Not writing? Not making progress on your goals?It’s a chaotic time worldwide. But…maybe you have some time or opportunity to pursue those writing and creative goals.
Write a book. Grow an online business. Paint. Get better at guitar. Record a song. But you are not doing it and you wish you were.
1. Instead of beating yourself up about it or comparing yourself to your most productive days, let go. You are not in total control right now so if you feel like you’re slacking or blocked, well it is not your fault.
2. Let it go totally. Just for this moment or maybe even for a few days stop trying to make yourself do stuff. Give yourself permission to let go. I often find writing a to-do list for another day helps clear my nervous desire to do something. Just tell yourself it’s okay to stop trying to force it. Be wild and daring and go on vacay.
3. Now what? What do you actually feel like doing right this second? Do it. If you’re anxious try setting a half an hour timer and deciding that it is okay for you to have fun during this time.
4 Now that you have relaxed a little, ask yourself the following questions. You can journal it into a notebook. You can write it like a letter. You can sit outside and contemplate or take a brief walk. You can wonder in the shower or while cooking.
Try to really approach them on many levels.
What is absolutely important and valuable and precious that you don’t want to live without? How you can create it with minimal resources? Is writing or creating really something essential to you? If you could do something else, would you? Now that you’ve removed your goal from your life, can you be okay with that drifting away from you? Or does something make you want to add it back into your life? Is it essential? Why? Do you love it? Do you choose it??? Why?
As you seek these answers and feel into them, I think you will find clarity. Use that clarity and motivation as inspiration to guide you in these coming days. Bless you guys! Xo