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So many realizations about writing to share

I sincerely hope your last week has been peaceful…Mine has insane. LOL

πŸ’œ Last Monday I decided to postpone the writing challenge to March 28 (read more below)

πŸ’œ Last Tuesday I got work that my car needs a new engine.


Getting that news out of no where right before lunch, on an empty stomach, was a shock πŸ˜³πŸ€‘


BUT by the end of the day, I decided it’s okay, and I’m not fixing it.


It got me thinking about a world (USA included) with fewer cars and how different it would be.

Going slower, taking the bus, trying to ride my bike more.


Not so bad. But different.

This is where my mind has been going lately–


I’ve been thinking about the future a great deal and I need to talk about it.

πŸ’œ The possibilities and change.


As somebody who just lost their dad in 2021, the second of their parents, I’m thinking on a different level than I used to.

πŸ¦‹ Certain things draw my attention more–

mean more,

matter more.

Others, less.


It began as a personal tragedy/emotional dumpster fire (to be clear).


But I don’t think that the resulting overall change in perception is bad.

πŸ’œ I’m thinking bigger now, which is allowing me to make some big changes in my life.

My father died about 1.5 years ago, I still mourn him daily, but now that I’m on the other side of some of it, I know that I’m really just at the beginning of the next chapters to come.




For the last 10+ years I’ve been a writer and a healer, and one of the themes I’ve really focused on has been personal expression.

πŸ’œ That’s been huge for me because coming into writing really helped me to kind of find myself and express who I am.

It helped me stop hiding from others, and most of all hiding from myself.

It allowed me to be more me.





Last week I had a big realization.

There are some other parts of writing that are really important that I haven’t spoken about as much.


Themes that have always been huge themes in my life.

Like service and leadership.


I can list the hours I spent volunteering through Americorps at 22, and the teenage dreams of becoming a diplomat and public servant.

Then there are all my afterschool activities. The personal explorations of power detailed in Freedom Year.

The business I started because I really wanted to help people and have it be a win-win.




But I never connected all the dots.




☘️ Writing is healing.

☘️ Healing is service.

☘️ Service is leadership.


There are things I have doing as a writer and telling others to do for reasons that I haven’t named, or haven’t before now




Suddenly my political science degree and what it taught me about peace and conflict studies feels relevant to my life now.

Suddenly my M.A. in Spiritual and Pastoral care and what it taught me about spiritual leadership makes sense today.

Suddenly all my life, career, and business experiences all add up…




πŸ¦‹ Writing is transformational leadership.




And now that I see all the dots connect, I realize I have a whole lot to say about this.


πŸ’œ Here’s some thoughts kicking around my head right now:


☘️ Writing is a tool for self expression as I have said–but it also creates the possibility of SELF LEADERSHIP.

What to do, where to go, how to say it; writing can and will help you find clarity on what to do next.

It helps you figure out what you have to say–plus it’s a tool to get you into the best possible place internally to say it so it’s empowered and not coming from a funky emotional energy that could do more harm than good.


☘️ You begin by leading yourself through writing and then from that self-sourced place, you use writing to serve, transform and invite others into deeper transformation alongside you.

If you are a business owners, coach, healer or artist, I see people like you doing this with words every day.

Inviting people in, telling stories, sharing information…setting seeds of change. (This is why I love business owners so much.)

Writing can instantly shift someone, or it can be the invitation into an offer that changes someone’s life more deeply; thus creating transformation.


☘️ We can’t continue the communication mistakes of the past over and over.

Division and war are not the legacies we want to give to the children of this planet.

Writing must be informed by a commitment to transformation from the very start.


Offer possibilities and solutions from a place of peace. Let go of staying in division as much as possible!


No, you can’t change every single thing on planet Earth alone–you don’t have that power! But you can do something:

Create bridges of peace through your writing.




I know that this is a time of change.

In this moment, huge things are changed and changing,

as they will be during the whole period in which I may be living on this planet.


πŸ¦‹ And during times of change, leaders are needed.


πŸ’œ Wise leaders.

πŸ’œ Transformational leaders.

πŸ’œ Not leaders of the past, the leaders of the now and the future.



(If you aren’t already now!)


This is the moment you have been waiting for.

Your soul is here on this planet at this exciting time for a reason.


πŸ’œ YOU πŸ’œ ARE πŸ’œ NEEDED πŸ’œ HERE.


☘️ To step into leading yourself.

☘️ And quite possibly, to step into leading others.


Writing is an amazing way to do that.

I’m here to help you use writing to

πŸ¦‹become the leader that you need yourself, &

πŸ¦‹ transform others.


You already are that shining leader–writing helps you see it, access it, and expand it

☘️ so you always know what to do next to serve the people you are here to serve.




πŸ’œ So how can you move into greater service with your book or business right now?

….To start, how about just get yourself to write more…


Yes! Do that!



πŸ¦‹ Asking the right questions provokes a deeper kind of insight.


☘️ Receive free prompts (questions to prompt your writing) and community to help you write for 7 days, during the free 7 day Heartfelt Writing Challenge. Be guided to think more deeply.

☘️ You’ll also gain momentum to make writing a daily habit so you can unlock inspiration for your book or business, and gain insight on what to do next in business or life.


Is this the next step of your transformational journey?

Read more about the free writing challenge below!




β€‹πŸ¦‹πŸ’œ Free Writing Event starts March 28th:


πŸ’œ Create a daily writing habit
πŸ’œ Unlock inspiration to write for your book or business
πŸ’œ Know what to do next because you can hear yourself clearly


You will make more progress by making writing a daily habit.​

Write more often so you can get clear on what to do next and serve the people you are here to serve.



Join us in this safe space where you can begin to build your daily writing habit with prompts that are sure to inspire your best insights.


We start March 28th!


Make more progress by making writing a daily habit with thought-provoking questions.


Sign up here:

πŸ’œ ​​Sign up for the Free 7 Day Heartfelt Writing Challenge!​


Words from Past Participants:

“this writing challenge is very thought provoking and definitely makes you look inside rather then relying on the outside to dictate how you live your life its a great way to really stop and look after number one so you are able to look after the masses”

“I’m loving these questions! I’ve been findinging [sic] things I had forgotten about myself and new things I didn’t even realize were there. I’m just falling deeper in love with writing.”

“I’m writing! I love the prompts and the challenge was extra special. Your intuition and ability to tune into the group is amazing. The prompts are always these gentle nudges towards where I’m moving and help give me guidance and clarity.

Lots of growth and changes – my goals are to move through all these big changes gracefully. Writing is definitely a tool that helps make that happen!!”


πŸ’œ ​​Sign up for the Free 7 Day Heartfelt Writing Challenge!​


