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Layer 7: Your way or not at all

There’s a hard pill to swallow, that no one really wants to believe:

Which is that you are totally UNIQUE.

Which means that no one else has been you before.

Soooooo… what? What does that mean?

It means other people cannot tell you exactly what you need to do.

They can’t tell you what to do if they don’t know you.

And even then they could get it wrong.

Even me.

Unfortunate, I know.

If only life were so easy.

If only there was a magic bullet to magically solve all your problems.

Then we could all be little productivity robots just going through the motions like someone told us to.

Don’t know what to write? Just copy and paste this…

Don’t know what to do in your business? Just do exactly like I do…

Don’t know how to be happier? Try my system, it’s the best.

I’m sorry but other people can only offer you pieces of the puzzle.

It’s the last installment of this lovely series, and I guess the secret is finally out:

I don’t have a “MAP” for you to follow!

Not a rinse-and-repeat system…

I was never trying to show you the entire map of what to do.

I showed you some layers, some of those puzzle pieces, and I do hope that they helped.

BUT since I’ve been at the side of countless entrepreneurs, sensitive peeps, writers and other people I admire,

I have noticed that no two people have been exactly the same.

I attract weirdos.

(I love you, I hope you see this as a term of endearment tee hee )

So you don’t fit in a box! I get it.

As a result, I could give you advice which is the total opposite of what I would tell someone else.

So secretly, what I have really been hoping to do all along in this series,

is maybe not what you might have imagined.

I didn’t aim just to share information and experience and how-tos.

All of that will only get so far if you don’t have the real missing piece.



For instance, I spent tens of thousands of dollars looking for the magic pill and it did not help me have a profitable business.

I spent a chunk of cash on writing coaching at one point and ended the mentorship completely stuck and unable to write for months.

But when I really started to listen to myself I got out of the rut.

I could pick and choose what pieces of learning suited my unique design as a person.

And I rolled it all together and things started to work.

So because bringing myself back to that place of knowing helped me so much, I want to do the same for you.

What I am here to do first and foremost is to help you find the GLUE that puts all the pieces you have learned together.

It doesn’t matter where you got those pieces:

other teachers, books, courses….

You still need the glue to fill in the gaps.

The glue that ties everything together is YOU.

Your genius…

Your knowing…

Your inner mermaid…

The creative power.

That intangible quality that is expressed when you are in touch with something mysterious inside of you.

Once you flip the switch ON to activate this part of you, suddenly things that were difficult become easy.

Suddenly the ideas that were confused become instantly clear.

You become motivated to do things you didn’t feel like doing for years.

This is the kind of shift I see in my clients all the time when we work together, and it is why I love what I do.

Because witnessing other people flip the switch inspires me to flip mine, too!

Flipping that switch is what I call tapping into your inner genius, or your inner mermaid.

The mechanism for flipping the switch is already there.

The wiring is within you and there is nothing wrong with it or you.

But things may work a little differently than you were taught they ‘should’.

The B.S. is keeping you from uncovering a next move.

It’s not all about being told what to do.

Other people can tell you that, all day every day.

Telling people what to do is easy.

But just because everyone else is telling you what to do does not mean it’s going to work for you.

First you need to access a level of energy and a way of thinking to discern what part of what you are hearing is worth your time.

Because from that place of connection and inspiration you make better decisions.

You know what teachings from someone else are not going to fit you.

You’ll recognize when you need to change your mind–when you thought something wasn’t right for you but really you were just being stubborn.

You’ll say yes to things and no to things.

And all of that will be totally perfect for you.

And yes, someone will probably judge your choices, but you will not care as much anymore, or even if you care, you will do what is right for you anyway.

Because when you are tapped into this place you have more certainty.

You know what you have to do.

And that means you make steps with more confidence for more progress in everything you do.

I love this place! And I love being here to witness it and encourage it in others.

This summer I’m looking forward to doing this exact thing.

I’ll be spending time with my mermaids in the LIVE 7 Layer Writing Vision Activation.

Each live session will have exercises to help you tap into your inner mermaid for clarity on your writing.

There will be time for discussion and sharing.

It is a safe space to explore where you are at and what you are thinking about for your writing.

And everything will be recorded in your private vault so you can keep going deeper and deeper.

I’ll be there to answer questions and share the how-to information you may need,

but my biggest priority is to help you clear the B.S. and tap into your inner mermaid so you know the right next steps for you.

How to write things in your way: funny, or serious, or inspiring, or whatever works for you.

Because it is through that connection to yourself and your brilliance that you will get the most benefits and make the most progress in a way that brings you JOY.

It’s the missing piece you may have been missing from other courses or mentors you have had!

Follow the urge and the inspiration.

Unpeel the layers and do the practices to hear your inner mermaid’s voice of genius.

Take the next step on a track that no one else is walking.

And see the writing for your book or business pour out in a more organic way.

We start on June 9th at and we have room for 4 more mermaids!

If you want to spend this summer writing and connecting to your true inner genius so you can make progress on your book or business, then come jump in with us.

I’d love to get you in for the start of the program, so I am adding a new bonus:

A private 1:1 60 Minute Tap into Your Genius call with me!

Worth $222 this is your opportunity to get individual support on your writing, or your business.

Dive deep into how to make the right choice for you and your goals.

Make progress on writing for your book, your sales page, your website, your marketing content and so on!

Sign up by midnight EST on June 8th to get the bonus!

The 7 Layer Writing Vision Activation Live group begins June 9th.

There are 4 spots left!

Check it out

For PEOPLE ON A MISSION who want to write for business, website, copywriting, content, or a book.

  • Know what to write next because you have clear vision and inspiration at every step
  • Make important decisions so you do the right thing for you and your project
  • Share your book or business so the right people get drawn to your work

What’s included?


Tailored to your needs, these hour long sessions dive into your writing vision so you get clear on what to write and share your soul with the people who need to hear it

Includes live exercises + Q&A


Get your questions about tapping into your genius and writing answered with weekly texts and voice note communication with Sofia. Shared in a private group in the free Voxer app for 6 months.


Instant access to the online vault for the ‘Psychic Mermaid Creatrix’ course will help you clear the fog and tap into your inner mermaid, so you can get started finding the next best step for your project right away.

Includes Worksheets & 40+ videos


Instant access to the simple system to organize your ideas, and projects with prompts and training to know what to do next. Everything is customizable! Perfect for people juggling a lot.

Includes Digital Templates + Video Training


60 Minute Tap into Your Genius call with me! Dive deep into how to make the right choice for your book, your sales page, your website, or your marketing content.

If you have been wanting to write for your business or book, this could be perfect for you to make progress in a way that honors your personal priorities.

Start for as little as $111

I support you in reaching the people you are here to serve and however you do it, I hope you have fun!