Let’s talk JOURNALING.
I know a lot of writers and creators who never do it.
For me it keeps me sane in my business. I can get focused on the wrong things and get really stuck
So I wrote about my goals having already happened.
Shout out to Kate Burkett who taught me her prompts for this.
Lately I aim to do this every day and have mostly done that since November 2020.
It is so cool how my goals have shifted and clarified over the last few months.
In some ways I have been dreaming bigger and in other ways I feel more satisfied with everything just as it is.
The best of both worlds!
I feel like a badass today even as my goals have grown.
That’s because I know in my bones that I am millionaire potential.
I don’t have any qualms about being best seller potential (please that feels in the bag already).
The Blood Witch Series I am working on feels destined to succeed with Rebecca Hamilton behind me.
Also another key thing I do is I write to my book or business whenever I am at a loss for what to do and it calms me down.
It always helps me know what to do next including when to pause.
As someone who gets anxiety, pausing is not a natural pattern!!
I have a history of overwork with under results.
But not these days.
Is journaling something you do? What does it look like for you!
Let me know in the comments
And props if you have support behind you to achieve your dreams!
I walk my talk so I make sure that as a coach, I invest in coaching so I am getting the best information and support myself.
Feel free to comment with the people who inspire you below!