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Re: Optimism, I made something new

How is your week going?

I am so excited and lit up right now about some things I have cooked up.

Last week I had the best birthday I’ve had in 4 years, I think.

The 7 day optimism challenge worked.

What about you?

Did you miss it? It was an email list Exclusive–

​Click here to see the optimism emails I sent out!​

I am definitely not DONE being more optimistic,

but I’m absolutely moving in the right direction.

And I want to keep going.

So I am thinking of ways to do that

Something helping me lately:

designing worksheets and printing them.

For instance, I made a cute chart for my health goals. I wanted to go to the gym once a week.

​I put this in my GET FIRED notebook that I’ve shared about a few times this summer.​

It’s a ring-bound notebook I try to look at daily to stay motivated and feel less stuck.

My worksheet has little bubbles for each day of the week, and I can color them whenever I go to the gym.

Last week I went to the gym 2 times, including on my birthday, and

I exercised MOST days over the last 2 weeks!

Including 6 days in a row.

There’s something about physically seeing a record of my progress and having that satisfaction of coloring it in that gets me hooked.

And let me just say

I really love taking notes and writing,

in a combination of both DIGITAL and PAPER.



I love them BOTH.

These days, I don’t choose just one.

Eventually I want to do a really big show and tell video to describe how this can work beautifully together.

— because digital notes can be printed, and

hand written notes can be transcribed or typed or photographed.

And then printed again….and written on and highlighted. Rearranged.

God, it feels so good to have both!

Sidenote, there is some effort and a learning curve involved to make this combo work.

Moving important hand written notes into my digital space, or vice versa and

reviewing all the things that really matter to me periodically to honor & uplevel my ideas.

It’s all about having a REGULAR habit.

Recently I started a Digital Organization Membership and it really helps me walk my talk on this front…

because we have coworking time to play with and organize our notes every 2 weeks.


Creating an event or class is a way to ensure I show up.

And when I show up, it feels good and I build momentum.

Having people involved always helps infuse some energy into the things I want to practice myself.

(BTW A fall chapter of the Digital Organization Club opens soon – keep an eye out.)



New idea = Printable worksheets for my Optimism Challenge.

This is a spontaneous idea,

& the whole Optimism Challenge has been very spontaneous.

This has all come together in the last 2 weeks.

My personal goal to do a 30 Day Optimism Challenge…

​and suddenly I decided to send you a free 7 day free challenge by email last week.​

This was very unexpected as I had OTHER STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLANS for fall.

I was going to do a “business intensive” for business owners to write together, connect to the soul of your business, get a bunch done really fast for 6 weeks…

so I almost didn’t share about the optimism challenge because of my previous plan,

but to be honest, I know that if I didn’t tell you about the challenge,


My previous idea was good… but then I had a new idea, a louder one.

I have to say something big here

Although I “own” my businesses and write books, I believe I’m not alone in it,

I really do believe our books and businesses have other plans than we do sometimes,

and as an artist, it’s just my job to listen to what they want and try not to get in the way.

(Holds hands up to the sky in surrender because I know no other way to do this…

and I don’t know if I want another way, just guide me, oh creative muses…)

I’ve helped many other people take this approach of listening to the SOUL of their book or businesses,

and they’ve said it’s brilliant

so I know I’m not the only weirdo that finds comfort and wisdom in this philosophy.

So all I know is

the Optimism Challenge is on.

It’s what my soul wants, &

-what the soul of both of my businesses wants and

-what the soul of all the future creative projects, that desperately want to stream out of me, want

(including music, books, videos, and so much more.)


Optimism is everything.

How can I do anything if I don’t think some of it is actually going to be successful??

This focus on Optimism isn’t how I thought this month was going to unfold because I had plans.

but…whatever I’m going with it.

The best things in my life have always come from listening to what wants to come through me.

As a result of just a few days of focusing on optimism:

I’ve already had the best birthday in years, and I’m noticing more happiness in my days than has occurred in a while.

My stress is going down, I’m singing again and playing guitar, I’m going to the gym, I’m cooking more, I’m feeling more lit up to write…

So I’m jumping in and have no idea where it’ll lead, but I’m positive it will be something good.

And isn’t a story better when you don’t know how it will end?

I’m doubling down on this optimism thing.

Me + the Optimism Challenge are in it to win it.

So to assist me on this journey, I put a workbook together for my 30 Days of Optimism Challenge

>>And of course I wanted to share the workbook with you as well.

Get the new 30 Day Optimism Challenge Workbook

when you sign up for the Optimism Event.

Take a look inside

Sign up for the Optimism Event and get instant access to the workbook!

​After payment, check your receipt to find the link to download it.​

Then you can fill it out on your computer or print it out in black and white.


What if I’m too busy right now?

That’s okay, I’m creating these materials so you can use or reuse them anytime.

You can have a self paced experience.

Isn’t there a live event? What if I can’t come?

Yes there is a 1 hour live event: a zoom call on August 27th at 5 PM EST.

If you can’t come live, watch the replay.

What about the bonus emails?

​Unlike the emails sent out last week, ​you won’t automatically get the bonus 14 emails in your inbox.

You’ll get access to a special feature, and

the 14 emails will only be sent to you when you trigger them.

When you press play on the email sequence, you’ll begin to get a 14 part process of prompts, tips and reminders to be optimistic.

You get to choose the timing!

So it can be later.

These will be available starting next week.

In sum:

If you are busy now…

do the Optimism Challenge, anytime!

At your own pace


Right after I finish this email,

I’m going to get this workbook printed stat!

I can’t wait to start filling it in.

And if you are eager to get your hands on it, too,

you now get instant access to the Optimism Challenge Workbook

Sign up for the Optimism Event.

The link to download the workbook will be in your receipt details.

Sign up here!

Now you know what I am off to do!

Hope you have an awesome day and, as always…

Thanks for reading!