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Layer 7: This is hard

Writing, posting, sharing, selling is all a form of DARING.

When I started writing I didn’t think about it very much because I was young. I started my first blog 10 or 11, so early I can’t remember.

We all do brave things without thinking when we are young because it is too early to know what there is to fear, but things change with age and experience.

With time I realized I had to stay anonymous, that it was safer to hide my identity.

Only my trusted friends were allowed to read my thoughts and know it came from me.

And even then I learned to filter it. At one point I had a second secret blog to go even deeper into my inner world.

I thought I needed pen names to feel totally honest…

But after 10 years of hiding, I realized there was more to life than being safe.

Being perfect and correct did not satisfy me.

Living in the dark wasn’t enough. I wasn’t expressed. I wasn’t the person I wanted to become, I wasn’t able to connect with people all the way.

Expression mattered more than ‘safety’ because it began to feel like a form of death.

I didn’t want to risk having a life of regret.

I didn’t want to die with words left in me, a book in me, dreams in me.

I wanted to live FULL OUT.

And it wasn’t just about me.

I slowly realized that writing has enormous power to connect people together—

if I allowed myself that chance to truly be seen, my reader would feel validated in a way, too.

I realized that when I aimed to be perfect, I was striving to be something not human.

It’s like wanting to be a machine.

If I want to look perfect to others, I am contributing to a pattern that only enslaves other people in this same impossible expectation.

But when I show my real humanity, I break the chain.

I free someone else.

With time, I let the layers of secrecy go.

I started writing about my twenties and how I found myself through bad dates and bad decisions.

That extremely honest writing adventure became my book Freedom Year.

I needed to write it, I needed to forgive things I had judged, and then I could finally grow into the next level of myself.

When I published my book at 33, I told my friends a bus could hit me and I’d die happy.

I’d done what I was here on this planet to do.

But I wasn’t truly finished.

Because since then my passion has been rekindled for helping other people to go through the same journey that I went through.

To pull you into the journey that I’m on now.


There are always more things to write, new stories to share, new people to connect with, deeper levels of connection to access.

And I’m here for it.

Do you want to do it with me?

To do that, there’s one more layer you have to go through.

You have to let go of needing to be perfect.

Because perfect supposes there is a way to judge perfect.

Perfect supposes that there is judge, an authority, with the power to declare that.

And there is only one way.

But really it is all subjective.

Your perfect and my perfect are different.

Because my perfect is showing up with an open heart and seeing where life takes me.

It’s coming to the page with an intention to help others, and knowing I can help myself at the same time.

It’s baring my soul and admitting my mistakes and human frailties and loving it because I know I am not alone.

It’s taking the steps courageously one by one

and getting the feedback about what resonates

which over and over again continues to validate that I am on the right path.

But confirmation only came after I took a risk and dared to be seen as imperfect.

Now when it comes that confirmation is a bonus, because sharing honestly has become my way of life.

I keep my sparks of passion burning regardless of how it will land with other people,

although I don’t block them out entirely, either.

I feed my flame with faith and courage, and on a certain level I pray and hope other people will like me and what I write.

But even not knowing the answer, there is no mistake that this is what I am supposed to be doing.

I show up imperfectly and I don’t necessarily like the exposure but it is freeing, empowering, and meaningful.

This is what I was born for, what I have created, what I am meant to do.

To show up

To be imperfect

To embrace what humanity truly is

To make a world where we can shine as equals, as imperfect

PERFECTLY the way we are.

Imagine me blowing fairy dust on you.

Now you are it.

It’s your turn.

Do you see the beauty of doing things your way even if it is not ‘perfect’?

More next time for the final installment of the series!

Do you want to write more for your book or business?

We have a group starting on June 9th at and we have room for 4 more mermaids!

If you want to spend this summer writing and connecting to your true inner genius so you can make progress on your book or business, then come jump in with us.

I’d love to get you in for the start of the program, so I am adding a new bonus:

A private 1:1 60 Minute Tap into Your Genius call with me!

Worth $222 this is your opportunity to get individual support on your writing, or your business.

Dive deep into how to make the right choice for you and your goals.

Make progress on writing for your book, your sales page, your website, your marketing content and so on!

Sign up by midnight EST on June 8th to get the bonus!

The 7 Layer Writing Vision Activation Live group is open!!

Check it out

For PEOPLE ON A MISSION who want to write for business, website, copywriting, content, or a book.

  • Know what to write next because you have clear vision and inspiration at every step
  • Make important decisions so you do the right thing for you and your project
  • Share your book or business so the right people get drawn to your work

What’s included?


Tailored to your needs, these hour long sessions dive into your writing vision so you get clear on what to write and share your soul with the people who need to hear it

Includes live exercises + Q&A


Get your questions answered between workshop sessions with free weekly texts and voice note communication with Sofia. Shared in a private group for 6 months.​


Instant access to the online vault for the ‘Psychic Mermaid Creatrix’ course will help you clear the fog and tap into your inner mermaid, so you can get started finding the next best step for your project right away.

Includes Worksheets & 40+ videos


Instant access to the simple system to organize your ideas, and projects with prompts and training to know what to do next. Everything is customizable! Perfect for people juggling a lot.

Includes Digital Templates + Video Training


60 Minute Tap into Your Genius call with me! Dive deep into how to make the right choice for your book, your sales page, your website, or your marketing content. (Must sign up by June 8th midnight EDT)

If you have been wanting to write for your business or book, this could be perfect for you to make progress in a way that honors your personal priorities.

Start for as little as $111

I support you in reaching the people you are here to serve and however you do it, I hope you have fun!

Love & mermaid vibes,