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Overcome your fear to sell your stuff…

There is this bizarre thing.

I am always so surprised–

as you are creating something, learning something, trying it out, crafting it, making it great,

you might give it away or show it to people for free and that’s fine…

Then, as soon as you start thinking about selling the thing you love, things get so much harder.


  • you stop talking about that thing you are passionate about because you are waiting for some qualification to sell it.
  • you get discouraged because you share your passion and nothing happens: no sales, or very few.
  • Maybe you sit on the idea for your website for a year or more because you don’t know how to put yourself out there the right way to do this professionally.
  • Maybe you blow up with success but then immediately tank emotionally.

All you wanted to do was give the world your gifts and talents, maybe help some people or make them smile, and live the good life flopping on a beach.

Is that too much to ask?!

Well, I haven’t given up hope it is possible for you but I know it is not always a walk in the park getting there, especially doing it on your own.

>>For highly sensitive people, empaths, people with ADHD, the experience of being rejected, or having something flop is PAINFUL.<<

This can hold you back from selling from your passions.

And if you are doing work you don’t care that much about, it’s can be less painful, or at least a different kind of painful.

But what if what you are really here to do isn’t going to get done if you don’t find a way to move forward?

To overcome the fear of selling your stuff and all the crap that comes with it!

New video out! I’ll tell you about the 3 major areas I notice people struggling with fear when they are selling their stuff–

  • it can happen at the beginning,
  • during the process and
  • even after you have been successful.

I know because I lived it!

Doing a creative job that I care deeply about hasn’t been easy, but somehow I haven’t given up by now, and I don’t want you to either.

I’m going to be sharing more on this topic, too.

Lessons I’ve learned in my journey of 9 years in business selling all kinds of things–

They helped me sell my passions so I could travel and meet my fiance.

I’ve helped entrepreneurs and writers around the world sell their stuff as a professional marketing consultant and copywriter for hire.

By the way I’m super sensitive, trauma-ridden, “maybe I have ADHD I dunno”, kind of person.

So if you resonate with any of that, I hope you know that:

you can still make a career out of what you love, even if it hasn’t been easy so far. 

Even if you get freaked out or stalled or overwhelmed

You can still hack this.

Are you a sensitive or multi-passionate entrepreneur, coach, writer, healer, teacher, or intuitive?

Do you want to sell something you are passionate about?

If you want people to be excited to sign up for what you offer, I’m excited to offer a new super-deep level of support:

Your Mermaid Treasure VIP!

It’s a private business coaching program with Done-with-you copywriting and marketing, so you get aligned, high-paying clients who pay you to be in your zone of genius.

This luxury experience will help you make sure other people around the world understand what you do and how valuable it is, so they say yes.

Because your beautiful gifts should be treasured!

  • Get deep one on one attention to improve your unique offer and marketing so it sells
  • Get more of your writing or marketing done because you don’t have to do it yourself.
  • Get support through the week as you run your business or write your book

What’s included?

-Biweekly one-on-one deep dives of 60-80 mins for 5 months ($2220 value)

-2 hours a month of me writing, editing and designing your marketing! For your book, blog, business, website, social media, email, videos, etc. ($2220 value)

-20 mins x 2 a week private voxer support to answer questions and support between sessions ($2000 value)

BONUS: Free access to Psychic Mermaid Creatrix home study & group program to make faster progress by tapping into your inner mermaid, your creative genius ($777 value)

Total value included is $7217

I’m opening up 1 spot to start in March! And it’s on sale.

Get it now for only $3750

Get a $1250 discount for anyone who signs up by February 28th.

Payment plans available!

Contact me to get paid to be in your creative genius zone and help people as you’re living the good life.