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Process: How to Tap into the Power of Your Dreams + UpLevel

How to Tap into the Power of Your DreamsDo you know how your dreams are trying to help you?

If you’ve ever wondered why you dream what you do, or how you can start to dream more vividly, this post is for you.

Every night our mind is working through our daily challenges in our sleep. Why not use your dreams to help you to achieve your goals, or to process the resistance and challenges you have around them?

If you are looking to uplevel and make faster progress in your business or life, then you’ll want to utilize all your time, even when you are tuned out.

This video will teach you everything you need to know to start getting your hands in and using all the information your wisest self wants you to know about!


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  • Mel April 11, 2015, 8:10 pm

    Hey Sophia ,
    Great idea combining eft for dreams. So is the point to hopefully release subconscious fears and anxieties as well as negative beliefs? So ony do it when you have a bad dream? Also can you give more detail about the process? Just literally say whatever you wrote down while tapping? I’ve been having weird dreams again which is coinciding with my practice of self hypnosis in preparation for my upcoming imminent birth of my baby!

    • SofiaWren May 4, 2015, 5:48 pm

      Yes yes and no–I do it all the time including for weird/strange dreams that aren’t necessarily “bad.” Anxiety is a reason for me to tap on them. When in doubt as far as words, you can just describe the dream and whatever comes next to your mind or emotions (trust it)– and you can also say “This feeling, it’s ok to feel it and let it go. This dream, it’s ok to remember and let it go. This feeling, it’s ok to understand it and let it go. This feeling, it’s ok to let it go even if I don’t understand it fully, it’s all ok.” Or something like that. I like to close on “I am clearing, releasing, unwinding and let go of everything here, and give it up to the universe to recycle this energy, so I can be whole.”