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My most successful business friends are also the weirdest

​The benefits of being strange.

Hey, reader.

For once, I don’t have a whole lot to say

so I’ll let the pictures do the talking. πŸ“



this week’s theme is “weird is good.” πŸ™ƒ


If you haven’t been letting yourself go there, then check out my article, “My most successful business friends are the weirdest.”


Do you let people see how weird you are?

It used to be really hard for me.

But I realized there are benefits to being strange!

My life has totally and radically changed since I embraced sharing my weirdness with the world…

so in sum I’m a big fan.

Also it seems to work for a lot of entrepreneurs.


So check out what I wrote about it:

Since you are my friend you can read my article for free here.​



xo Sofia Wren




πŸ“ Yes the title is a reference to this song by Justin Timberlake. It’s worth watching the music video, it’s cute and will probably make you smile.


πŸ“ Do you want to write more so you can reach more people,

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Or are you stuck in another stage of the process?


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πŸ“ Last week for 47% off

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​Click here for more information 😘