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Special Event: Sacred Writing Celebration

SofiawithbookIt’s almost time to celebrate!!

The Sacred Writing Challenge is in it’s last week!

Let’s make this a joyful parting:

Sign up to join the LIVE Sacred Writing Celebration on Sunday Feb 1 at 4 PM EST

As we approach the end of the final week of the Sacred Writing Challenge, I want to thank each and every one of you who has participated so far. 

I am grateful so many people have joined me on facebook for the challenge.

Even if no one had participated, I would still have gotten a lot out of the questions, which were something I downloaded during a meditation rather than picked out logically.

But now 90 people have joined the Facebook group as well as joined the hundreds on instagram!

Here’s what people have said about the Sacred Writing Challenge:

“Thank you Sofia Wren, all this is such a help to find out more about myself.”

“thank you for prompting me to open up again, you have no idea how much I needed this at this time. A true gift. <3”

“One thing that’s been great about these exercises is that they’ve allowed me to move past my usual filters and the noise of uncertainty. I just write whatever comes to mind.”

“Thank you for the sacred writing event. It has been amazing so far.”

“I really love the sacred writing challenge.”

<<Just so you know the group is still open if you want to join us! Click here>>

It’s truly been an honor to facilitate this. I share the kind words of others because it opened my heart, and I hope it encourages you to keep writing and creating, to keep getting the benefits of that deep connection with yourself and all that allows you to do.

Coming closer to myself, I realize I have wanted to do something like this for years.

I love writing and have always wanted to teach and share that love since over 5 years ago when I rediscovered the power of writing for myself.

I found the answer of HOW to share not by puzzling but by seeking quiet and writing down what came through in a natural and sacred way. 

This challenge has been a joy to facilitate and more is coming! You’ll have to keep in touch to find out what’s next, so when you sign up here to get the challenge, I’ll tell you what I’ve come up with on Sunday.

You’ll also receive weekly inspiration and updates from me as the ideas keep coming.

Join us on Sunday!



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Are you ready to finish something really important? How about your big dream?

The scary thing that happens when we go after our biggest dream is that sometimes we forget what it is all together.

HOW??! you might ask.

Watch the video below!

You have a big idea and then the next day you have 12— which one do you pursue? This is crazy!

Crazy how suddenly everything else explodes in your life. How suddenly what felt natural seems way too complicated.

You take a day, a week, a month or more to think over the problems and slowly you put our dreams on a shelf for later.

You may or may not ever come back to your dreams after you forget.

That’s the beauty of writing— how can you forget a dream you see yourself writing over and over?

That’s just one of the reasons I am crazy about Sacred Writing.

Below I tell my story of how I forgot and remembered my committed desire to teach Sacred Writing over and over again.  I got close multiple times over the last two years, but kept dancing away and focusing on something else. Luckily I still write daily and when patterns emerge I cannot ignore them forever.

So keep writing, it helps you remember—even things you swear you will never forget can get lost.

Keep your faith in yourself and keep writing.. 

Also I find it really helps to have a network of writers or coach to support you. I had one and made movement but then dropped off after our contract ended. True story.

If you’d like to talk about your passionate heart felt project, and what steps you can take next to pursue it further, let’s chat. 

Sacred Writers, SAVE THE DATE
Sacred Writing Celebration on February 1st, 2015 at 4 PM EST on Google Hangouts.

Sign up for email updates to get first notice of live events to review and celebrate your writing!



New Comers Here’s How to Play:

1. Grab a notebook or a folder to keep your writing in

2. Sign up on your preferred social media to get the Prompts each day. They arrive first on instagram and facebook. later they show up on google+ and pinterest

3. Spend some time answering the questions I post. If you don’t like the question you can change it or freewrite that day. Feel free to share your answers

4. Join the group on facebook to celebrate your writing with the group, post insights or ahas, ask questions, and network with the group. 😀

5. Sign up for email updates to get notice of live events to review and celebrate your writing!

6. Invite your friends to join you with this facebook event.


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Inspiration: What is Sacred #Writing?


Are you ready for an adventure? Ready to be who you really? And to hold a the key to answering all your problems?


Spoiler Alert: The answers are all inside of you!

The key is Sacred Writing.

Now you may wonder, WHAT IS THAT?!


Watch the video below for my story and inspiration for the 21 Day Sacred Writing Challenge.

Then Join us for the challenge! A growing group of adventurers awaits you–experience the magic of sacred writing yourself in our FREE facebook group: Find out how to express the real you in your life now.

{Not into facebook? That’s ok, there are other ways to play, see BELOW}


Here’s How to Play:

1. Grab a notebook or a folder to keep your writing in

2. Sign up on your preferred social media to get the Prompts each day. They arrive first on instagram and facebook. later they show up on google+ and pinterest

3. Spend some time answering the questions I post. If you don’t like the question you can change it or freewrite that day. Feel free to share your answers

4. Join the group on facebook to celebrate your writing with the group, post insights or ahas, ask questions, and network with the group. 😀

5. Sign up for email updates to get notice of live events to review and celebrate your writing!

6. Invite your friends to join you with this facebook event.


More on Why I Created this Challenge:

Since I’ve become a professional intuitive consultant, people ask me all the time how they can become more intuitive and always know what to
do next and make everything easier and clearer in their own lives.

It’s a great question. I know it’s helped me speak up more, take better care of myself and focus on what’s important in my life and business now that my intuition has developed by working with countless people locally and globally.

I think everyone is intuitive at some level already. I always try to impact my clients with tools that will serve them when I am not around, because that is  true empowerment.

The absolute first tool I ever used to improve my intuition is writing!

What a simple, cheap, inexpensive thing to do–I know. For $5 you can get a bag of pens and a cute notebook. Even if you write as much as me, about 5-6 pages a day now, that could last you a month or more.

In 2009 I read about Morning Pages, a concept created by creativity expert Julia Cameron, where she wrote 3 pages without editing first
thing every morning to recover from addiction and creative blocks.

I later went on to go through her book, The Artist’s Way, and it was lifechanging, so I highly recommend it.

It is what led me out of politics and into a life as a healer,  out of fears of abandonment and heartbreak into healing and wholeness. It opened up my writing voice, and I’m now published as an author and angel columnist.

It guided me on a spiritual path I forgot I desired,  led me to the spiritual business I now own, and reawoke my dreams of singing–and now I’ve sang in front of crowds of hundreds of people  and served paying clients as an intuitive and healer.  I not only changed my life but can help others change theirs for the better, too.

Writing daily Super changed my life!!!

Since summer of 2009 I’ve been faithfully writing 3 pages a day. And beyond.

Now Do You Want to Try Sacred Writing?

The idea may seem daunting, so to get you started with daily writing, and  its many benefits, I will help you out.  I am throwing a challenge– Sacred Writing for 21 days.

Each day I will post a prompt or question for you to answer in your on words on paper.

I’ve also set up a group to support you as a place to share, ask questions, and connect as you go through this journey.

Join us if you are ready in our facebook group

I can’t believe how fast it is growing! Yay!!

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SacredWriting1SofiaWrenAnnouncing the first Sacred #writing prompt! Every day for 21 days I will post a question to inspire you to Journal everyday.

The purpose of this is to bring you closer to your true self, the essence of who you are.

You will discover what you really want out of 2015 and your every day life, so you can be happier and achieve your unique definition of success in an easy and effortless way.

Here’s How to Play:

1. Grab a notebook or a folder to keep your writing in

2. Sign up on your preferred social media to get the Prompts each day. They arrive first on instagram and facebook. later they show up on google+ and pinterest

3. Spend some time answering the questions I post. If you don’t like the question you can change it or freewrite that day. Feel free to share your answers

4. Join the group on facebook to celebrate your writing with the group, post insights or ahas, ask questions, and network with the group. 😀

5. Sign up for email updates to get notice of live events to review and celebrate your writing!


More Benefits of Journaling or Sacred Writing:

You will invite your creativity to support all of your endeavors.

You will find the wisdom within to unravel challenges in your life, especially those that feel very private as it will be safe to fully express and process your thoughts or feelings.

You will write material you can use for articles, books or whatever creative projects you like!

You will be more closely connected to your intuition and your voice so you will know what to do and how to speak up in your life, business or projects.


So Let’s Do This!

I am so excited, so grab a piece or paper or notebook and start by answering, what do you desire to learn this year?

Feel free to share your answers if you please in the comments!

And don’t forget to join us on facebook to play with us in the group taking the challenge 😀

Enjoy, blessings
Sofia Wren

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The Most Important Decision of the Year

img-5What’s your #1 Priority for 2015?

How do you focus on THE most important thing in your life, or even know what it is amid all the conversation and noise?

We’ve heard about the importance of goal setting, creating your desires and visions for the new year, but let’s make this simple shall we?

What is your achilles heel in your life—what keeps getting thrown under the bus? Think about 2014– what sucked? What did you wish you had more of?

What if you made your priority bringing needed attention to this long forgotten area of your life–And it made you that much happier and excited and fulfulled ?

So many of us are thinking about our income, or our vacations or our possessions or insert thing here, but seriously stop to think about this:

What do you naturally gravitate to? Is it work, your computer, your kids, your friend’s problems?

What if this year you made that natural priority #2, and made #1 something that makes you happy or would make you happy but that you never never make room for in your life because it always comes after everything else?

Example me: leisure. Doing nothing. Nada. Enjoying. Ahhh. Relaxing.

I never found time for that in 2013 despite being self employed! No! I would relax when I was more successful. But the thing is, that I was drained and worn down from that attitude. So last year I learned about this priority thing and I made a change.

Over the last year I completely changed my life, and things have really fallen into place– I can finally focus when I work at home because my house is clean, I can see the backseat of my car, I have support around the house so I can sit down and relax at my now clean kitchen table. I used to get so stressed about my house, I got a housecleaner finally. Now me and my partner no longer have stupid fights over the dishes.

I take long baths. I study bellydance and acupressure in my spare time and it’s improving my business skills. I’ve been reading for pleasure. I’ve been hanging out with friends. When I sit down to draw or write I get super inspired ideas!

I have a life!! At last.

Don’t forget to have one— make it your priority and you’ll remember. It’s the most important decision you have to make all year.

What’s your priority for the new year?

Here’s a video I made about this last year. Enjoy!!!

Apply for a free strategy session with me and I’ll help you identify your biggest priority for 2015!


Why You Should NOT Make a New Vision Board


A vision board is classic for finding focus and inspiration, but if you don’t plan them right, you can waste your time!

I am a lover of carefully crafted vision boards however I hate to see the way most people make them. They use glue to paste their favorite pictures on boards but what happens when their dreams take more than a year? Do they put that away and make a whole new one?

Wasted time and images NO MORE.

Unlike most vision boards which get old and stale and mess up your favorite photos, I have a system to reuse your best art, photos and keep them in sync with where you are in your life.

Focus and reconnect with the big picture for years to come by allowing yourself to build on your visions from the past.

It is now super easy to update your board for the New Year and renew your inspiration— learn my  full method–all in this video!

Watch the video now, below

Be sure to like and subscribe to my youtube channel!! 

And here’s a Happy New Year Song, hey look Ellie Goulding strikes a similar pose

If you are really ready to roll into your dreams– let’s have a personal chat about them! I’m an inspirational muse and will spark your dreams into motion. Apply for a free strategy session here. 


 As a holiday gift to you I’d like to provide you tools to use the amazing energy of the season.

t’s not every year that the Winter Solstice is followed by a New Moon.

Just like the beginning of a New Year, this is the opportunity you’ve been waiting for to have a fresh start, and turn a new leaf.

I believe meaning runs through everything– through our mind, our voice, our pens, and through the earth, sun and moon. The world and universe are working with us powerfully right now as the earth, sun and moon propel you forward into the life that your heart desires.

Below I have several holiday themed shows on Youtube that I am sharing so that you have some fun this season dreaming your new life.

First to close out 2014, let’s review our old journals together.
{See below}



See the rest of the Journal ReReading Event


Moving into 2015 get inspired about creating your heart’s desire this year!
Check out the Winter Solstice Owl Party from 2013 with my guest Pamela Chen, which will help you envision the next year with the help of Owls. It is very Harry Potter inspired!
{See Below}

Have a Blessed Holiday!

And remember if you’d like to take a powerful step towards your heart’s desire, I’m now collecting applications for free Strategy Session consultations.

I’m offering 4 lucky sensitive ladies (or men who love them) a chance to get out of overwhelm and uncertainly and stride powerfully and courageously into the life of speaking up, claiming space, and making a chance in the world and your wallet so you can make an impact and have adventures traveling the world.

Go to http://www.sofiawren.com/strategy to take the first step towards your dreams!


Why Reread Old Journals?

You notice recurring thoughts or feelings that can help you know where you stand, and what you believe.

You see the roadmap for your own personal growth and evolution.

You learn how to take care of yourself by revisiting your “owner’s manual”.

You realize that inside you already have the seeds of everything you desire.

You realize what would make you happy and why you should make it happen.

You discover forgotten or unacknowledged dreams and gain courage to pursue them.

You make connections and see patterns.

You develop higher level ideas that take your past ideas that one step further.

You notice the things that you overcame and celebrate it.

You know you can handle new challenges in the future.

You develop a sense of self that allows you to have healthier boundaries with others in your life.

You know who you are.

You are more you in the future.

You notice great things you wrote that you might want to do something awesome with like write a book, blog or article.

You have even more great adventures to write about!!

Join me for a special FREE event where we will read our journals together.
Every Winter Solstice I like to get in touch with myself. It’s the longest night of the year and this year it’s the night before the New Moon.

I eat yummy baked goods and sip tea, and pull Tarot cards, but what I’m most excited about is finally finally diving into my stack of words.

I’m inviting you to a private ritual I’d like to conduct but never seem to have the time to do—- it involves rereading old journals!!

Because when do you get around to actually rereading your own journals?

Will you join me and help me make this happen?

Both the sun and moon will be at their low dark points. That can seem lonely, mysterious, forlorn and so I invite you to be with me, and we can dive within together.

To me these moments hold mystery and secrets that I desire to glean, and soak into my skin. Like maybe if I am quiet, I will learn something beautiful from the silence all around me.

What does the Winter Solstice Mean to You?

It’s a time of appreciating the beauty of nature, even as the leaves have shed, there are still evergreen trees that thrive on, birds and animals living on the land. There is a peace that wraps around every living thing.

writingfreeSofiaWrenThere’s something natural, too, about writing on a cold, dark day. Especially by hand– I wonder how many other humans scribed by candle light with a quill ages ago.

It’s like by continuing the process in this ancient manner can bring us in touch with an intelligence and essence shared by so many other people, breathed through us all, a part of our blood.

We are lucky to have writing, to have letters, paper and pen so readily available to so many of us today. I’m a huge proponet of writing, I have written Morning Pages daily for over five years.

It’s one thing to build a creative and writing discipline–to open the flood gates and capture ideas and thoughts and feelings in written words.

It captures who we are in the moment on the page so we can visit ourselves later.

But to truly appreciate the gift of this art we have to revisit our words, we have to reread what we have, and not in drips and pieces, but to really sit down and give ourselves the time and the presence to read everything we wrote in that notebook–or if the words are in pieces to bring them all together in one collection.

I believe there are many elements to creativity. There’s the Earth, The Map of what you’d like to create in the world and through what project. Then there’s the Fuel, the tools, the education, the self care and time to burn our Fire, passion, drive, commitment, and motivation to go onward.

But where most people drop out is in the final stages— creating a Metal Container to collect ideas into, and churn and distill them into Air, the final product that they can share with others proudly to create the change they desire in the world with their creation.

By creating a container with my FREE ReReadaThon Webinar on Sunday Dec 21st 2014 at 1 PM EST, I will be making it easier for you to go through the process of revisting your journals, distilling all your ideas and emotions and thoughts from the past into plans for your future, and a deep knowing of who you are and what’s important to you.

You can attend Live or watch the broadcast later. To sign up go here


I can’t wait for you to see what I have in store for you on the Winter Solstice, it’s a special day for me and I’m excited to have you join me so we can make this happen!!

Don’t forget to sign up and I’ll send you access to the show and a reminder!

 And leave me a note— what does the winter solstice mean to you? What will you do? And do you ever reread your journals? What’s good about it?


AppleScaleBalanceSeveral weeks ago I gave a short talk to a women’s networking group on the power of Fear. I said to the group,

“How many monkeys do you know with successful businesses?”

And the question can be repeated for most goals, “How many monkeys have published a book? Or written a musical album? Or taken care of their family on Thanksgiving? Or changed the modern world?”

What’s funny is that we have an evolutionary tie to apes and the monkey family tree, and in some ways have picked up certain traits from them—but I believe that some hold us back from evolving further as truly intelligent and successful human beings, as well.

We can only reach out true potential by understanding the Essence of Intelligence more deeply and sensuously.

Being named Sofia, after the goddess of wisdom, well, I suppose I took it for granted that I better live up to my name, and so Intelligence, has been held upon a golden pedestal in my life. It’s up there with my other ideals Truth, Balance and Beauty. However, what most people consider “intelligent” doesn’t always match up with the definition of wisdom I’ve developed in my 27 years.

Allow me to explain in this article, my personal definition of true intelligence and wisdom, and how that relates to the archetype of Athena (Grecian goddess of wisdom) and the MindBodySpirit connection I so adore.

What most people call “Intelligence” is related to that Divisive or Dual thinking of the monkey– the ability to pick up mistakes or threats, or use tools by examining, and pulling things apart. To answer questions Right, to solve problems, to meet standards tested for in experiments. It can cause the overwhelm of needing to act, in fight or flight mode and I will explain how.

It is the Strategy of Athena, sword poised, sharp and detached from emotional concerns, the moves that win the game of chess along the Black and White checkerboard. Harsh at times, but that is the Truth, they say. Or is it?

Let me say I’ve always been excited to be seen as smart, or intelligent, and only until recently did I see this mode of thinking as the core of what it means to be Intelligent. It certainly seemed safer than beautiful (opening me up to jealousies) or athletic (opening me up to breaking my first bone– but I’m still safe to this day *laughter*).

Being intelligent can get me out of many scrapes and tricky situations, as well as allow others to be more influenced by my opinion.  That means I could help people with my smart thinking. Along with the praise of teachers which replaced some emotional needs of mine, I had a lot of reasons to be SMART and Intelligent in the traditional way in Western Culture.

The problem is that there is a gap— this focus on being emotionalless and detaching the mind from the body, and from the emotions, AND from the spirit of a person can actually be a great disservice when it comes to big scale, the decisions one ends up with, and the lifestyle it creates.

The problem is that it is affected by emotion– by Fear– and yet NOT by happiness or joy.

Athena in traditional depictions never strikes me as happy. Right sometimes, which must feel good, but then it is temporary because there is always another problem.

So many people are affected by perfectionism, by treating everything in life as if it were an either or situation, right or wrong, and we take into ourselves that perhaps people can be right-or-wrong and so the biggest condition in the world is the issue of unworthiness.

We cannot achieve our goals because the Intellectual Paradigm of the past age has been to decided joy is not a part of the factor, so instead it is driven by the fear of being wrong. It is driven by the mind without the assistance of the body or the spirit– a sexless, comfortless existance relating to the major health and sexual problems experienced by a huge number of Americans.

Is that the success we want? To spend everyday looking for the problems to solve, solving them, then being afraid of being wrong at our Essence, so constantly doing and doing to run away from that feeling through detached intellectualism.

Instead we must acknowledge when we are afraid. And instead of fear, we must choose a more preferable emotion.

What do you actually want to feel?




Do you see you can have it all right now?

That you don’t need to cycle through the relay race to joy, to see it in a cup of tea, in a cloud, in a cat’s eye?

That is what life is about, and it’s multidimensional.

Multidimensional in a simplistic way that we all experience for ourselves and which cannot be qualified by modern science– so to some it is not valuable, not as valuable as Truth.

However I believe in a new age. I believe that fear is outdated. We have new tools that utilize the mindbodyspirit– which is not divided into little boxes but actually a whole Being– that can eliminated fear and keep us out of monkeymind so we can follow the instinctive pull of our true Intelligence


Because before there were monkeys and apes there were other animals. And even ancient humans have another kind of intelligence. The intelligence of looking at the whole of things.

One glance

One thought– the first one.






Oh how holy inspiration is to a writer, a singer, a dancer, a lover, an intuitive, a coach, a professional muse, like me. It is the Spirit of the All in everything, that whispers to the Core of who I am with it’s divine beauty, and unlimited potential to solve everything, to cure anything, to create wholeness in the blink of an eye.


That is the true Essence of Intelligence as far as I am concerned.


Where does it live?

The mind body or the spirit?

All of the above in union.


Athena was the goddess of my alma mater, Bryn Mawr. We left her favors for our exam. It was one of the reasons I decided to go there, being fascinated with the mysteries of the universe as I was, and hungry for knowledge which would help me make a difference in the world.

Several years ago I saw a Greek scholar from American University speak on Athena and her true nature. She said that Western interpretation left her cold when she was warm, and located her gifts in the mind. Although Athena was born from the head of her father, she was a whole person– and had the abilities of intuition related to the senses as well, included gut feelings, clarisentience, and clear knowing (not from logic but just out of nowhere) called claircognizience. She said Athena was more like Galadriel from Lord of the Rings.

Athens is the location of the original olympic games, showing a pride in physical abilities. It’s no mistake that is it the home of Athena’s temple.

The misinterpretation of Athena is an analogy for the misinterpretation of the intelligence. She was the goddess of civilization–which cannot function without compassion. She was the goddess of heros– who held strength of character, of body and mind.

I’ve already written about this split also shown in the tale of Athena and her sister (turned foe by patriarchal interpretation) in this other blogpost.


Many people would not understand how someone like me could go from graduating magna cum laude in Political Science, writing my thesis on constitutional law, graduating Americorps,  creating an amazing resume, and turning away from it all.

I didn’t choose politics as a career intelligently. I chose it because it seemed smart, but it wasn’t me. I wanted to help people, and I wanted to be happy, and those things did not. I wanted freedom, I wanted expression, I wanted magic– but that didn’t seem smart, and yet it was Intelligent.

People acted strangely when I got my Massage License. But although local sessions are no longer my focus, it led to deepen my KNOWING, my intuition and that’s opened the world up to my fingertips. I have knowledge that I use daily for my self, my clients, and my loved ones. And I can walk into any room, and people want what I have.

This is what I KNOW:

No longer do I let people tell me what is a smart decision or not, because I KNOW what is right for me. It’s a knowing that tells me that my spiritual and creative work is essential. That bubble baths are key and that walks save my life. That knowing that tells me there is such a thing as past lives and spirits–if you’ve felt a memory like that or believed your loved ones are still there for you in your heart, then you KNOW, too. That I need to write daily to be sane. That my book must be published although sharing my life makes me feel naked–and if you know me I am so shy about my nakedness no matter what I really look like (pretty good *wink*). That knowing that the sensual is all that life is about, and how golden it is despite the shaming women have gone through. The knowing that jealous is a major problem we must all be talking about. That knowing of my intuition that I need to travel somewhere, or sign up with a teacher or coach, or take a class. That knowing that led me to work with angels and write about it for too magazines, because it shines light. That knowing that tells me everything I know to be true. That we create our lives from within not without. That all of us have an inner intelligence in our essence that guides us to the perfect unfolding of the most magnificent life we can stand to experience.

And it’s always right. For better or worse that KNOWING is righter than any strategy you or I could devise.


Feel it?

Do you know?


It’s always been difficult to describe what I do exactly because I weave  together so much. I am a Balancer. I provide what is needed in the situation. I am intuitively spot on and I teach others to hear their intuition and trust themselves so that they also always know what to do. I am a MindBodySpirit healer, and I touch it all. Recently I’ve focused on Money, and healing all past lives all in one go. I teach people how to be more creative and connected to the perfect unfolding of their life, business and projects. I see truth and I translate it.

I am here to help you. You have found me and I know you have a gift. I desire to support those who are ready to hear this call.

Contact me.

Let’s talk in person about what your essential intelligence is guiding you towards, and what fears and other things are getting in the way. I am a professional muse, this conversation will inspire you, and I will tell you if we are a match to work more deeply.

Sending you mermaid kisses from the rock on top of which I am languorously sunning myself. Mmm


x Sofia Wren


PS Here’s a bonus recording of an amazing experience I had in Santa Fe two weeks ago if you need assistance feeling something real.

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1streadingsale Thanksgiving always brings the energy of gratitude and appreciation and so today I am posting a reminder out of appreciation for all those in my community.

It’s the last day for the special offer for all those who had never had an Intuitive Tarot or Oracle Card Reading with me to get their 1st private video reading full of messages to help them overcome obstacles in their life. AND Today it’s even juicier

Today December 1st is the last day to get a taste of what an Intuitive Reading is like from an Ethical and spot-on professional with a 30 day money back guarantee WITH EXTRA TIME THROWN IN. ($30 value free)

 I will take this service down tomorrow.

Learn how to :
-Speak up about what you really think and feel
-Achieve your goals easily and creatively
-Grow spiritually into more love and money
-Bust through the limits of whats possible when you do what you really want to be doing.

I have never seen another intuitive offer a guarantee like this. I’ve never had to give a refund either because my most common response from clients is that my messages are “spot on.”

Really enjoyed giving in this way but I’m shifting out of alignment with the price of this offer– at $44 for the time for set up, recording, uploading and emailing the videos, sometimes an hour or more, I’m pulling away from it.

However, it feels good to give one last time to anyone willing to take a chance on a wild kid like me and see what these 1st Reading Specials are all about.

AND Only if you submit your order by Midnight EST on December 1st, 2014

(from the page here, look for the red and teal button) 

I will honor the promise in the image above to include 10 extra minutes of guidance added onto your video

This will take the form of further messages, instruction in acupressure or EFT for healing, and/or guided visualization to better prepare you to create your heart’s desire.

If I bring these Video Readings back in the future I plan to make them more in depth (and higher priced) with even more extra instruction in EFT and other spiritual tools, because I am craving to help people bring deeper and deeper shifts.  I look forward to that and also embrace this one last day of serving in my old quick-and-to-the-point easy-breezy way.

That’s why this post is really about letting you know one last time that these are going, just so you know I’m serious! 

Purchase Your 1st Reading Here and remember if you order by tonight you will get 10 extra minutes included.

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