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If you’re a writer and creator like me or an entrepreneur like me, then you know that there’s a whole lot of terrifying things that come with the journey. Facing the blank page. Needing things to look right to make videos. Self-promotion and marketing.

If you have any trauma, an inner critic, or anything that comes up, it’s really hard to move through it. But it can be really good—it can grow you and even heal some of your wounds to face your fears.

Or it can be bad. You can get negative feedback on a story and never work on it again. You can post something and then immediately regret it and delete it. (Know what I’m talking about anyone?) You can sing on stage and bomb–and you can let all these things stop you forever if you like.

As someone who has dropped many balls and picked many back up, I have some thoughts on how to avoid getting overly crushed and traumatized along your journey as a writer or creator.

What’s really important is to set yourself up before you even do the thing: you need to know more than WHAT you want to do, but you also need to know WHY you want it–that’s what makes all the difference. I’ll be posting more on this tomorrow!

For now I wonder: Do you have clarity on what you want to write or create next, or are you still figuring it out?

For more inspirational bursts to make faster progress, sign up for my email newsletter.


A Crazy World is An Opportunity

The world is crazy. Everything is not as it’s supposed to be—and I think it’s a great opportunity to try to get out of our box, do something new.

Is there something a little challenging that you haven’t done before? Can you dare to reach a new height, or achieve a new goal?

I know that the times are upsetting and that can slow you down, but don’t stop trying. I believe it’s possible.

This August I published Freedom Year, which was my fourth #NaNoWriMo book. I also wrote another manuscript, and now I’m prepping to write the 2nd book in the same paranormal romance series.

I never thought I would write romance and I’m so stoked to be writing a fiction series after slaving over my memoir Freedom Year for years. That was heavy–I wrote about traumatic things–glad I did it and pressed publish finally.

This is big stuff for me. And I know that your thing is possible no matter what is going on around us.

But we just have to kind of try it differently, you know? Give yourself freedom to be WEIRD and MESSY–and just try.

For more tips on being more creative and making faster progress, be sure to sign up for my free newsletter!


This is an Experiment

I’m trying an experiment where I model what I teach to my clients about experimenting so you can make faster progress on creative projects. And I’m doing it in my social media, blog, and email newsletter!

I have new program and line-up of services to help you or someone like you to write and create more of the most important stuff you can make. And, you know, I’ve been working through my own stuff.

The year 2020 has been incredibly intense for me. I’m sure it has for many, many people, but for me, I have had so many emotional wounds triggered. So many traumas triggered, so much worry and stress and like intensity, but at the same time I’ve been making awesome progress: I published Freedom Year. I’m sending my new book Dark Legacies, Book 1 of the Blood Witch Series to the editor this week, and planning to write Winter Bound: Book 2 in November. That’s 3 books in one year.

We can all make awesome progress in 2020 even if it’s a crazy time. And now it’s almost #NaNoWriMo or #NationalNovelWritingMonth which is a 30 day social movement to write a novel by the end of the November. I’m seeing this as a great opportunity for me to help more people by being more out there and just connecting, being myself and being free to use social media as an experiment.

I believe that in order to break patterns sometimes we need to do something WEIRD. Break the pattern! I personally have just been processing a lot of stuff, and it can lead to perfectionism. 

Luckily with writing this year I set myself up with tons of support and deadlines, so I don’t let perfectionism stop me, but I haven’t always updated my social media, my site, and online properly. I feel I am not showing up with all of what I can offer the world, honestly, and I want to announce more of the goodness I have to teach.

So I vow to let go of perfectionism and trust myself. I will let myself get things out, even if they’re a little bit messy. So forgive me in the future. If you see a video with talking in the background or bad lighting, or a sales page looks wonky—I’m just trying to let go of it needed to be perfect. I’m just going to let it out.

Let’s do this together. We can all win. We can all play, write, or create something. Now. Even if the world is crazy. 

What is something you are playing around with?


Outline Service Now Available

Attention #NaNoWriMo participants!

Hoping to share your completed book with other people after you finish the challenge?

If you want people to read your book and enjoy it, then you need a plan EVEN if you hate plotting.

Having done years of Nanowrimo I can say that the only way to end with a good book is to spend time planning your book before you start.

The problem is that some of us, including myself, don’t quite belong—we are the pantsers.

Pantsers write ‘by the seat’ of their pants, discovering the story as they go along without knowing the full picture of where the story is going.

If you are a pantser like me, you hate staring at a screen trying to organize your outline. It doesn’t have to be that way!

What if there were some way to have the best of both worlds– to create a plan that allows enough freedom to write and feel spontaneous while also keeping you on track to create a crisp story that makes sense.

And what if you could learn this method with 1-1 assistance and apply it to your book in 3 hours?

Maybe you are like me— I like writing to be fun, but I hate analyzing my story. I want to stay in my character’s shoes and focus on what I feel like writing about each moment. I want to let the story take me on a ride.

So many writers advised that I outline my book first, but it just felt wrong. And stifling.

Luckily, through trial and error I discovered a method for planning a book that is completely different from anything you’ve ever learned.

I’m pleased to introduce my latest offering: the Mastering Intuitive Outlining Breakthrough Day.

Read more here to get your book outline started ASAP. I am running a massive flash sale to help you outline your book before November!!


Listen To Yourself

The craziest things happens when you listen to yourself. It can take you to unexpected destinations.

A week or so ago I saw the draft of the cover for my new book Dark Legacies. It says Paranormal Romance on the cover. That’s when I realized, “Wtf I am writing a romance?!”

It didn’t occur to me before now. Of course I knew it had elements of romance, I read some books on writing in the genre before reading. I thought about how to have interesting romantic situations between the characters as they get to know each other and overcome some obstacles. But I was more focused on the main plot of witches and dangerous secrets being uncovered.

It was a slight surprise because it isn’t something I thought myself capable of until now. It’s possible to learn new things and create something you never thought you could do before.

I actually had the idea that inspired this series during a guided meditation. The image I got from my imagination felt powerful enough to inspire a whole series of five books, because it told me so much about the world the character lives in and what she desired beyond that. It got me fired up.

The core message of my series is to listen to yourself. I have written a lot of nonfiction about this journey to do this, to uncover who you really are and unlearn what others have taught you when it doesn’t fit so you can hear yourself better. This time it is woven into a fiction piece.

I think we as writers or creators can make a difference in many ways. That is what my new course Creative Impact is about: helping people figure out what to do next in a way that fits them.

We do not all have to do the same thing in order to have an impact. In fact because creativity is so vast, you have many choices on what you can do to be of purpose in the world.

Even writing romance novels…

And who knows, as you step forward on your creative path, there are endless roads you can find yourself cruising along.

When was the last time something you made surprised you?


Generosity, Compassion

Every time that we choose generosity, compassion, and being of service, we set in motion a chain of events that catapults us into a series of lessons and growth spurts comprising the first path of initiation.

The first step on this path is the desire to be of service.

The second step is the decision to be of service.

The third step is personal devotion and commitment to making the world a better place for everyone.

When we move toward being of service, any self-obsession or feeling of being a victim will shift, and we can achieve a more balanced perspective in life.

When we see how others are often in far worse situations than our own, and when we see how we can help, we view our personal problems from a totally new perspective.

The world may not change, but our perception of it and how we experience it will be radically altered.”

Quote from: Dancing the Dream: the seven sacred paths of human transformation, by Jamie Sams.

Are you ready to be of service? Access the deep peace and clarity that comes from listening to a deeper source for guidance. <3

I am looking for 6-7 people to be apart of the first round of my Creative Impact course which will help you find clarity of direction and purpose!

When you know how to connect to your deeper purpose, you will know what to do next to be of service. Then you can start doing what you were put on the planet to do. <3

It feels so good.

If you want to be of service and be more creative as a writer, creator or sensitive soul–drop an emoji in the comments and I will tell you more about the low price group I am forming.



Lately I feel really drawn to working on my writing more than anything else. Things have been feeling different for me since I went to Japan. I used to be primarily focused on growing my business.

I adore helping people so when my business clients from the past come to me, I am happy to help them. But for months I haven’t been promoting many of my services as I have done in the past.

To be honest I have had some experiences which feel heavy. Years of them. Running a business can be difficult to say the least. Over the last 8 or 9 years I have gotten tired chasing something and in some ways it just doesn’t ever get caught.

Each thing I add on in terms of projects has an opportunity cost and I have been cautious about taking that on. Some times I will not be a good fit emotionally for a project but then it is already underway and I am obligated to deliver. That is the hardest.

My own writing seems essential and in the past it got squeezed out. I thought that was the “smart” business thing to do and focus on generating income, although I always fit a bit for me in.

The answer to my struggle, I realized isn’t to implement things more or listen to more business advice or push harder. The answer is to listen to myself and the spirit of what I am called to create.

This has always been my philosophy, but I am experimenting with applying it at a new level of depth.

Soon I plan to share some new ways of working with me, new ways I can be of service to you. Some are things I have been doing behind the scenes for years.

I’m going to listen to what my heart wants me to share and consider it like this space online is my little altar. I’m not filling it up with stuff just because, I am following a calling.

When I look back, these posts are like a journal of my experiences. Its always been a goal to help others but lately I have had to deconstruct it.

What I am actually serving is bigger than a client, bigger than a business. It’s a profound, ineffable source that is bigger than me, wiser than me. This is what gets me through hard times, now and always.

I’m inviting it into this space online to lead my words and lead my steps. Thank you.


Infinite possibilities

You are here to make a unique contribution and there are infinite possibilities as to how you can do it.

This is for you if you feel like you are in a box and your choices seem limited:

Option A. be inauthentic to yourself or

Option B. feel bad about yourself. You aren’t doing enough. You aren’t productive, talented, nice enough, blah blah blah.

Stop. Erase that.

There are many possibilities: more than two options.

We cannot even predict half of the things that have happened in 2020 let alone your entire life.

So if anything seems impossible right now when it comes to what YOU are capable of, think twice.

You have got possibilities. You can make your mark any number of ways.

So let that sink in and let your inspiration flow easier.

I’m building a new course on how to find clarity on your unique contribution, especially if you are the sensitive or creative type that wants change the world, but doesn’t like fighting.

I’ve helped hundreds of people find an innate sense of clarity and purpose on what the hell to do next. They’ve used that clarity to create a stir across social media channels, write books, start businesses, write blogs, sell paintings, and breakthrough on musical instruments.

If you want to shine bigger as an inspirational leader, and get the clarity you need to make faster progress on whatever you’re on the planet to do right now, shoot me an emoji or a private message! I’ll let you know more about the course.