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No, You Don’t

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No, you don’t.

You don’t need to conform.

No, you don’t need to stay small.

You don’t have to do that and you don’t have to do this.

I am standing up for you.

The bully?


You are the worst critic. And you mean well.

Someone told you to do it like that.
To be perfect.
To be acceptable.
To be smart.

I am tired of you discounting your truth:
The feelings.
The thoughts that seem childish, silly or unrealistic.
The dreams that take up too much time when you should be doing more important things.

I want to shred the paper covering your eyes.


The people who used to criticize you are gone but you still remain, parroting the same garbage in their place.

I ban you from enslaving yourself.

Go be free.
And do something childish.

Love, me.

P.s. if you need help writing and creating for your book, business, or another project, shoot me a message.

I will stick up for the real you.
