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Sofia Wren’s Magic Journal: Peaceful New Moon

I’ve just returned from Italy, and from a terrible cold. Although I wish I had maintained perfect health, the time spent taking it easy is going me a great deal of good.

This is the universe telling me to take it slow. I so want to go go go right off the back and steamroll back into my life but instead I need to maintain my peace.

Somehow I got home and arrived back into my life at it’s best. I have a new product–Chakra Assessments and Recommendations for Balance–which I can conduct over the phone or in person. This exciting offer came to me through a reading with internationally renowned psychic Sonia Choquette after six months of product development. 

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Sonia told me I’d be good at sensing people’s energy. She was right. She was right about a lot of the things she told me about my life. 

My soul lesson is to receive.

Receiving. I’ve always given and so to receive is uncomfortable to me. I am all about being independent but it hasn’t always resulted in a boost in happiness since I can be hard on myself. But it’s exactly what my book is about.

In Italy there wasn’t a whole lot to do. Most of the time I didn’t have internet, I didn’t have a car, I basically hung out with my relatives, let my grandmother do all the (amazing) cooking, and went with her wherever she wanted to go. I made a few requests but that’s what visiting family is to me–peaceful, pretty, tasty, and hardwork to communicate. 
I speak better Italian than I used to but still, the contrast with speaking means my brain loooooves to read and write. So I got a whole bunch of stuff done. There was a decent bit of boredom on my trip, and it’s really a blessing for creativity.
When I came back I kept Sonia’s words in mind–what will I receive from the universe today?
Immediately I plunged back into the most amazing relationship ever. My boyfriend picked me up and drove me an hour home, brought my suitcase upstairs and opened the door to the cleanest apartment I could ask for. I delivered my tablefull of treats–pasta (Europe has less gluten), cheese, and chocolates. And then I received nice things in the bedroom.
My life suits me just fine, and from now on, everything is going to get easier. The sun is shining through my windows, my cats are getting along, and I can’t help giving my man googly eyes. Creativity is blooming like the flowers, and my dreams are unfurling. 
 My path as a mindbodyspirit healer, a free writer, a creative intuitive, and a spiritual guide seems clear to me. I have sought understanding of my self and my path for so long. By giving too much of myself I denied myself peace, but now I am bringing my goals to reality. 

Sooner than can be believed, my dream world is all around me.
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  • Jeri Walker-Bickett April 12, 2013, 6:15 pm

    It’s good to hear you’re back, on the mend, and forever working on finding your path.

  • Sofia Wren April 14, 2013, 4:27 pm

    always lol!