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Process: Overcoming The Root of Procrastination — Fear of Rejection

SofiaWren2013 (40 of 41) Have you been struggling with procrastination to take the next step towards something close to your heart?

Writing a book, building a business, even getting out to do something fun and new require more of us than other tasks.

They require us to take small steps for our own sake–our own desire, and so they are often the hardest things to do.

Why do we get so stuck?

The true root of procrastination is fear of rejection–of not doing a good enough job, of not being enough for other people to approve and accept us. 

This topic was a big theme in last month’s Live Intuitive Event which focused on Prosperity. My audience was filled with people desiring to change careers, put out a new offer for their business, and so many people were struggling with procrastination. The sound recording during the live event wasn’t great, so I made a new video to highlight this important message.

If you struggle with procrastination, I invite you to watch the video I made summing up my insights on curing procrastination at the root.

Some quick tips if you are in a hurry:

1. Forgive yourself

The energy of forgiveness is powerful, and we crave forgiveness for being just where we are now. If we can’t accept that, if we beat ourselves up or regret our inaction, that makes it even harder to face the tasks we must face to move forward. Try this over a few days anytime you start thinking negatively. While you are at it, forgive others and the Universe for not making it easier.

2. Set a timer

For tasks that involve a lot of work, thinking or writing, try this. Once you sit your butt down, start small with a half an hour on the timer. Take a break and then maybe try another. If you break up a massive task into smaller bites, it will be easier to fit into your schedule and get started.

For more tips on curing procrastination at the root, watch this video:

Join us for the next live intuitive event and you gain personal insight from Sofia Wren (Divine Feminine Empowerment Coach, Writer, Activist, and Certified Ethical Intuitive Consultant). The theme of discussion is How to Speak Out.

Click Here to RSVP on Facebook to get your insight for an April of Speaking Out from the Heart

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