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Feeling Pretty, Childhood Bullies, + Optimism

Are you having a good week?

For me – I just added some highlights to my hair.

​Since I will not be on social media today (taking a break like I mentioned last week), ​

I’ll share it here-

I am feeling really pretty today…

and sometimes embracing feeling pretty is hard for me.

I have a lot of emotions around it because growing up,

anytime I felt like I was shining someone came around to beat me down emotionally.

Childhood bullies, and an adult woman I had to be around for 10 years.

That was 20+ years ago now but it doesn’t mean it doesn’t come up.

For years it felt easier to “fly under the radar” as someone not that pretty, not make waves, and remain invisible to stay safe.

But in the aftermath of my dad’s death in 2021, and

how much that emotionally crushed me,

rather than fall back into the same crappy feelings day in and day out,

I wanted to change.

I started changing my appearance as a way

to demonstrate that I was crafting a new identity for myself.

(My hair grew out during this time–and my short pixie cut that I had through my 20s was totally cute, but I just needed something different.)

Every change was a way to step into the future,

whoever I was turning into was someone new, too.

It has not always been easy to change but I was really unhappy before,

so there’s no way I’m looking back.

I don’t want the past to determine my future anymore.

This summer, I have been releasing the grip on the past in a lot of ways

to be more optimistic.

And I have been feeling a little bit better.

This summer, I have been releasing the grip on the past in a lot of ways

to be more optimistic.

And I have been feeling a little bit better.

This past week I actually felt happy for a chunk of the day, several days in a row.

In 2022 the days were nearly all terrible.

In 2023 I started seeing glimmers of something else.

Now in 2024 those glimmers are becoming more tangible.

So like I said last week, even if I have a million bad experiences to tell me

-things don’t work out,

-dreams don’t come true and

-a lot of bad things can and DO happen…

Including that it’s not safe to shine and feel pretty…

(and there’s a part of me just waiting for some nasty person to come at me again)


Because it does take courage.

I have learned that optimism is about courage,

courage to face the facts even when they suck,

but being able to lift my head up and

look into the unknown.

To give the future a chance before I decide that the worst is certain to happen.

The future is uncertain most of the time.

And it takes courage to open yourself up,

step into it and hope to be surprised by something good.

But without it, we’d never even give ourselves the chance to find out.

​Like I shared last time, I’m working on something new ​

​around the theme of increasing optimism. ​

Could you be more optimistic?

Do you want to feel more optimistic?

If you say yes to both of those questions,

I’m coming up with a cool free thing

starting Sunday August 4th…

More info is coming.

I’ll be sending you some emails about it so keep an eye out.

Make sure to sign up to my free email newsletter to hear more about increasing your optimism.


Is THIS the missing link?

Hope your weekend went well. Anything fun?

I went to a waterpark with friends and it was really refreshing.

I’m emailing because I got a sudden idea and I just have to tell you about it ASAP.

But let me back up a bit.

As you may know, I have been working to feel less unmotivated and more fired up.

On June 5th, I read chapter 1 of Brendon Burchard’s Motivation Manifesto.

Burchard says motivation requires:

A. Ambition (a choice to do more) and
B. Expectancy (belief that what you want is possible).

That second one, expectancy really jumped out at me,

because that is something I have been struggling with.


Don’t get me started.

There are a million pieces of my life,

pieces of evidence, that I can point to that show that:

-things don’t work out,

-dreams don’t come true and

-a lot of bad things can and DO happen.

And while I’m a big believer in being prepared for the worst,

being REAL about problems rather than pretending they don’t exist…

I know it doesn’t help me to be pessimistic.

And Burchard was a big shout in my ear to CHOOSE to change my focus.

To work through what I need to work through, and move towards optimism.

Not blanket positivity, but

optimism that things can

(and will)

get better, and

it’s possible to get what I want so it’s worth trying for change.

So it’s been two months, and I have been working on being optimistic.

What’s changed?

A few days ago, I started to feel a shift,

to feel the COURAGE to look towards the future +

see the future as a bright place where things can get better, and

release the fear that I’m caught in a cycle of repeating a lackluster past.

It takes choice and intention and work but…it’s getting easier.

This morning I was reading an email from my vitamin company, Caring Sunshine, and

it had a whole section on optimism:

“A ​number of studies ​have shown that optimists enjoy higher levels of wellbeing, better sleep, lower stress and even better cardiovascular health and immune function. In fact, ​a recent study ​has shown that being an optimist is linked to longer life.”

So in addition to being more motivated to deal with problems or go for my desires…

And make me feel happier…

Optimism will literally extend my life.

So what about you?

Could you be more optimistic?

Do you want to feel more optimistic?

If you say yes to both of those questions,

I’m coming up with a cool free thing

starting Sunday August 4th…

More info is coming.

I’ll be sending you some emails about it so keep an eye out.


Sign up for my weekly Funletters

to get some free emails to inspire optimism.

Just look out for emails from me this week.

Thanks for reading!


Boredom vs. Consistency Longterm

How is your week going?

Have you ever found a system that worked really well for a while, but then you got bored?

Causing you to move away from a tried ‘n’ true, effective system?

Well, I have done plenty of zigging and zagging in my life. There’s also plenty of things I’ve stuck to.

But recently, I started to feel bored.

And this time, I thought, “Oh, we might have a problem, because I’m really reluctant to let go of what’s working.”

So lately my mission has been to

figure out a way to satisfy the part of me that feels bored

so I can keep doing what is working consistently instead of quitting.

​If you’re wondering what I’m talking about, recently I’ve been sharing my journey to get motivated via a system I created.​

First I collected my best thoughts and inspirational pieces of writing to help me feel more fired up to do things.

Then I printed these motivational words and made a physical notebook with them.

I could leave it on my desk to open up each morning to be inspired and motivated (without being tempted to go on social media).

Feeding myself with inspiration daily was really making me feel fired up for several weeks.

And for a time, l even looked forward to the practice each day.

But over the last week I began to notice a sense of boredom creep in. Noo!!!

And I’m really not okay with it. Because feeling more motivated is super important to me right now.

I have a mountain of things that I’m trying to accomplish in the two businesses and my life.

This system has been working to get things done!

I don’t want to lose what is working but I can sense my willpower losing a battle to boredom.

So how to solve this?

First I figured, okay if I’m feeling bored, let’s mix things up.

I thought that what I really needed was a sense of novelty.

So I found ways to combine something new with what was already working.

Some of the things I did were:

-move everything around in my notebook so the pages were in a new order.

-find fun, artistic printables from other creators that I could add to my book, like coloring pages and templates from Canva.

(BTW apparently, you can type anything in Canva and find a worksheet that you can print out or customize.)

-set new little goals like writing gratitudes each day, and going to the gym once a week. I made a cute worksheet for each one using canva (see above).

All of that was kind of fun.

But I still felt a bit bored.

Next, I started to intentionally set up the next day up the night before:

-put sticky notes on certain pages on my notebook to direct my attention there the next morning.

-set up inspirational podcasts the night before on my computer, so all I had to do was just click play on that episode.

-dug up inspirational books I hadn’t looked at in a while and set them on my desk.

I was really committed to making this practice of motivating myself each day stick.

I am really committed to making this work because I have been getting fired up, getting things done and I don’t want to lose that.

However, even though I made all those changes, sometimes the whole thing still felt more like a chore

and less like a reward like it used to be.

This is the point where usually I’d just giving up.

And yet it’s been so effective, I cannot possibly let it go.

I’ve just got to figure out how to make it work.

One reason I’m so attached to my system is because now I’m regularly reviewing those priority thoughts that I don’t want to forget.

These thoughts came up in my journal, ended up in my digital archive, and then I printed them because

they’re just THAT important that I want to put them under my nose daily.

Ideas like:

-feeling safe is important to me making progress.

-I’m allowed to rest and I deserve it.

-I should track my time and delegate more in my business.

These are all ideas that I could have and then forget for another few years.

Correction: I have had them and then forgotten them for years already at this point. Probably more than once.

But now they are entering not only my thoughts, but my actions on a daily basis.

If I didn’t remind myself of them daily,

I am sure that I would be relearning the same lessons over and over again for years to come.

But instead they’re actually starting to become a part of my everyday life…


This Monday was particularly productive and I was referencing a list of priorities in my notebook all day. I had to teach a class in the evening so it was a long day.

And then Tuesday morning I saw the notebook sitting there and was like, “UGH I’m so bored.”

And I realized, you know what,

what if this feeling isn’t actually boredom?

What if this feeling is being tired, or rundown?

Or maybe it’s from being overstimulated, coming down from way too much excitement?

The last week in American history has been insane, actually the last few weeks.

It’s been like a pot of hot water about to boil.

I felt like I had to check on it every five minutes to make sure it’s okay.

I’ve been on social media more than usual

to keep myself abreast of what’s going on and see what other people think.

I don’t find social media to be good for my mental health in general. And the news has been very intense.

So this was a lot.

I think that that’s why

when I try to sit down, get focused and do things, I feel ‘bored.’

But maybe I’m just tired or burnout and

I’m craving all of those exciting emotions that I get from social media and news crises.

It’s like being addicted to a stimulant and expecting that rush every day, and then crashing when it’s gone.

If it’s not there, things feel boring,

but at the same time, I’m kind of burnout from it.

I don’t really want more of it, but a part of me wants what isn’t healthy.

Trying to sit, calm down and look at my little notebook full of familiar wisdom feels boring

even though it is 100% the healthiest thing I could do for myself.

But this made me realize that the solution to my problem isn’t ADDING novelty, it’s about SUBTRACTING something else.

Sometimes we need to add a new ingredient to a recipe to make it taste better, but other times you just need to remove an ingredient.

So I think I need to cool it on social media and scrolling.

I need to take a breath and just get reconnected with slower pace of life to calm my nervous system down.

Then perhaps it will be easier for me to find joy in the little things again.

So that’s what I’ll try next for a few days or even the whole week.

That’s my update. Perhaps it is relatable?

Maybe you can add novelty or subtract overstimulation to help you do something.

​If you’re in the digital organization club. I’ll be seeing you very soon.​


Happening This Week + Tips to Stay Calm

Hi, how are you?

I’m having a good day, and it’s always a pleasure and a privilege to write these posts.

In addition to blogging, emailing is fun and it feels like a safe space.

I encourage other writers, entrepreneurs and creators to embrace it.

​(Get this free “Fun Email” ​ ​Resource Hub if you haven’t already)​

I need safe space because the world or USA feels intense lately.

Last week I spent less time on social media.

A little more time making fun plans,

​coloring art printables from this creator, ​

rewatching movies (Netflix “Do Revenge” and Office Space on Peacock),

reading (just finished the Weekenders by Mary Kay Andrews) and

​Playing in my digital notes and common place notebook (what is that? I explain here).​

Now let me ask you….

What helps you stay calm and carry on these days?

Anything making you happy?

Hit reply and let me know.

Happening this week:

There’s two exciting things coming up!

And you can enjoy both of them for free.

3 Keys for stopping and starting with Sofia Wren Nitchie in the Brave Healer Writer's Circle

3 Keys for Stop & Start Writers

I’ll be a guest teacher in the Brave Healer Writer’s Circle on Monday, July 22, at 8:30 p.m. ET.

Class description:

Bestill your self flagellating hand!

If you are stopping and starting on your writing project, it is time to explore other options besides beating yourself up about it.

Meet yourself where you are!

Attend this class to learn three keys to having a better relationship with yourself and a more productive writing practice.

​Join us in the Brave Healer’s Writing Circle by clicking this link​

Click “Try one month” and then enter the code CircleFREE to see my class for free.

This group has dozens of classes on writing and coworking sessions so you might want to stay long term!

Money Making Business Summit with Sarah Michael

Free Business Event

Are you a small business owner tired of hustling & doing all the things?

Are you ready to do less marketing and actually get more clients once you do?

​My pal Sarah Michael is hosting a free event July 22-26 dedicated to keeping it SIMPLE to run a profitable business.​

(Side note: out of all the money I’ve spent on business coaches,

Sarah’s the only person who ever helped me actually make my money back.

And not by doing something weird or scammy, either.)

If you’re filling your time with the wrong stuff, this event will help you and your business get back on track.

One of the things Sarah’s GREAT at is getting to the heart of exactly what to focus on in order to easily magnetize clients and money.

Whether you’re a mission-driven entrepreneur, coach, speaker, healer, or expert…

…you’ll find all the strategies and insight you need to get MORE clients from LESS marketing.

And don’t worry if your audience is small,

Sarah is asking each speaker for their advice on

“what they would recommend to someone trying to grow their revenue when they still have a small list?”

>>​Get your free seat at the online event to simplify your business and marketing ​

Have a great week.


I Almost Cried. In a Good Way.

How is your week going?

I’m doing ok.

It’s finally sunny after a month of rain, which is a nice change.

Today I have some words to share about

-a show that brought me to tears,

-a class I teach today &

-an interview on ungoaling.

Oh my goodness, upon writing this I have just finished watching the show Geek Girl on Netflix.

I recommend it,

the story of a neurodivergent girl going through bullying who takes an unexpected job as a model in order to change feeling disliked.

It brought me to the edge of tears a few times and made me feel really emotional. I relate to the main character’s struggles in little ways, and it rang a chord for me.

The main character is not labeled with a diagnosis, but she feels like she is different, like she can’t keep up with her peers or doesn’t belong.

At times, the movie had me internally shouting and rooting for the main character:

“When bullies bring you down, you get back up!”

I was hoping for a fire to light inside of her to keep her going, even when people were just mean.

It relates to some thing I work on daily, getting fired up.

Each morning I crack open my little notebook

with the intention of lighting my own fire, courage, inspiration, motivation and energy to do hard things in the my life.

And also I really like looking at fun fashion, hair and makeup things. So that was an extra win for Geek Girl.

Have you seen Geek Girl?

What are your thoughts?

I hoped you like it as much as me!

If you didn’t, maybe don’t tell me lol.

Today we have another class for the Digital Organization Membership.

(It’s not too late to join us!)

Do your ideas ever fall in the cracks?

Mine used to all the time.

I have now have a safety net to capture the hundreds of ideas I have.

It’s part of my digital organization system.

They don’t disappear and remain at my fingertips whenever I need to write articles, emails, posts, or books.

I used this system to publish 25+ articles last year, in addition to my weekly FunLetters.

I will share my system for capturing ideas and then we will do some cowork time working on our own projects.

Ready to find your ideas more easily? And make better use of them?

Join us The Digital Organization Club and get all the classes + replays

Last week I had the pleasure of recording this interview with Ginny Robertson, from On Purpose Woman magazine.

(This took a few re-schedulings; our original date was the 10th…but it was worth the wait!)

The topic was UNGOALING

As you may know, the past few years I have been reevaluating everything.

Before my father died, my work was my main focus.

Now my priorities have changed.

Although I still have passions, desires, and responsibilities I spend time on, I no longer see work as more important than my personal life or my health.

I’ve UNGOALED in a sense, or become more loosely attached to my goals.

​I talk about this in the interview​

If you don’t want to watch or listen right now,

and prefer to read:

you can read the article that inspired our interview.

This interview is a follow up to my written article,

​“Ungoaling: Not Hanging on Too Hard to Your Goals” in the May/ June issue of On Purpose Woman Magazine​

(It’s free to read online at the link above)

Have a great week.

Thanks for reading!


What is Commonplacing? My New Thing

What do John Locke, Virginia Woolf, Oscar Wilde, Leonardo Da Vinci, Thoreau, and Octavia Butler all have in common?

How do you develop thoughts and writings that are so GOOD that they continue to live on after you?

I’ll tell you about the tool they all used…

Hi, happy 4th of July!

How are you?

There’s been a lot of happenings the USA and

if you’re feeling intense, anxious, sad, mad,

anything getting in the way of your writing, work, or mental health

–check out this meditation I created to help you get grounded in a crazy world!

I’ve been experiencing a lot of change for many years, and

I know how upsetting things can be when the future feels uncertain.

But I’m feeling more grounded lately,

more fired up,

more connected to the work that is mine to do,

and I want to tell you how I got there.

This particular kind of meditation is one tool I come back to again and again.

That’s just the beginning of this post…

I share a different, more literary tool with you below.

Before we dive into it,

can I just express my gratitude for DEMOCRACY?

I do love it, and I love America.

Americans can get weird about 4th of July…

Personally, I’ve lived in multiple other countries, and

all of them have their problems!

America can do better, yes, but it also has many things to be proud of.

And let’s hear it for John Locke, one of the names I mentioned above:

Everyone living in a democracy owes a great deal to him.

Who is John Locke?

Here’s an overview from the Standford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

John Locke (1632–1704) is among the most influential political philosophers of the modern period.

“In the Two Treatises of Government, he defended the claim that men are by nature free and equal against claims that God had made all people naturally subject to a monarch.

“He argued that people have rights, such as the right to life, liberty, and property, that have a foundation independent of the laws of any particular society.

“Locke used the claim that men are naturally free and equal as part of the justification for understanding legitimate political government as the result of a social contract where people in the state of nature conditionally transfer some of their rights to the government in order to better ensure the stable, comfortable enjoyment of their lives, liberty, and property.

“Since governments exist by the consent of the people in order to protect the rights of the people and promote the public good, governments that fail to do so can be resisted and replaced with new governments.

“Locke is thus also important for his defense of the right of revolution. Locke also defends the principle of majority rule and the separation of legislative and executive powers.”

Hmmm…does that make you feel empowered?

It does me.

Here are some of his top quotes, he was a really smart guy.

How did he get so smart?

I’ll tell ya. He was a fervent advocate for a particular practice and tool.

I started using the same tool.

I’ve been using it as part of my personal journey to motivate myself,

to get fired up, get out of feeling sluggish and low

so I can do hard things I want to do.

Quick Recap:

If you missed it, I’ve been sharing recently about my motivation journey:

  1. First in late May, I was struggling to feel motivated, and instead feeling sluggish or low

    Things rapidly changed after that.​
  2. By two weeks later in mid-June, I learned that I need to work on motivating MYSELF with inspiring resources every single day. To feed myself motivation instead of expecting it to appear.

You can catch up on what I wrote about those with the links above.

But the point is that I realized that, while feeling my feelings is important, I also need to GUIDE my feelings in the direction I want to go.

I want to be fired up more often…

so I decided to expose myself intentionally to my past writings, books, ideas, etc. that get me fired up.


Before I might have bumped into a quote casually, now it is a point of concerted focus.

Instead of stumbling on my inspirational words accidentally, I’ve made it a science.

Since then, I have been CHURNING over certain ideas, pieces of writing, topics to self-motivate.

It’s been over a month since I started working on this intention and…


With my daily practice of reading, reviewing and engaging, what I call, my “Get Fired Up” resources,

I am coming to understand why John Locke says…

“Reading furnishes the mind only with materials of knowledge;

it is thinking that makes what we read ours.”

My new daily practice is making me think more DEEPLY.

Plus it’s amplifying the feeling that I WANT to have, so I don’t remain in my daily default.

And it’s empowering me so I put conviction and action behind my ideas.

Sometimes I feel crappy or low or unable to face the hard things on my todo list when I wake up, and I just don’t want to feel that way any longer.

I LIKE feeling fired up and inspired and ready to tackle the things I need to do.

I’m starting to feel more powerful in my ability

to create my desired feeling of being motivated and fired up, and

it’s helping my mental health.

I feel more powerful and less powerless.

I feel less anxiety and more self trust.

I’m getting shit done and changing things.

So what does this practice look like?

I use a mix of digital technology and old fashioned tools.

That might surprise you to combine both because I am obsessed with digital organization technology.

I started with just a digital database of all the inspiring quotes, and notes that help me to feel FIRED UP each day.

In the beginning, I started collecting all these powerful words only on my computer.

My goal was to log into this database in the A.M. and reread some of this inspirational stuff daily.


Why? The thing is that I struggle with social media addiction!

Doing things on my computer or phone first thing in the A.M. is so dangerous.

I can end up on social media so easily and often I end up either low or anxious.

Wasting so much time.

So I decided that if I wanted to look at something in the morning, I needed to get it off my phone, and off my computer.

I needed a paper copy!

And I have to say, the combination is exactly what I needed.


I hooked up my printer and began printing out curated selections of this inspiration material I had collected on my computer a few pages at a time.

I still keep a digital log of all text, don’t get me wrong.

But the paper really adds something.

But it feels so good to have a stack of printed reading waiting for me,

laid on my desk for the morning,

all the very best inspiration picked out for me every day.

I put the pages in a notebook which I aim to open and look at daily.

To read something, anything that speaks to me out of the pile.

I highlight it and add my notes by hand.

And then I write things that end up being so profound that I type them back into the digital database I have, which I often print off, and so on.

It’s like a cycle.

It’s a ring bound notebook so I can rearrange, replace, and add pages.

(Like a 3 ring binder but with no risk of pinching!)

It’s a beautiful mix of low tech and high tech.


Guess what this tool is called…

Nope, it’s not just any kind of notebook.

It’s a commonplace book!

Which is part of a very long literary tradition, shared by (you guessed it!)

John Locke, Virginia Woolf, Oscar Wilde, Leonardo Da Vinci, Thoreau, Octavia Butler and so many more.

What is a common place book?

This is a form of collecting material together: information, quotes, or other passages, like your own encyclopedia.

It can be stark with just facts or quotes, or you can include your thoughts.

Historically people would reread it, add notes, and even rearrange the material in different notebooks.

It moved around.

You make one common place for things that were previously scattered all over the place.

To commonplace is a verb. The act of bringing selections together is called “commonplacing.”

They can be really general covering all topics, or specific like my Get Fired notebook for motivation.

They can be paper, like my notebook, or digital, just like my digital database.

Are you as fascinated by this topic as I am?

Do you want to hear how great thinkers and writers organized their thoughts, taking them to the next level?

​Learn more about commonplace books in this podcast with Andrea Hylen:​

Sofia Wren a History of Commonplace Book podcast with Andrea Hylen


– Podbean:





Let me know if you have any questions or curiosities about my “Get Fired Up” practice & commonplace book.

I’m really passionate about it and happy to share more.

By the way if you want to learn more about the free program I use for my digital common place book

–the digital database I use for journals, messy ideas, quotes, class notes…

the program I use is called Obsidian.

I’m teaching how to use it all summer in the Digital Organization Club. 

Here’s a peak of what it looks like!

I set it up to be purple because I like color.

>>And yes! I am pulling out some Brenee Brown quotes (pictured above) to inspire me these days!

Talking about shame, vulnerability, curiosity, open-heartedness, belonging and creativity….

Yes, Please!

That’s it for this week’s FunLetter!

Ready to find your ideas more easily?

Are they getting lost in documents, notebooks and other places?

Find peace and calm through digital organizing!

Your ideas could spur your next:
-life change.
-great idea for your business.
-article, email, book, or post.

Learn how to always find your ideas (because they are organized), and turn them into something GOLD!

It is not too late to join us!

We still have 4 live sessions this summer and virtual support available.


Where do I sign up or read more?​ Click here ​


My Personal Stuckness. Part 2.

Quick reminder: The Digital Organization Membership starts this week!

Have trouble finding your ideas?

Take your ideas, notes and journals to the next level +

learn to organize them so you can turn them into books, emails, posts and more.

It’s not to late to join this summer’s Cohort! Sign up here.

So honesty time:

I had really good feedback two weeks ago when I was being utterly honest. Writing that post also felt really good so I’m doing it again today.

Did you read that one? That was the week I was feeling a sucky, slogging, low-energy, unmotivated vibe.

Since then I’ve learned a lot of things about

-being unmotivated,

-being motivated, and

-how to navigate the two.

Sidebar: My life still is kinda hard.

I think Father’s Day week (last week in the USA) was just the perfect time to feel sh%tty.

I’m grieving my dad hard hard hard and it really blows the wind out of my energy sails. Been feeling a little depressed about that.

It was extra intense but grieving isn’t new.

His death been on my mind for years because I’ve been in charge of all the heavy lifting on my dad’s estate paperwork.

And in January I acquired my family business where my dad used to work. It’s a lot.

Sunday, I sorted through old photos of us together, made a post about my dad and my grandpa on my family business page, and cried a bucket in the process. 

But, whatever, not feeling good isn’t the end of the story.

Change can still happen.

Lately I have been doing something new that has been helping me look forward to each day.

(It’s been a while since I felt excited to get in bed, looking forward to the next day.)

I felt that way last in 2020, when I was falling in love with my husband and writing a novel and cycling with him around Japan.

The ended.

In 2021 my dad randomly got sick, died, and I got sacked with the weight of estate responsibilities.

There’s been an oppressive weight of things I am responsible for ever since.

It’s created a low, unmotivated, frozen, overwhelmed, depressed

“I don’t want to get out of bed” vibe

that boomerangs back.


  1. Being honest really helps. It helps me connect to people who feel similarly and we can know we are not alone.

Writing my FunLetter two weeks ago was a really enjoyable process of self acceptance and honesty about how unmotivated I was feeling.

I really enjoyed the feedback I got about it being relatable and easy to understand. It put a little pep in my step, thank you. Thank you to everyone who reached out.

2. The second puzzle piece came later that day

It was during the final session for my 6 Month Winter Writing Group (the next one will reopen in November).

In that final session we wrote and (literally) danced with our visions for the future 6 months from now and stayed open to the unknown.

It’s easy to overestimate our knowledge about the future. I’m trying to stay open minded.

Surprises live inside the things I don’t know.

When I stay open, wisdom can dawn on me.

Knowing everything that’s going to happen is actually a curse. It’s best to stay open.


That’s how I learn new things. Through our group exercises, I embraced this.

That’s when I realized an assumption of mine:

I assumed once I finally do XYZ things, that weight that has been on my shoulders since 2021 would finally lift up.


I realized that the weight is never going to wrap up. Not now.

Not now that I’m trying to salvage the family business…

This is a permanent responsibility I’ve gained.

Unless I give up (HA! Which I am not going to do)

The weight is never going away.

The weight won’t change when I do XYZ.

There will always be more to do.

The weight is not going to disappear.

But I can change how heavy it feels to me.

HOW? By changing my relationship to the weight:

I don’t have to wait until I am done the whole mountain of things I need to do in order to feel a sense of freedom and release.

That’s where I need to shift my focus…

This one aha moment really put things into perspective for me…

I realized I need to put more energy into shifting this dynamic itself, and not just stressing about the tasks that need to be done.

I needed to start shifting something on the inside.

Specifically: to energize this new way I want to feel so I can tackle everything that I need to do, and feel better as well.


Motivation is one thing-but feeling fired up is another.

To me it is a very specific feeling that drives me into action from a place of flow.

It’s very uplifting to my spirit, as well.

And from there I decided that I was going to do something new.


I opened up a document and start collecting pieces of my writing that express my fire.
Words. Video. Audio.

I’m inspiring, I realized. People have told me that alot.

I should inspire myself more intentionally.

The document came together pretty quickly since I’m pretty on top of organizing my notes.

But this wasn’t going to be one and done. This is going to be a practice.

I decided was going to get fired up every day.

I was going to sit down and find the things that inspire my fire.

I will refer back to the materials I have collected every day.

Instead of stumbling on my inspirational words accidentally, I’ll make it a science.

My writings and words have inspired me to get out of a hole time and time again,

but over the upcoming weeks, I’ll explore them as well as the words of others in books, podcasts, videos, and so on.


I have so much to share about my firey motivation discoveries, I’ll need to continue this in at least one more post…

But the final thing I’ll share today is that since putting my GET FIRED practice into place,

I’ve realized that

Being fired up matters because things in my life right now require bravery and vulnerability.

I can fail. It’s meaningful. It’s emotional. It’s unfamiliar.

That’s why it is hard. That’s why it is draining.

That’s why it’s like a mountain that makes my stomach drop.

And I am grieving, I am grappling with my mental health, I am tired or anxious or low sometimes.

Sometimes I feel really lonely in my experiences

I was raised by a single dad and used to belong to him. Now I’m in my 30s with no parents, a super small number of people I know locally, and I’m floating around a long way from home…

I need to be fired up to feel strong enough to do that heavy lifting that my life requires.

Motivation is not something I pray will bless me.

It is something that I move towards and seek out for myself, it’s a food that I imbibe daily.

There’s no rationalizing inspiration into an existence when it’s not there.

In that way it is pure.

If I don’t feel inspired or motivated,

if I wake up and it’s not there, I will find it,

in writing, in a book, in a podcast and so on.

And now that I am putting in the work,

I am seeing it appear more bit by bit.

This summer,

I’m diving deep into my words.

I’m flipping through old writings and notes every day.

I’m adding to it, highlighting, moving things around, and creating new stuff inspired by the old.

I’m listening to myself.

I’m remembering the things I SAID I wanted to make a priority.

I’m taking those wild, old ideas and turning them into reality.

Starting from the inside out.

It’s the ultimate self care practice. And I’m getting FIRED UP.

Do you want to find your ideas? Your notes?

You can join me, too, if you like!

Your journals, documents and ideas could be full of gold,

but how will you use it if you never look? Or use them?

Let’s dig in,

play with your ideas and

get organized so you can turn your ideas into gold.

Your ideas could spur your next:

-life change.

-great idea for your business.

-article, email, book, or post.

Come join the Digital Organization Club this summer and organize your ideas!

We are 15 people strong! I can wait for us to get started this Thursday.

(It’s not too late to join our 3 Month Summer cohort! You will get all the replays of any class you missed and access to ask me any questions you have.)

Are you joining us?

Come join the Digital Organization Club


I just decided that class on SURPRISES

the one I mentioned in my story above that really inspired me…

The replay will be a bonus for members of the Digital Organization Club!

In this one hour class recording, get in touch with where you are going: your sense of direction and vision for the future. And receive important aha moments that will make achieving your writing or business goals that much easier!

It’ll be included in your class hub delivered after you sign up.

Thanks for reading!


Losing Your Ideas? Stop Asking This Question

New Video: Losing Your Ideas? Stop Asking This Question

I’ve been an entrepreneur for 10 years and I’ve published my writing online for about 25.

There has always been more I want to do.

But for a long, long time my progress was blocked by my inability to find all of my ideas.

I could not keep track of my big ideas. I had too many, and they felt scattered. I felt totally frustrated by the way they slipped through the cracks. Do you ever have that feeling?

To combat this, I’d write them down obsessively, and piles of notebooks began lining every surface.

I tried post its, index cards, spreadsheets, task managers but it was all missing something. It didn’t fix the problem I never seemed to “get there” to a place where I was living up to my true potential.

A common occurrence was picking up an old notebook from 3 years before, reading old ideas I’d written and forgotten and now was just remembering all over again…and thinking,

I HAD SUCH A GOOD IDEA, why did I do nothing with it?

The good news is that eventually I figured it out.

I had no idea how much organizing my ideas was going to change everything, which is why I’ve become so passionate about spreading the word.

​Check out my latest video if you’d like to become more organized and find all of your ideas.​

I share the wrong question that I was asking myself about losing my ideas.

And then I share the question I began asking myself that helped me go from scattered to organized. It has made a huge difference in turning my life around.

​Watch the video here if you want to stop losing your ideas. ​

Need some help?

​Get support to find your ideas in my new digital organization club. (Read more here)​

It’s currently on sale for only $30, but only until 9 PM EST on June 14, Friday.

Thanks for reading!


New Interview: How Digital Organization Relates to Putting Yourself First

Andrea Hylen is one of my favorite podcast hosts! We had a lot of fun diving into this:

Something that really surprised me about organizing my notes and ideas is what I ended up getting out of it on a personal level.

That’s how I learned that organizing your notes is really putting your mask on first.

We don’t have a wide discussion going on about this yet in the self care community, in coaching, in the spiritual community, or even in the small business community but we really need to.

We need to linger on how digital organization for your notes and ideas is essential self care.

Why? Because it’s a conversation with the most important person in your life:


I talk about this essential conversation and what that means for your life and your writing with Andrea Hylen.

Listen to the podcast:

Youtube: ​https://youtu.be/wWzEyG9CnV0​

Spotify: ​https://open.spotify.com/episode/5GefdCWMT441Uqgen8dTBM?si=00666923e8304815​

I had no idea how much organizing my ideas was going to change everything, which is why I’ve become so passionate about spreading the word.

Organization benefits my life and mental health by:

  • Remembering my real priorities: not losing track of the clarity I have gained so I can finally break old patterns.
  • Sense of peace: everything is ok, it’s written down somewhere and I know I’ll find it
  • Better boundaries: I stand my ground more because I know what’s really important to me.
  • More confidence: I value my ideas and I take myself seriously. I feel empowered. I am learning and growing in all the right ways.

Plus it benefits my writing and business by:

  • Saving time: no more taking an hour to find a document or file.
  • More energy: I use less energy to remember or find things so I have more to work with on the task at hand.
  • Writing articles, emails and blogs easily: I am never starting from scratch because I can instantly build on all my great ideas from the past.
  • The satisfaction of synthesizing: building on my ideas into something better makes me feel like a genius.
  • Better quality work: feeling proud, sharing it with more people and reusing or referencing my work over time.

Need some help?

​Get support to find your ideas in my new digital organization club. (Read more here)​


It’s here! Digital Organization Membership

It is with much excitement I inform you that it’s here!

The Digital Organization Membership is open!

It is not too late to join the 3 month Summer 2024 Cohort! Click here to read more

Dear writer, journaler, or entrepreneur: Are you having trouble finding things? notes ideas documents Do you write a lot? Have a lot of journals or ideas to organize?

Join us!

Click here if you are having trouble finding things or have a lot of ideas, documents, or journals to organize

Want to know more about my organization philosophy?

If you missed my previous series on how I approach digital organization for my writing, my business and my healing journey, check out these posts.

1. The Wrong Question to Ask about Forgetting Good Ideas

If you keep forgetting about your best ideas, read this!

(Or watch the video version of the same post.)

2. My Favorite Morning and Writing Routines

This is about an inspiring ritual I started to use to heal from burnout. It really inspires my writing.

3. 10x Your Healing, Writing this Way

This is about the encyclopedia of ME I created to 10x my healing journey!

​(You can also watch this video version of the same post!)

4. The Paradox of Information + Writing

This post is about the fact that the more information you save, the harder it is to find anything. Here’s my journey with this and how I’ve overcome it.

5. How Digital Organization Relates to Putting Yourself First

Let’s discuss how digital organization for your notes and ideas is essential self care. Listen or watch the podcast with Andrea Hylen.

Want some hand holding as you get your writing, notes or journals organized?

Read more about the Digital Organization Membership:

It is not too late to join the 3 month Summer 2024 Cohort! Click here to read more