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Spur of the moment idea or enduring theme?

Hey! I liked Twilight. LOL

Happy fall!

🍁 I’m in the “it is September so it is fall” crew, even if we haven’t hit the equinox, yet.

Today is rainy and cool enough for 3/4 sleeves so I’m definitely feeling the fall vibes. 🍁

Hope you are enjoying the changes in the season.

Above is the meme that I can’t stop thinking about.

What were your obsessions from age 11-12?

At 11-12 my best friends were probably my biggest obsession,

followed by getting good grades and not being gossiped about,

pokemon, fantasy YA novels, spiritual nonfiction, and those reptiles stuffed with sand.

Two of my best friends moved away when I was 8, which was so sad.

When I got new friends I really vibed with between 11-12,

I latched on HARD. We are still friends to this day.

This meme sparks a new question for me:

Is best friend energy just an indelible part of me forever?


It’s funny because lately I have been thinking a lot about BEST FRIEND ENERGY,

and how maybe the purpose of writing is really to be a best friend to yourself.

I wrote the post linked above in August.

It came out in a rush, spur of the moment

but I got a lot of good feedback that writing to be your best friend was

“WOW! Jaw dropping, never thought of that before” material.

Do you ever have ideas and ask yourself:

Was that idea a one-off, spur of the moment thing I’ll quickly leave behind

or is it part of a deeper theme for me?

I’ve been wondering.

Also, it’s been my goal this year to have a better relationship with myself,

since it is the foundation of everything else.

Now that it is the 9th month of the year,

I can definitely say that I’ve come a long way.

Writing has been one of the most powerful tools on this journey,

and using it to have a better relationship with myself is NOTHING new for me.

Although I have been more or less conscious of it at different times,

writing has been in my toolkit for over two decades.

But this year focusing intently on that relationship as more important than ANY other goal was very different.

I did another new thing as well:

I reflected on what my gifts were, and being a good friend was very clear to me.

And I started to think—what if I built on my gifts?

What if I brought my gift for being a friend into my relationship with myself?

At first it sounded just crazy.

Then it sounded too obvious (and I thought how stupid am I to not think of this earlier…)

But then I was like, “Ok, fine. We will try it.”

It’s been months along this ever-evolving journey of self-best-friend-manship,

but all of this is just to say that me sharing the post on the topic wasn’t REALLY just a spur of the moment idea.

It was the culmination of many hours and years and decades,

writing, seeking, editing, publishing,

trying different healing modalities to heal from childhood abuse and all the other horrors of life,

learning and getting certified in a million modalities, and a masters in spiritual care of others,

as well as ten years of coaching and mentoring others.

All for the purpose of being a part of something more beautiful and less confined or frozen than my past:

Something rich, abundant, nourished and nourishing,

that could end up resulting in a harvest.

The post was just a small part of the harvest.

Because the real harvest isn’t

  • the writing that really resonates with people (that is wonderful but a bonus), or
  • the things I do for my business (woohoo! I love making money in exchange for helping people but that’s a bonus)

The real harvest is every little moment when I think–

Wow look at how I feel, and how I feel about myself right now.

I am not sure I have ever related to myself the way I am relating to myself now.

And it feels really awesome.

It is not every second.

But there are more and more seconds.

And they tell me that I have definitely come a long way.

What is the ultimate point of writing?

What if it is to be a better best friend to yourself?

When you have more “best friend energy” around your writing,

and not so much criticism or anxiety…

you will FEEL the love from yourself on a much deeper level.

That’s also the best way to connect to people with your book or business.

I’m about to close my availability for all new clients until November 1st 2023!

But I have one spot open for “Deep Coaching” at 34% off starting immediately,

1:1 writing support for 6 months

no phone calls required,

extra good vibes included.

If you want to give yourself more best friend vibes, write and FEEL the LOVE:

First read more about the offering here, and then

shoot me an email so we can schedule a conversation to talk about if we are a good fit.

Please email by Monday September 11th 2023.

“To anyone thinking of hiring Sofia: Trust your gut feeling when you read, see, and hear Sofia’s work. You won’t be disappointed, she has a lot of heart in her work.

After working with you I have been able to write a little more fluently and frequently. I have also been able to speak up as soon as I feel I need to!”

~Jenn, Florida

“You’re in for a real treat by signing up to work with Sofia. I started working with her towards the end of 2014 when I was writing up my PhD and she helped me through some very dark times.

Because not only was I writing up my PhD but I had moved back home with my parents and was also writing a children’s fantasy book. Sofia has literally bought me back from the brink many times.

In particular I will never forget having a session with her after having just handing in my PhD. Sofia was so grounding, nurturing and compassionate at that time, just what I needed.”

~Dr Saloni Surah, MBBCh, BSc, DFSRH, MRCP, Dip GUM, reiki master

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