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Resources: Make the Best of Mercury Retrograde

SofiaWrenFreeLifeChangingClassHey there! Don’t succumb to the negativity around Mercury Retrograde. You may have heard people complaining about this special time of year, but actually it’s full of opportunity!

This is a time of year that’s great for reflection, planning, organizing, redoing, revamping, and finishing old projects! You may have had REcurring thoughts about some things and now is the time to bring them into reality. Think of all the RE words–those are super charged and more effective at this time. YAY!

You can do this! Below are resources to help show you how

Here are some resources that people have really liked to help you make the best of Mercury Retrograde.

Update: Currently Mercury Retrograde is in Libra from Sept 17th to October 8th 2015, it is the third and last cycle in 2015 (some have called this the year of manifestation and this cycle is supporting us to get there!)

Someone recently asked me my thoughts on this round, here is what I said:

So far I’m feeling like this round is a party! With a lot of opportunities for collaboration and productive life changes. To see how it will affect you, I’d look at where libra is in your natal chart, which house. You can find a natal chart free here. Mine is the creativity house and I’m focusing on my book revisions (From Doormat to Dominance and Beyond) but I also feel super clear organized and productive right now. 🙂 I think the last few months have prepared us for this through clearing resistance and low self worth issues. Also Saturn has just entered Saggitarius the same day Mercury stationed Retrograde (the 17th) and Jupiter has been in Virgo for a few weeks; both are great allies for productivity pulling heavy muscle now for us as well.

Here is a brand new video on Preparing for Mercury Retrograde this round in Libra (there’s still time and these are great tips through it as well!)


Here’s a prayer to help you make the most of Mercury Retrograde with some help from the communication ArchAngel Gabriel (very popular and I have more resources on angels, see my sidebar on this site)

Finally here is a longer class called the LifeChanging Webinar Event from the last Merc Retro round with lots more on thriving during this time

Here’s more about it:
“The unique experience of Mercury Retrograde and it’s challenges for communication kind of remind me of life, though. With all the interference of life–the hustle bustle, to do list items, and frequent interruptions by the people and forces around us, how do we stay ON TRACK?

How do we even really know who we are? Sometimes it can be hard to tell, especially at the low points, when we really need to know the most.”

This event will help you stay connected to who you are, and what you should be doing right now.

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