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Questions to ponder…

Last week I began pondering some questions that brought some new ideas.

Have you ever thought about your zone of genius?

I’m rereading the book, “The Big Leap” by Gay Hendricks, which is a really awesome book.

He talks about the zone of genius, which is the place where you can truly come alive and use your gifts to the max–

and it isn’t just something you are good or competent at.

It isn’t even something that you are excellent at.

We are talking GENIUS level stuff here. It is like your superpower.

I’ve always been fascinated with helping people to tap into their genius to write and create for books, businesses and more.

It’s part of what I call tapping into the power of your inner mermaid.

But these questions have me pondering it all in a new way.

I promised to send these questions to help you identify your zone of genius during the live event I hosted last week.

(The event was great BTW! If you missed it, no worries we will have another free workshop next month.

It’ll be on the topic of “What to do when other people stress you out.

My workshop collaborator uses dance therapy techniques to help you know how to deal with them!)

Back to the Zone of Genius questions

You can ponder them or write them out.

Check out the book “The Big Leap” by Gay Hendricks if you want to go deeper. (That’s where these are from)


1. I’m at my best when I’m….

2. When I’m at my best, the exact thing I’m doing is….

3. When I’m doing that, the thing I love most about it is…..

The author says sometimes this is a state of being that you get into when you are doing things in your zone of genius.

When I pondered this I started realizing I love the discovery of new things.


I love discovering the next steps for a project WITH my clients, and helping them to have realizations–or we come up with things together on a call.

It’s one of the reasons I’m drawn to the creative, unique client work that doesn’t have a “one-size-fit-all-solution.” If it did, there would be nothing to discover!

And I love what happens when I start pulling the thread and following my intuition, my fascination, and seeing where I end up.

Hope you enjoy these little questions to help you connect to your super powers.

And if you missed last week’s free hangout/ workshop, don’t worry there will be another free event next month on “What to do when other people stress you out”.

My workshop collaborator uses dance therapy techniques to help you know how to deal with people! Stay tuned for the details.

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