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Process: Leaving an Imperfect Legacy

I am in the process of leaving my mark on the world.

Something I have realized in a big way this week is that money isn’t everything. Like really really realized.

Yes, money is a good thing, yes, I need it to survive, but more importantly it’s a consequence of what happens when I am helping people.

I didn’t use to think that, and some part of me still don’t. But they are the parts I have decided not to listen to anymore. The biggest fears I have is ending my life without a legacy. It’s not about hitting an income goal.

I’m as old as my mother was when she had me 26 years ago. Three years later, she died, and I was left as her legacy. In the time I have, I want to create things that will be here when I am not.

I can’t control what will happen, if some accident or illness takes me tomorrow or next week.

These things are not up to me to decide, and so I have to do everything I can to leave a mark on the world as soon as possible.

This means not waiting until it all becomes clear or perfect.

This means not waiting until my website is perfect, I have the perfect elevator pitch, the perfect vision of how my book should be, the perfect anything.

Because life is a learning experience and every second I languish worrying about how I look or how not enough I am, is feeding into the very fear I want to avoid. It has been holding me back, this lack of perfect clarity for how my entire life will go.

I’m ready for clarity about now to December, or now to next year, small steps, leave the mountains for later, and let’s do this.

What are you procrastinating? What are you waiting to be perfect before you decide to complete it?

And here’s a song. This post is inspired by Fabienne Fredrickson of Client Attraction. I just attended her Millionaire Mindset Retreat.

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  • Ronda Pressley-Campbell October 5, 2013, 9:57 pm

    Nicely said Sofia

  • Small Footprints October 6, 2013, 2:50 pm

    When we think about leaving our mark, leaving a legacy, we typically think in big ways … having children, changing the world in some huge way, etc. The truth is that we can make our mark through simple actions … talking to the “unseen” (cashiers, maintenance people or the homeless) … offering a smile or a kind word to complete strangers … helping a neighbor with yard work, cleaning, etc. That kind of legacy is lasting and has the side benefit of being passed on. The opportunities for leaving a mark on the world are endless.