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Normie Life vs. Mermaid Life

Hey YOU –You are Powerful. You are Complete. You are a Work of Art. There is no one exactly like you.

Have you really been letting yourself Dream? What is limiting you?

-Trying to be perfect
-Feeling like it’s all on you
-Hiding a part of yourself
-Feeling like no one gets you
-Not doing what matters to your soul

It’s time to burn those limits to the ground and start living life like a psychic mermaid witch.

-Be happy just being you.
-Know the Universe has your back.
-Be in a flow state.
-Share your voice.
-Say “I love my community.”
-Be productive and rested, get more done in less time.


Yes you need to be smart and wise and safe, but how often do you really hold yourself back because you’re afraid of change or because you don’t trust that you can achieve those dreams so you don’t even try?

Forget that. It’s change time.

This is the month that sets you on fire, if you will let it, you can access a huge amount of energy right NOW.

If you aren’t focusing on a particular project or you feel overwhelmed, STOP IT.

Go be you. Go be grand, or insignificant, or imperfect, just shine your light and move that energy PRONTO.


What are you waiting for?

Help is there if you need it, that is what the Psychic Mermaid Mastermind is for!

If you ready to take your writing, and creating for your book or business to the next level

–You can get all the individual handholding you need to blast into the most amazing flow state of your life in the next 8 months.

+ Finish your project with collaboration with a team of psychic mermaids to build energy and supercharge your dream.

AND Sign up by April 1st WHILE IT IS 85% OFF


Amazing value.

Message me now to read the full program details and apply for a free taste of the group experience

Follow what lights you up and go move mountains, they don’t exist, only you, your power, and the biggest thing you can dream is truly real.

Let the illusions and limit be fodder for your true fire.

Burn Baby BURN

Message me now to ensure the fire never goes out.