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Process: Finding Your Real Priority for the Year Ahead


What do you need to know BEFORE you make or act on your goals? The answer is your priority—and it’s not what you think!

I always thought my priority was my work, or maybe producing page after page of writing. But it took until my 26th year on this earth to figure out that work is not my number one priority after all.

The reason I know this is true is because I’ve made work my priority for over a decade now, and I can’t say it has ever increased my happiness by itself. Work just creates money which allows me other things I need to survive. But survival is not happiness.

In the past I’ve started the year by jumping into goals. This isn’t step one! I learned that it should be setting your priority from Chalene Johnson’s Smart Success Program, and it’s completely changed my life and the way I perform Tarot and Oracle Card readings for the Year Ahead.

Most people I know and serve have a tendency to go to extremes. It’s easy to get focused on one area of life and go all out–think 50 hour weeks, a huge todo list for your new business, financially struggling so you can finish your book.

To get balance in our life we probably need to look at our Achille’s heel. THAT is probably the real area that should be our priority.

I’ve created a short video on the topic, which I will share with you today. I hope this inspires you to find more balance in the year ahead by focusing on what is really important–not just dumping all your time and energy in one area year after year.

Leave a comment to let me know your priority from the last year, how it served you, and if you’ll change it in the year ahead

And if you need help clarifying your priority and fitting it into your life, get in touch with your intuition through my private coaching and readings available in 30 or 60 minute sessions as well as my incredible 2014 In-depth Intuitive Success Plan. 

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