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Newsflash: Every rule has an exception

Image may contain: 1 person, text that says 'Sofia Wren SofiaWrenCoaching Newsflash: Every rule has an exception.'

If some part of you feels totally compressed, kicked around, sad, depressed, annoyed, frustrated at what you think you have to do…

It’s okay to say, “No, that is not for me.

“Note: if you are one of those people who shoots down everyone all the time, I’m not talking to you. You probably need to listen and learn for a change.

But people like that rarely hang out with me, so I’m guessing if you are reading this, you are the sensitive and open type who needs to say, “No, I don’t care what you think,” just a little bit more.

If you do not listen to YOURSELF before other people, you are doing yourself a major disservice.

You’ll end up:
–Buying programs, courses, and services that you don’t need or don’t end up using.
–Following gurus down a path that is wrong for you, and end up losing days, months, weeks, even years you could have spent on something that actually matters.
–Writing and Creating stuff that you don’t even like, that anyone else could do; thus leaving no individual mark on the world after you are gone. (Sad!!)
–Kicking yourself that you knew all along that it was a bad idea, so why did you let them talk you into this?

The business and marketing gurus are going to hate me saying this, BUT…There is no one size fit all approach to business, writing, or creating.

I know every minute you probably see someone giving you advice about how to do XYZ for your book, business, or something else.

That’s because people want to make money so they say they have a fail-proof system and position themselves as someone with all the answers–even if they aren’t the answers for YOU.

Sure, don’t go crazy and ignore all the wisdom other people have to share with you, but trust your gut on the sh*t you really have a calling to do. PAH-LEASE

Definitely hear out the reasons for doing things another way. Maybe even give it a try, or try to rework it to fit you better–

But what is the point if you feel trapped, stuck, or forced to do things that you hate? Stop that now!

I’ve been there and I know: What works for 99% of people may not work for you if it doesn’t feel like YOU or what you need at this time.

And that is okay.

Because finding your own way to rock the writing or creating you need to do for your book or business can be a headache, I have created the 5 Week Jumpstart Service to help you do so without deviating from who you are.

Make faster progress finding your *own* way to write or create for your book or business, so you can connect to the people who really GET you, make a difference, and have more loyal fans to read your work or buy from you.

Get clear on the big picture and ready to head in the right direction with a 60-90 minute deep dive session with me.

Then, for five weeks, always know what to do next and have space to breathe with check-ins every two days with text, email, or voice messages.

Plus sign up by February 15 and get up to 3 hours of editing support on your writing or website so it truly shines.40% off for a limited time for 2 big-hearted people with an urge to make a bigger impact!

Contact me now to get the support you need to make massive progress writing and creating for your book or biz in the next five weeks.

40% off for 2 people who sign up by February 7th!

After that the price goes up.

Send me a DM today!