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“Peace of mind comes piece by piece”

“Peace of mind comes piece by piece”

It’s been a long 6 months since the summer when my dad died, I can definitely agree with this quote I found on my @yogitea bag just now.

Gotta drink that tea in the winter, ya’ll.

It is still winter in Madison, Wisconsin. Yesterday the snow melted off my balcony for the first time since Christmas, but then it snowed again last night. Now it is a really sunny, pretty day.

Back to the past 6 months.

I have cried through a million tissues, been angry, felt like exploding, and other a lot of nasty stuff.

Working my butt off on so many estate responsibilities. So much intense garbage.

Needless to say, I am happy that piece by piece my freaking sanity has been coming back to me lately.

My anxiety has reduced some days and I am seriously shocked because it has been just that prevalent.

Feeling the anxiety recede, I think, “Is this a change? Or is this just an off day?”

What has helped it all has been time, yeah, but also something else.

Just plain putting myself FIRST.

-I do not shrink from the world letting life happen to me.

-I speak up about my boundaries.

-I give myself room and grace because I love myself and I am on my side.

I am here to live. I will make use of the life I have. I will survive and I will thrive.

End of story.

I hope this inspires you if you are a sensitive person who could easily put yourself last.

We need you. Keep working to find the balance you need to shine.

P.S. Do you want to sell something you are passionate about?​

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