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Making Connections through your Site and Social Media

Thank you so much for the avalanche of support last week from my new video on “One Year after Losing Someone important.”

(If you missed it, you can see or read about it on my blog.)

Since then, it’s been an emotional adjustment to be SEEN in such a vulnerable and honest way–

frankly I get triggered by how successful it has been, given the feedback I have received from ya’ll!

This is new for me and I’m not used to this….but I’m open to getting used to it!

So thank you, I’m smiling about it all today.

Funny how I used to spend 50 hours a week trying to post things online to connect with people. I couldn’t figure out how to communicate online in a way that mattered.

I wanted to share the spirit of who I really am, but also make money so that I could be free to pursue my dreams.

I used to feel pressure to post blogs or posts every single day but then I felt like I reached no one.

It didn’t feel good and I got very tired.

Now it really doesn’t take me as much time as it used to CONNECT with people online

Connection means I can reach people to share important things

AND I’ve formed real-deal authentic friendship level connections. WHAT?! Yeah, like real soul-family type stuff. You might be one of those people Sofia

I’ve saved a lot of time and energy, so I can focus more on:

A. Helping people more deeply as paying clients, and

B. Doing what I want to do, like working on cool projects.

I want to help you CONNECT and stop wasting so much time online.

I went live on this topic:

“Making Connections through your Site and Social Media”

Got a business? A book? Got a message to share?

Spread your positive vibes online and connect with people about what you have to say in a way that makes you feel more connected.

Behind the scenes, I’ve been working with a lot of people on their website, their bio, their sales page, their book, and how they communicate online.

I’ll share what I do with every single one of my clients who want to write for their website or somewhere else online.

It’ll help you write words that feel like you and draw in the right people to connect with you as readers, clients or supporters.

With these tools, I literally don’t even have an official service page up on my website, and I keep getting coaching clients anyway 0.0

I’m so excited to share my philosophy and practices with you because I truly believe we can make the internet a beautiful and magical place with what I teach.

Thanks for being in my community!!

PS. I took the liberty of revamping my bio page this weekend! Feels so good to have it aligned with who I am today.

I’m feeling inspired to teach you how to write words you are proud of and connect with people better through your site or social media. Watch my free talk on the topic above.