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Process: Deciding To Be a Leader

SofiaWren2013 (40 of 41) Being a leader means standing out, being different, and for me at least–that’s terrifying.

Recently, I found myself raising my hand in a networking event to offer an internship. Everyone else in the room I had just entered, was offering a spot at a nonprofit or department of the government.

“Do I really have to raise my hand?” I asked my intuition. 

Yes, it answered.

Yes, it repeated, a little stronger this time.

Dammit. As a Certified Ethical Intuitive Consultant, it’s my job to listen to that inner voice. I did ask for guidance, choosing to ignore it would be a bad idea. Believe me, worse than public speaking.

This video describes how I got through fear and doubt to confidence as a leader:

I raised my hand, introduced myself as Sofia Wren, self employed and started describing what I was looking for: an internet marketing intern. 

Suddenly someone shouted from the back something like, “What department are you?”

A flood of embarassment and nerves hit me. Of course I was going to say what I did but I was derailed by the interruption, “I’m an intuitive…a life coach?” It’s not exactly how I’d sum myself up, but at the moment it was all I thought this crowd could understand.

Then came the flood of things I hadn’t said: my certification, I’m a writer, I help big hearted sensitive people write books, calm their fears, change their lives, reclaim their voice and power. Oh and I could have sounded more articulate..argh.

I had traveled from my home in Baltimore, Md, to the event in Washinton, D.C., home of the federal government. Talk about stuffy.

Most people turned their head away to listen to the next NGO or government opportunity, and at first I worried no one would want to talk to me. 

But when we came back to mingle, people kept approaching me. It was a small slice of the whole room, but I always had someone to talk to.

Two class members from school found me to catch up, yay friends! And I gave my card to three current students interested in my work, my intern opportunity, and the way I call people out to call themselves a writer even if they think they aren’t yet. An older alumnae with a swirly mandala necklace found me to pick my brain about coaching. 

And what I realized is that the definition of a leader is to do what other people are afraid to do: stand out.

I’m not everyone’s cup of tea, sure. There’s a reason why I don’t use my Political Science B.A. to work for the government. I’m just gonna say I can intuit some people could sure be having a lot more fun. But I chose to stand out in a way no one else did and everyone could.

When we can battle the fear and be who we really are– instantly we attract the people we are meant to serve, lead and inspire.

On my way home, I battled feelings of not being enough. I know it’s common but it is a powerful block to confidence and happiness. In my free ecourse I call this the number one mistake that luminaries make.

I repeated the phrases I recommend in the lesson, “I am enough. I did enough. I did my best. I am OK the way I am. I am sufficient.”

The bad feelings were compounded by the traffic on the way home. Suddenly I remembered this little trick: I have decided….

Repeat after Me:

“I have decided that I am enough.

I have decided that I am sufficient.

I have decided that I am OK.

I have decided that I am perfect the way I am.”

And that’s when the fire rolled in my belly and stuck the whole hour home through the cold to my warm toasty home filled with love.

I’m different, it’s obvious. I have decided that I am leader– if you stand out, maybe you’re a leader, too.


xx Sofia Wren

P.S. Are you ready for your dreams for 2014? Could you use some direction, clarification or confirmation that you are on the right track?

I recommend this month’s New Years Tarot Reading Special for an affordable and insightful answer to your biggest questions about 2014.

Get the success you deserve!

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