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Special Event: FREE Ecourse Preview for Select Applicants

SofiaWrenspringspecial Recently I’ve felt a call to go bigger, to help more people in a unique way.

After speaking to many people in my tribe, I’m hearing a lot of people are feeling overworked and overwhelmed. Social anxiety is causing people to hide a slice of who they are back from the world.

It all comes down to better boundaries and I’ll be creating a course on using mental and spiritual techniques to gain more confidence and control over emotions.

When you have healthy boundaries, you can intentionally create more of what you want in your life and be true to you. You’ll have more time since you’ll have fewer fears and fewer droops in your energy.

I’ve decided to focus on making this course, as well as my book, so I will be taking my scheduler down tomorrow. After this if you’d like to work with me to clear fear and uncertainty in your life, I will be available by application only.

  • For those who apply by February 25th by Midnight EST, I’m willing to offer every client who signs up with me a full year of free courses.
  • If you are specifically a match for my energetic boundaries class, I’m willing to offer a discount or free preview to those who will help me to develop and test it.  

Will you be my test dummy?

Apply here: https://sofiawren.wufoo.com/forms/r1yhrwky0zps1af/

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