee Community College. This is just the beginning! Thank you Sofia!” ~Deisy Esther Anderson, Ph.D, Professor, IL


Before I worked with Sofia I was trying to create a “program” but I wasn’t totally clear on what it would look like. I was trying to force it into boxes –

Sofia helped me see that the creative energy I’m working with is not a program so much as it is my whole business, which is a creative extension of myself. What I was working with before the session was so much more rigid and limited than I really wanted it to be, and I didn’t have a good sense of its spirit because my view of it was clouded by preconceptions of what it should be.

Sofia, It felt like you made an effort to keep me feeling connected and safe throughout the session. The words you used were spot on for me. Then, at the end of the session, you gave me a sign that you had definitely connected to the creative soul of my business. The way you described the creative soul energy around me felt very accurate, and throughout the call you pointed out things to me that helped me see my situation in a more expansive way. Overall, it was an enjoyable experience that shifted my perception.

I felt excited after we worked together. I also felt reassured and comforted by what you revealed to me about the creative soul of my business. I had peace of mind at the end of the session that I just didn’t have before the session.

Now, I definitely trust that the creative soul of my business exists, and now I have images to connect to the energy of it. I also keep reminding myself of things you said, that have helped me let go of anxiety, open up to the possibilities around me more, and take more risks because I feel more safe. I’ve allowed myself to share my business ideas with potential clients, which I might not have had the courage to do the week before. I can normally hear my intuition pretty well, but working with you helped me find the courage to act on my intuition.

~Allison S, Entrepreneur.

“I came to Sofia’s free Creative Soul Clarity Session because I lacked the confidence to bring my ideas to fruition. I basically felt stuck and lacking self worth.

My initial hesitation to work with Sofia came from not wanting to bother her. I felt like my problem was my own to work through.
Sofia was amazing.

She is so kind and simply willing to help in any way. She helped me to get a schedule down and basically knock down every obstacle that I built for myself. She helped me to simplify. She gave me confidence and direction

After working with Sofia, I have began my rough draft and am moving in a positive direction. When I feel a block, I hear Sofia say “perfection is not the beginning goal, just get something down on paper and you can work from there.” I know that I can do it and I am doing it.

If you are hesitant about hiring Sofia, hire her anyway. She has such a spiritual connection that she knows what you need. Her intuition is always spot on and she thrives on helping others. She is honest and very good at what she does.”

~Heather McConnell, intuitive, Las Vegas, NV

Dearest Sofia:
Before your monthly readings I had a lot of feelings of disconnection and lacked clarity as I processed grief. Your readings seem to intuitively respond to what I am processing emotionally. They bring me a sense of internal order and peace.

~Tanya Levy, Canada, Artist of the image above, and writer


It was so wonderful to speak with you the other day on the phone. Thank you- you truly have a gift for what you do.
 Having already participated in your 7 day chakra healing workshop, I knew that you did good and honest work and was very excited about the prospect of working with you.

Working with Sofia was a blessing. From the moment I answered the phone, I could tell that this was going to be an inspirational and love-filled meeting. I loved that Sofia asked me questions that really made me think about what I wanted and why I thought it was the right path for me. I loved that she positively supported me throughout our session, helping me to create a plan-of-action to make my dream a reality. Sofia has a gift for working one-on-one with clients. Having worked with spirit workers who are all about the money, it was clear from the beginning that money is an added bonus for Sofia because she is doing the work she is called and loves to do. I left our meeting feeling better prepared to embark upon my grand adventure.

After working with Sofia, I felt extremely motivated to get working on making my adventure a reality. I had been between several different programs of study, trying to decide which was right for me. The next day, I stumbled upon a new program that completely fit what I was looking for and was within my price range. The good energy that Sofia shared helped me to believe that I could make my dreams my reality.

Sofia has a gift. She is in touch with her intuition and speaks from a place of love and light. Sofia truly wants to help her clients walk their path and deal with the issues that are stopping them from doing so. Sofia will surely help you understand how to move forward. 

~Bel Larson, Reiki Master Practitioner
Bella Luna Reiki

Writing Coaching, Collaboration, Support & Editing

“Sofia Wren is a literary soul-angel that will inspire you to reach your dreams.  I had her read my personal statement for my graduate program at USC and was so grateful for her honest, accurate and insightful advice.  She challenged me to unravel my true self in my essay. Thankfully, I took her advice and re-worked my essay to better reflect who I am and what I have accomplished.  I am now proud to be a Trojan! Thank you Sofia Wren!”

~Morgan May Dickerson, B.S. Biology, UCLA, Graduate Student of Social Work, USC

When I came to you, I was feeling afraid to speak up. I was afraid to write openly and speak my truth.

I have been following your work for some time and it all connects so beautifully with me.

Wow. The process we worked with was amazing. Working directly with my fear. I felt like I made a connection with my fear. I made my fear my friend and it told me exactly what I needed to hear in order to move forward. It made it easier for me to connect with it on a deeper level.

To anyone thinking of hiring Sofia: Trust your gut feeling when you read, see, and hear Sofia’s work. You won’t be disappointed, she has a lot of heart in her work.

After working with you I have been able to write a little more fluently and frequently. I have also been able to speak up as soon as I feel I need to!

~Jenn, Florida

You’re in for a real treat by signing up to work with Sofia. I started working with her towards the end of 2014 when I was writing up my PhD and she helped me through some very dark times. Because not only was I writing up my PhD but I had moved back home with my parents and was also writing a children’s fantasy book. Sofia has literally bought me back from the brink many times. In particular I will never forget having a session with her after having just handing in my PhD. Sofia was so grounding, nurturing and compassionate at that time, just what I needed.

The past life work is amazing and incredibly powerful. I had always known that there were unseen forces holding me back from what I wanted to do. Some of my fears were totally crazy and illogical. Sofia’s processes transformed things. The trauma and fear melted away which enabled me to move forward to pursue my dreams. I have embraced who I really am, which is incredible considering I have been living back at home with my parents.

Working with Sofia has helped me to release my own judgements about pursuing a career in writing and really go for it. She has been instrumental In helping me to embrace and love my creativity. Simply put I love working with Sofia. The mix of intuitiveness, compassion, creativity and fun is wonderful. Her sessions are fun and I’ve walked away from many of them skipping with joy. She has helped me to unlock the magic within myself

Dr Saloni Surah, MBBCh, BSc, DFSRH, MRCP, Dip GUM, reiki master

I always had this FEAR of getting started, because I thought to myself, “What if I do not succeed?” “What if they laugh at me?” “What if I can’t do it as good as I want to be able to ?” And so it goes… the drama that is my head when I want to start anything new.

I have always loved writing. Ever since I was a little girl, I can remember writing these beautiful journal entries that still take my breath away when I read them. Recently my artistic side has been begging to come out in all forms. One of the main yearnings for me is to write creatively. I bought a domain for a blog last summer, but I only wrote in it a few times. I didn’t think I could do it, I felt uninspired, and full of anxiety of pulling off such a project. 

A couple of months ago I found Sofia’s blog. It was suggested to me that I look at other people’s blogs to get ideas on how to make mine more full. I needed inspiration. I didn’t expect to find any, until I saw her blog. She has articles on how to remain inspired to write, how to organize your creative ideas, different software you can use to do this, and how to have fun with it!!! I have never felt so comforted and inspired to write in my entire life. So, I sprung to it.

She said to get in the habit of writing everyday, no matter what. Just to get something out. I loved this idea. It has worked for me in other areas of my life so of course it would work for this. It’s just like my yoga practice. Once I started making myself do it a few times a week, it turned into a daily practice, which turned into changing my whole perspective on life, which led to my new career. 

I have started writing a book. It is only just beginning, but so far I have shared it with two people who love it. I plan to get my blog going next. I am so grateful for Sofia being a supporter of artists like me.

Thank you, Sofia!!!!
Alana Roach, Founder of Explorations of Self & Motherhood Realized

Free Creative Soul Clarity Session

I came to Sofia’s free Creative Soul Clarity Session because I lacked the confidence to bring my ideas to fruition.  I basically felt stuck and lacking self worth.

My initial hesitation to work with Sofia came from not wanting to bother her. I felt like my problem was my own to work through.

Sofia was amazing.  She is so kind and simply willing to help in any way.  She helped me to get a schedule down and basically knock down every obstacle that I built for myself. She helped me to simplify.  She gave me confidence and direction.

After working with Sofia, I have began my rough draft and am moving in a positive direction.  When I feel a block, I hear Sofia say “perfection is not the beginning goal, just get something down on paper and you can work from there.”  I know that I can do it and I am doing it.

If you are hesitant about hiring Sofia, hire her anyway.  She has such a spiritual connection that she knows what you need.  Her intuition is always spot on and she thrives on helping others.  She is honest and very good at what she does.

Heather McConnell, intuitive, Las Vegas, NV


Private 1-1 Intuitive Readings


“I had my reading with Sofia Wren today. It felt really sacred and perfect!

I had been feeling agitated and stressed off and on for the last week and was looking for relief.

The amazing thing was that out of the three cards Sofia pulled all of them spoke to different aspects of my life that had been bothering me. She opened the door ways to insights that I had not seen clearly before.

She facilitated a shift in energy and gave me practical tools to take away and integrate. Emotions that had been stuck bubbled up and were able to be cleared. After my session I felt calmer and more inspired, I felt like I had a focused path to follow.

Thank you Sofia.”


“Sofia’s reading was a powerful way to reconnect with my intuitive visioning and creative voice, which have been blocked the past couple of months. Thank you Sofia for helping me to remember the gifts I have to offer the world and for showing me new ways to cultivate a healthy balance in mind, body and spirit.”

~ Kris Oster, PhD. Mythical Marketer, mythicrhythm.com, San Diego, CA.


“Sofia, before my two hours with you, I was unable to release past and present negative emotions, and as a result they manifested into physical illness. Working with you was a very organic process, and nothing short of transformative!

“I really loved that you didn’t just tell me where my energy blocks were and why they were there; instead, you gave me great tools that I can use on my own to keep energy blocks from reappearing and to manifest my reality. After working with you, my relationship with myself and family has changed.

I feel lighter and more confident in my ability to manifest my dreams!! It’s so hard to capture the full experience of a session with you in words; a written testimonial barely does this healing goddess justice. Sofia is amazing- her counseling and tools will transform you!” Jessica Rae, Charm City Yoga Instructor, facebook.com/inhale0exhale, Baltimore, MD


My reading from Sofia was very enlightening. She helped me see what was coming my way and offered great advice on how to get to my goal in the best way for me.

She was very in tune to my energy and had no trouble connecting to me. I felt excited and safe throughout the whole reading and ready to follow her advice after!” ~ Pamela Chen, Soul Beauty Coach, Pamelachen.org, Las Vegas, Nevada

“Sofia is a powerful force of creativity and energy. The beauty with Sofia is her nature and kind pleasant voice that instantly put you in a place of calmness. She’s very present and speaking her truth without hesitation. Sofia is a highly gifted intuitive medium who connects and provide you information and insights that will help you on your path. Get clarity, assistance, and direction that will lead you to a happier and more fulfilling life like I did because it was amazing for me!”



“Sofia’s authentic warmth creates a comfortable space. The cards she pulled for me and her intuitive hits were right on target and made me feel connected and validated that I am on the right path.” ~ Bonnie Copeland, Life Purpose Coach, bonniecopelandcoaching.com

“Sofia is very insightful in her readings. With very little info, she was able to connect with things that are important to me.I recommend her services, especially if you are looking for an intuitive healer.

~Laurie Hamilton

Sofia, I got so excited when I saw the email you sent me with my recording.

When you were speaking I started getting goosebumps. I wanted to relisten to the audio right away! It was the highlight of my week.

Before I heard the recording I was feeling pretty good, but afterwards I felt so happy! I’ve had readings from you before and at the time I told you it was the best Tarot reading I had ever gotten–some of the things you’ve said in the past really came true this year– but I think this recording was even better.

I’ve listened to it again and again many times and it makes me so happy to hear it. After four times I still had goosebumps when I heard your voice. Your words really touched a part of my spirit. There’s something different now about the recording, sometimes you paused and I don’t know how to describe it, it was like waves were carrying me away. Something about it really touched me, I loved it and I want one of these every month!

-Tu Vu, Philadelphia, PA
Reading by audio recording.

Live Intuitive Reading Events for Groups

As a Lily Dale trained intuitive and spiritual counselor, I am always interested in delving deeper into psychic insights and soulful exploration.

Having met and worked with a great many psychic mediums through my years of training, it takes a lot for any one of them to stand out. Sofia Wren is one of these. I attended one of her online live readings in March 2014.


I was first struck by her sincere smile and vibrant eyes, which told me she projected as a clear channel. Her exuberance drew me into her live show and kept me hanging on every word, even when she experienced severe transmission difficulties that left her voice almost negligible.

I also gained a great respect for her as I watched her compassion for those reaching out for messages, her determination to press through the difficulties in a situation where many others would have quit, and the accurate insights she offered to those who stuck it out with her.

The single card reading she offered me appeared simple in delivery, yet pierced through an unrecognized personal quirk that had been holding me back for some time. I’ve taken her message to heart, and have seen the wisdom in it. Thank you, Sofia, for the work you do and for the gifts you share.”

~Rev. Jamie L. Saloff, “The Authors Prophet,” author of Transformational Healing; Prayer Superchargers; and 7 Easy Steps to Professionally Self-Publish Your Book. www.AuthorsProphet.com


“I joined your free live event looking for a general reading and some clarity about myself and what to do. From having watched other videos you’ve made, I could sense the purity of your intentions so I was really excited to hear what you had to say for me.

The clarity you gave me was amazing!

I kept reminding myself about what you said to stay positive, anytime I felt down I would remember a time that was happy and I would come right back up. Two weeks after the reading I manifested so many great experiences and all the change I was looking for!

To anyone that is hesitant to work with you, I highly recommend signing up for your free courses and definitely attend at least one free live event. Thank you for what you do, Sofia! I love your energy and you inspire me tremendously. Many blessings.” ~Jennifer Morales, Miami, FL

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