Feel like it is all on you to figure out what to do next on your book, blog, business or other creation?
It’s not! Stop trying to do it all yourself.
Do it the easy way:
tap into the energy of what you are creating to find your next steps.
This Raw Creation Meditation will connect you to the energy of what wants to come through you.
I believe that energies can be conscious and lead you in their creation–
whether it’s your business or a book or just your life crying out for you to listen, I believe it can guide you and you don’t have to do it all yourself.
When I sit every day wondering what to do next, I try to connect to the energy.
I even write letters to my projects and ask them what to do next.
This is a meditation will help you get clear on what to do next.
This is a clipped from a gathering of The Creative Vision in Action Community, a group I lead in 2020. Hope you enjoy it.
By the way, the Creative Vision in Action Community is now closed, but I host regular writing groups for Business Mermaids.
You can get my help to write for your book or business in this group.
Sign up for the waitlist for the next Writing Group here.
I also offer 1-1 coaching, editing and co-working.
Contact me if you’d like to write for your book or business in a way that flows as smoothly as a mermaid swims.