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Special Event: Inspirational Author Interview with Wendy Wolff, Letter Writing Project

WendyWolffLetterWritingProject Looking for inspiration? It’s here in droves! I got deep with week in a 30 Minute video interview with Wendy Wolff, author of the Letter Writing Project.

We talked process, inspiration and changing the world with sharing your voice.

Wendy always knew she was meant to write a book. After her sister passed in a car crash, she became inspired to write her sister letters to share feelings that they had never gotten a chance to talk about.

But soon she began writing other kinds of letters.  Letters to groups of people like teens and teachers, letters about love, letters about anger.

This outpouring has allowed her to get a great sense of who she is, what she has to say and now she is putting it out into the world.

Wendy has been serving the community as a planner and organizer for 20 years–pretty amazing stuff.

Now she is sharing her process of writing letters and utilizing all her skills to organize a Letter Writing movement that will help others to voice what is inside of them and create a better world together.

Her book debuts on March 12th, see her facebook page for more information about that.

In the meantime enjoy this video interview about her inspiration—it is sure to move and inspire you, too. Yes I did tear up! Oh my gosh, you have to watch this.


Do you have a book inside of you? If you need help, why not apply for a free Vision Session?

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